Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BCDataPointA class representing a data point
BCDataSetA class representing a set of data points
BCEfficiencyFitterA class for fitting histograms with functions
BCEngineMCMCAn engine class for Markov Chain Monte Carlo
BCGoFTestThe class for testing model hypotheses
BCGraphFitterA class for fitting graphs with functions
BCH1DA class for handling 1D distributions
BCH2DA class for handling 2D distributions
BCHistogramFitterA class for fitting histograms with functions
BCIntegrateA class for handling numerical operations for models
BCLogA class for managing log messages
BCModelThe base class for all user-defined models
BCModelManagerA class representing a set of BCModels
BCModelOutputA class for creating an (ROOT) output file
BCParameterA class representing a parameter of a model

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