BCModel Class Reference

The base class for all user-defined models. More...

#include <BCModel.h>

Inherits BCIntegrate.

Inherited by BCEfficiencyFitter, BCGoFTest, BCGraphFitter, BCHistogramFitter, and BCRooInterface.

Collaboration diagram for BCModel:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Member functions (miscellaneous methods)

int AddParameter (BCParameter *parameter)
int AddParameter (const char *name, double lowerlimit, double upperlimit)
double APrioriProbability (std::vector< double > parameters)
BCH1DCalculatePValue (std::vector< double > par, bool flag_histogram=false)
int CheckParameters (std::vector< double > parameters)
double ConditionalProbabilityEntry (BCDataPoint *datapoint, std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual void CorrelateDataPointValues (std::vector< double > &x)
double Eval (std::vector< double > parameters)
double EvalSampling (std::vector< double > parameters)
void FindMode (std::vector< double > start=std::vector< double >(0))
void FindModeMinuit (std::vector< double > start=std::vector< double >(0), int printlevel=1)
void FixDataAxis (unsigned int index, bool fixed)
double GetChi2NDoF ()
BCH2DGetMarginalized (const char *name1, const char *name2)
BCH2DGetMarginalized (BCParameter *parameter1, BCParameter *parameter2)
BCH1DGetMarginalized (const char *name)
BCH1DGetMarginalized (BCParameter *parameter)
double GetPValue ()
double GetPvalueFromChi2 (std::vector< double > par, int sigma_index)
double GetPvalueFromChi2NDoF (std::vector< double > par, int sigma_index)
double GetPValueNDoF ()
double HessianMatrixElement (BCParameter *parameter1, BCParameter *parameter2, std::vector< double > point)
double Likelihood (std::vector< double > parameter)
virtual double LogAPrioriProbability (std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual double LogConditionalProbabilityEntry (BCDataPoint *datapoint, std::vector< double > parameters)
double LogEval (std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual double LogLikelihood (std::vector< double > parameter)
double LogProbability (std::vector< double > parameter)
double LogProbabilityNN (std::vector< double > parameter)
int MarginalizeAll ()
double Normalize ()
int PrintAllMarginalized (const char *file, unsigned int hdiv=1, unsigned int ndiv=1)
int PrintAllMarginalized1D (const char *filebase)
int PrintAllMarginalized2D (const char *filebase)
void PrintHessianMatrix (std::vector< double > parameters)
void PrintResults (const char *file)
void PrintShortFitSummary (int chi2flag=0)
void PrintSummary ()
double Probability (std::vector< double > parameter)
double ProbabilityNN (std::vector< double > parameter)
int ReadErrorBandFromFile (const char *file)
int ReadMarginalizedFromFile (const char *file)
int ReadMode (const char *file)
virtual double SamplingFunction (std::vector< double > parameters)
void SetGoFNChains (int n)
void SetGoFNIterationsMax (int n)
void SetGoFNIterationsRun (int n)
void WriteMode (const char *file)
Constructors and destructors

 BCModel (const char *name)
 BCModel ()
virtual ~BCModel ()
Member functions (get)

double GetBestFitParameter (unsigned int index)
double GetBestFitParameterError (unsigned int index)
std::vector< double > GetBestFitParameterErrors ()
double GetBestFitParameterMarginalized (unsigned int index)
std::vector< double > GetBestFitParameters ()
std::vector< double > GetBestFitParametersMarginalized ()
BCDataPointGetDataPoint (unsigned int index)
BCDataPointGetDataPointLowerBoundaries ()
double GetDataPointLowerBoundary (unsigned int index)
BCDataPointGetDataPointUpperBoundaries ()
double GetDataPointUpperBoundary (unsigned int index)
BCDataSetGetDataSet ()
std::vector< double > GetErrorBand (double level)
TGraph * GetErrorBandGraph (double level1, double level2)
TH2D * GetErrorBandXY ()
TH2D * GetErrorBandXY_yellow (double level=.68, int nsmooth=0)
TGraph * GetFitFunctionGraph (std::vector< double > parameters, double xmin, double xmax, int n=1000)
TGraph * GetFitFunctionGraph ()
TGraph * GetFitFunctionGraph (std::vector< double > parameters)
bool GetFixedDataAxis (unsigned int index)
bool GetFlagBoundaries ()
int GetIndex ()
double GetModelAPosterioriProbability ()
double GetModelAPrioriProbability ()
std::string GetName ()
int GetNDataPoints ()
unsigned int GetNDataPointsMaximum ()
unsigned int GetNDataPointsMinimum ()
double GetNormalization ()
unsigned int GetNParameters ()
BCParameterGetParameter (const char *name)
BCParameterGetParameter (int index)
BCParameterSetGetParameterSet ()
Member functions (set)

void SetDataBoundaries (unsigned int index, double lowerboundary, double upperboundary, bool fixed=false)
void SetDataSet (BCDataSet *dataset)
void SetErrorBandContinuous (bool flag)
void SetIndex (int index)
void SetModelAPosterioriProbability (double probability)
void SetModelAPrioriProbability (double probability)
void SetName (const char *name)
void SetNbins (const char *parname, int nbins)
void SetNDataPointsMaximum (unsigned int maximum)
void SetNDataPointsMinimum (unsigned int minimum)
void SetNormalization (double norm)
void SetParameterSet (BCParameterSet *parset)
void SetSingleDataPoint (BCDataSet *dataset, unsigned int index)
void SetSingleDataPoint (BCDataPoint *datapoint)

Protected Attributes

double fChi2NDoF
int fGoFNChains
int fGoFNIterationsMax
int fGoFNIterationsRun
int fIndex
bool flag_ConditionalProbabilityEntry
double fModelAPosteriori
double fModelAPriori
std::string fName
unsigned int fNDataPointsMaximum
unsigned int fNDataPointsMinimum
double fPValue
double fPValueNDoF

Private Member Functions

int CompareStrings (const char *string1, const char *string2)
BCDataPointVectorToDataPoint (std::vector< double > data)

Private Attributes

double fNormalization

Detailed Description

The base class for all user-defined models.

Daniel Kollar
Kevin Kröninger
08.2008 This class represents a model. It contains a container of parameters, their prior distributions and the conditional probabilities given those parameters. The methods which implement the prior and conditional probabilities have to be overloaded by the user in the user defined model class which will inherit from this class.

Definition at line 50 of file BCModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BCModel::BCModel (  ) 

The default constructor.

Definition at line 63 of file BCModel.cxx.

00063                  : BCIntegrate()
00064 {
00065    fNormalization = -1.0;
00066    fDataSet = 0;
00067    fParameterSet = new BCParameterSet();
00069    fIndex = -1;
00070    fPValue = -1;
00071    fPValueNDoF = -1;
00072    fChi2NDoF   = -1;
00074    fName = "model";
00075    fDataPointUpperBoundaries = 0;
00076    fDataPointLowerBoundaries = 0;
00078    flag_ConditionalProbabilityEntry = true;
00080    fGoFNChains = 5;
00081    fGoFNIterationsMax = 100000;
00082    fGoFNIterationsRun = 2000;
00083 }

BCModel::BCModel ( const char *  name  ) 

A constructor.

name The name of the model

Definition at line 37 of file BCModel.cxx.

00037                                   : BCIntegrate()
00038 {
00039    fNormalization = -1.0;
00040    fDataSet = 0;
00041    fParameterSet = new BCParameterSet;
00043    fIndex = -1;
00044    fPValue = -1;
00045    fPValueNDoF = -1;
00046    fChi2NDoF   = -1;
00048    fName = (char *) name;
00049    flag_ConditionalProbabilityEntry = true;
00051    fDataPointUpperBoundaries = 0;
00052    fDataPointLowerBoundaries = 0;
00054    fErrorBandXY = 0;
00056    fGoFNChains = 5;
00057    fGoFNIterationsMax = 100000;
00058    fGoFNIterationsRun = 2000;
00059 }

BCModel::~BCModel (  )  [virtual]

The default destructor.

Definition at line 87 of file BCModel.cxx.

00088 {
00089    delete fParameterSet;
00091    if (fDataPointLowerBoundaries)
00092       delete fDataPointLowerBoundaries;
00094    if (fDataPointUpperBoundaries)
00095       delete fDataPointUpperBoundaries;
00096 }

Member Function Documentation

int BCModel::AddParameter ( BCParameter parameter  ) 

Adds a parameter to the model.

parameter A model parameter
See also:
AddParameter(const char * name, double lowerlimit, double upperlimit);

Definition at line 439 of file BCModel.cxx.

00440 {
00441    // check if parameter set exists
00442    if (!fParameterSet)
00443    {
00444       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::AddParameter : Parameter set does not exist");
00446    }
00448    // check if parameter with same name exists
00449    int flag_exists = 0;
00450    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this -> GetNParameters(); i++)
00451       if (this -> CompareStrings(parameter -> GetName().data(), this -> GetParameter(i) -> GetName().data()) == 0)
00452          flag_exists = -1;
00454    if (flag_exists < 0)
00455    {
00456       BCLog::OutError(
00457             Form("BCModel::AddParameter : Parameter with name %s exists already. ", parameter -> GetName().data()));
00459    }
00461    // define index of new parameter
00462    unsigned int index = fParameterSet -> size();
00463    parameter -> SetIndex(index);
00465    // add parameter to parameter container
00466    fParameterSet -> push_back(parameter);
00468    // add parameters to integation methods
00469    this -> SetParameters(fParameterSet);
00471    return 0;
00472 }

int BCModel::AddParameter ( const char *  name,
double  lowerlimit,
double  upperlimit 

Adds a parameter to the parameter set

name The name of the parameter
lowerlimit The lower limit of the parameter values
upperlimit The upper limit of the parameter values
See also:
AddParameter(BCParameter* parameter);

Definition at line 425 of file BCModel.cxx.

00426 {
00427    // create new parameter
00428    BCParameter * parameter = new BCParameter(name, lowerlimit, upperlimit);
00430    int flag_ok = this -> AddParameter(parameter);
00431    if (flag_ok)
00432       delete parameter;
00434    return flag_ok;
00435 }

double BCModel::APrioriProbability ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [inline]

Returns the prior probability.

parameters A set of parameter values
The prior probability p(parameters)
See also:
GetPrior(std::vector <double> parameters)

Definition at line 335 of file BCModel.h.

00336          { return exp( this->LogAPrioriProbability(parameters) ); };

BCH1D * BCModel::CalculatePValue ( std::vector< double >  par,
bool  flag_histogram = false 

Definition at line 1258 of file BCModel.cxx.

01259 {
01260    BCH1D * hist = 0;
01262    // print log
01263    BCLog::OutSummary("Do goodness-of-fit-test");
01265    // create model test
01266    BCGoFTest * goftest = new BCGoFTest("modeltest");
01268    // set this model as the model to be tested
01269    goftest -> SetTestModel(this);
01271    // set the point in parameter space which is tested an initialize
01272    // the model testing
01273    if (!goftest -> SetTestPoint(par))
01274       return 0;
01276    // disable the creation of histograms to save _a lot_ of memory
01277    // (histograms are not needed for p-value calculation)
01278    goftest->MCMCSetFlagFillHistograms(false);
01280    // set parameters of the MCMC for the GoFTest
01281    goftest -> MCMCSetNChains(fGoFNChains);
01282    goftest -> MCMCSetNIterationsMax(fGoFNIterationsMax);
01283    goftest -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(fGoFNIterationsRun);
01285    // get p-value
01286    fPValue = goftest -> GetCalculatedPValue(flag_histogram);
01288    // get histogram
01289    if (flag_histogram)
01290    {
01291       hist = new BCH1D();
01292       hist -> SetHistogram(goftest -> GetHistogramLogProb());
01293    }
01295    // delete model test
01296    delete goftest;
01298    // return histogram
01299    return hist;
01300 }

int BCModel::CheckParameters ( std::vector< double >  parameters  ) 

Checks if a set of parameters values is within the given range.

parameters A set of parameter values
Error code (0: OK, -1 length of parameters not correct, -2 values not within range)

Definition at line 568 of file BCModel.cxx.

00569 {
00570    // check if vectors are of equal size
00571    if (!parameters.size() == fParameterSet -> size())
00574    // check if parameters are within limits
00575    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fParameterSet -> size(); i++)
00576    {
00577       BCParameter * modelparameter = fParameterSet -> at(i);
00579       if (modelparameter -> GetLowerLimit() > parameters.at(i) ||
00580             modelparameter -> GetUpperLimit() < parameters.at(i))
00581       {
00582          BCLog::OutError(
00583                 Form("BCModel::CheckParameters : Parameter %s not within limits.", fParameterSet -> at(i) -> GetName().data()));
00585       }
00586    }
00588    return 0;
00589 }

int BCModel::CompareStrings ( const char *  string1,
const char *  string2 
) [private]

Compares to strings

Definition at line 1719 of file BCModel.cxx.

01720 {
01721    int flag_same = 0;
01723    if (strlen(string1) != strlen(string2))
01724       return -1;
01726    for (int i = 0; i < int(strlen(string1)); i++)
01727       if (string1[i] != string2[i])
01728          flag_same = -1;
01730    return flag_same;
01731 }

double BCModel::ConditionalProbabilityEntry ( BCDataPoint datapoint,
std::vector< double >  parameters 
) [inline]

Returns a conditional probability. Method needs to be overloaded by the user.

datapoint A data point
parameters A set of parameter values
The conditional probability p(datapoint|parameters)
See also:
GetConditionalEntry(BCDataPoint* datapoint, std::vector <double> parameters)

Definition at line 395 of file BCModel.h.

00396          { return exp( this->LogConditionalProbabilityEntry(datapoint, parameters) ); };

void BCModel::CorrelateDataPointValues ( std::vector< double > &  x  )  [virtual]

Constrains a data point

x A vector of double

Definition at line 1304 of file BCModel.cxx.

01305 {
01306    // ...
01307 }

double BCModel::Eval ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [inline, virtual]

Overloaded function to evaluate integral.

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 417 of file BCModel.h.

00418          { return exp( this->LogEval(parameters) ); };

double BCModel::EvalSampling ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

Overloaded function to evaluate integral.

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 527 of file BCModel.cxx.

00528 {
00529    return this -> SamplingFunction(parameters);
00530 }

void BCModel::FindMode ( std::vector< double >  start = std::vector<double>(0)  ) 

Do the mode finding using a method set via SetOptimizationMethod. Default is Minuit. The mode can be extracted using the GetBestFitParameters() method.

A starting point for the mode finding can be specified for Minuit. If not specified, Minuit default will be used (center of the parameter space).

If running mode finding after the MCMC it is a good idea to specify the mode obtained from MCMC as a starting point for the Minuit minimization. MCMC will find the location of the global mode and Minuit will converge to the mode precisely. The commands are:

			model -> MarginalizeAll();
			model -> FindMode( model -> GetBestFitParameters() );

startinf point of Minuit minimization

Definition at line 593 of file BCModel.cxx.

00594 {
00595 // this implementation is CLEARLY not good we have to work on this.
00597    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("Model \'%s\': Finding mode", this -> GetName().data()));
00599    // synchronize parameters in BCIntegrate
00600    this -> SetParameters(fParameterSet);
00602    switch(this -> GetOptimizationMethod())
00603    {
00604       case BCIntegrate::kOptSA:
00605          this -> FindModeSA(start);
00606          return;
00608       case BCIntegrate::kOptMinuit:
00609          {
00610             int printlevel = -1; 
00611             if (BCLog::GetLogLevelScreen() <= BCLog::detail) 
00612                printlevel = 0; 
00613             if (BCLog::GetLogLevelScreen() <= BCLog::debug)
00614                printlevel = 1; 
00615             this -> BCIntegrate::FindModeMinuit(start, printlevel);
00616             return;
00617          }
00619       case BCIntegrate::kOptMetropolis:
00620          this -> MarginalizeAll();
00621          return;
00622       }
00624    BCLog::OutError(
00625       Form("BCModel::FindMode : Invalid mode finding method: %d",
00626          this->GetOptimizationMethod()));
00628    return;
00629 }

void BCModel::FindModeMinuit ( std::vector< double >  start = std::vector<double>(0),
int  printlevel = 1 
) [virtual]

Does the mode finding using Minuit. If starting point is not specified, finding will start from the center of the parameter space.

start point in parameter space from which the mode finding is started.
printlevel The print level.

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 633 of file BCModel.cxx.

00634 {
00635    // synchronize parameters in BCIntegrate
00636    this -> SetParameters(fParameterSet);
00638    this -> BCIntegrate::FindModeMinuit(start,printlevel);
00639 }

void BCModel::FixDataAxis ( unsigned int  index,
bool  fixed 

Definition at line 1358 of file BCModel.cxx.

01359 {
01360    // check if index is within range
01361    if (index < 0 || index > fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues())
01362    {
01363       BCLog::OutWarning("BCModel::FixDataAxis. Index out of range.");
01364       return;
01365    }
01367    if (fDataFixedValues.size() == 0)
01368       fDataFixedValues.assign(fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues(), false);
01370    fDataFixedValues[index] = fixed;
01371 }

double BCModel::GetBestFitParameter ( unsigned int  index  )  [inline]

Returns the value of a particular parameter (defined by index) at the global mode of the posterior pdf.

index The index of the parameter.
The best fit parameter.

Definition at line 177 of file BCModel.h.

00178          { return fBestFitParameters[index]; };

double BCModel::GetBestFitParameterError ( unsigned int  index  )  [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file BCModel.h.

00181       { return fBestFitParameterErrors[index]; }; 

std::vector<double> BCModel::GetBestFitParameterErrors (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 190 of file BCModel.h.

00191          { return fBestFitParameterErrors; }; 

double BCModel::GetBestFitParameterMarginalized ( unsigned int  index  )  [inline]

Returns the value of a particular parameter (defined by index) at the modes of the marginalized posterior pdfs.

index The index of the parameter.
The best fit parameter

Definition at line 198 of file BCModel.h.

00199          { return fBestFitParametersMarginalized[index]; };

std::vector<double> BCModel::GetBestFitParameters (  )  [inline]

Returns the set of values of the parameters at the global mode of the posterior pdf.

The best fit parameters

Definition at line 187 of file BCModel.h.

00188          { return fBestFitParameters; };

std::vector<double> BCModel::GetBestFitParametersMarginalized (  )  [inline]

Returns the set of values of the parameters at the modes of the marginalized posterior pdfs.

The best fit parameters.

Definition at line 205 of file BCModel.h.

00206          { return fBestFitParametersMarginalized; };

double BCModel::GetChi2NDoF (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 539 of file BCModel.h.

00540          { return fChi2NDoF; };

BCDataPoint * BCModel::GetDataPoint ( unsigned int  index  ) 
index The index of the data point.
The data point in the current data set at index

Definition at line 116 of file BCModel.cxx.

00117 {
00118    if (fDataSet)
00119       return fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(index);
00121    BCLog::OutWarning("BCModel::GetDataPoint. No data set defined.");
00122    return 0;
00123 }

BCDataPoint* BCModel::GetDataPointLowerBoundaries (  )  [inline]
The lower boundaries of possible data values.

Definition at line 108 of file BCModel.h.

00109          { return fDataPointLowerBoundaries; };

double BCModel::GetDataPointLowerBoundary ( unsigned int  index  )  [inline]
index The index of the variable.
The lower boundary of possible data values for a particular variable.

Definition at line 119 of file BCModel.h.

00120          { return fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> GetValue(index); };

BCDataPoint* BCModel::GetDataPointUpperBoundaries (  )  [inline]
The upper boundaries of possible data values.

Definition at line 113 of file BCModel.h.

00114          { return fDataPointUpperBoundaries; };

double BCModel::GetDataPointUpperBoundary ( unsigned int  index  )  [inline]
index The index of the variable.
The upper boundary of possible data values for a particular variable.

Definition at line 125 of file BCModel.h.

00126          { return fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> GetValue(index); };

BCDataSet* BCModel::GetDataSet (  )  [inline]
The data set.

Definition at line 103 of file BCModel.h.

00104          { return fDataSet; };

std::vector< double > BCModel::GetErrorBand ( double  level  ) 

Returns a vector of y-values at a certain probability level.

level The level of probability
The vector of y-values

Definition at line 183 of file BCModel.cxx.

00184 {
00185    std::vector <double> errorband;
00187    if (!fErrorBandXY)
00188       return errorband;
00190    int nx = fErrorBandXY -> GetNbinsX();
00191    errorband.assign(nx, 0.0);
00193    // loop over x and y bins
00194    for (int ix = 1; ix <= nx; ix++)
00195    {
00196       TH1D * temphist = fErrorBandXY -> ProjectionY("temphist", ix, ix);
00198       int nprobSum = 1;
00199       double q[1];
00200       double probSum[1];
00201       probSum[0] = level;
00203       temphist -> GetQuantiles(nprobSum, q, probSum);
00205       errorband[ix-1] = q[0];
00206    }
00208    return errorband;
00209 }

TGraph * BCModel::GetErrorBandGraph ( double  level1,
double  level2 

Definition at line 213 of file BCModel.cxx.

00214 {
00215    if (!fErrorBandXY)
00216       return 0;
00218    // define new graph
00219    int nx = fErrorBandXY -> GetNbinsX();
00221    TGraph * graph = new TGraph(2 * nx);
00222    graph -> SetFillStyle(1001);
00223    graph -> SetFillColor(kYellow);
00225    // get error bands
00226    std::vector <double> ymin = this -> GetErrorBand(level1);
00227    std::vector <double> ymax = this -> GetErrorBand(level2);
00229    for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
00230    {
00231       graph -> SetPoint(i,      fErrorBandXY -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(i + 1), ymin.at(i));
00232       graph -> SetPoint(nx + i, fErrorBandXY -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(nx - i), ymax.at(nx - i - 1));
00233    }
00235    return graph;
00236 }

TH2D* BCModel::GetErrorBandXY (  )  [inline]
The 2-d histogram of the error band.

Definition at line 210 of file BCModel.h.

00211          { return fErrorBandXY; };

TH2D * BCModel::GetErrorBandXY_yellow ( double  level = .68,
int  nsmooth = 0 

Definition at line 240 of file BCModel.cxx.

00241 {
00242    if (!fErrorBandXY)
00243       return 0;
00245    int nx = fErrorBandXY -> GetNbinsX();
00246    int ny = fErrorBandXY -> GetNbinsY();
00248    // copy existing histogram
00249    TH2D * hist_tempxy = (TH2D*) fErrorBandXY -> Clone(TString::Format("%s_sub_%f.2",fErrorBandXY->GetName(),level));
00250    hist_tempxy -> Reset();
00251    hist_tempxy -> SetFillColor(kYellow);
00253    // loop over x bins
00254    for (int ix = 1; ix < nx; ix++)
00255    {
00256       BCH1D * hist_temp = new BCH1D();
00258       TH1D * hproj = fErrorBandXY -> ProjectionY("temphist", ix, ix);
00259       if(nsmooth>0)
00260          hproj->Smooth(nsmooth);
00262       hist_temp -> SetHistogram(hproj);
00264       TH1D * hist_temp_yellow = hist_temp -> GetSmallestIntervalHistogram(level);
00266       for (int iy = 1; iy <= ny; ++iy)
00267          hist_tempxy -> SetBinContent(ix, iy, hist_temp_yellow -> GetBinContent(iy));
00269       delete hist_temp_yellow;
00270       delete hist_temp;
00271    }
00273    return hist_tempxy;
00274 }

TGraph * BCModel::GetFitFunctionGraph ( std::vector< double >  parameters,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
int  n = 1000 

Definition at line 305 of file BCModel.cxx.

00306 {
00307    // define new graph
00308    TGraph * graph = new TGraph(n+1);
00310    double dx = (xmax-xmin)/(double)n;
00312    // loop over x values
00313    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
00314    {
00315       double x = (double)i*dx+xmin;
00316       std::vector <double> xvec;
00317       xvec.push_back(x);
00318       double y = this -> FitFunction(xvec, parameters);
00320       xvec.clear();
00322       graph -> SetPoint(i, x, y);
00323    }
00325    return graph;
00326 }

TGraph* BCModel::GetFitFunctionGraph (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 225 of file BCModel.h.

00226          { return this -> GetFitFunctionGraph(this -> GetBestFitParameters()); };

TGraph * BCModel::GetFitFunctionGraph ( std::vector< double >  parameters  ) 

Definition at line 278 of file BCModel.cxx.

00279 {
00280    if (!fErrorBandXY)
00281       return 0;
00283    // define new graph
00284    int nx = fErrorBandXY -> GetNbinsX();
00285    TGraph * graph = new TGraph(nx);
00287    // loop over x values
00288    for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
00289    {
00290       double x = fErrorBandXY -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(i + 1);
00292       std::vector <double> xvec;
00293       xvec.push_back(x);
00294       double y = this -> FitFunction(xvec, parameters);
00295       xvec.clear();
00297       graph -> SetPoint(i, x, y);
00298    }
00300    return graph;
00301 }

bool BCModel::GetFixedDataAxis ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 1375 of file BCModel.cxx.

01376 {
01377    // check if index is within range
01378    if (index < 0 || index > fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues())
01379    {
01380       BCLog::OutWarning("BCModel::GetFixedDataAxis. Index out of range.");
01381       return false;
01382    }
01384    return fDataFixedValues.at(index);
01385 }

bool BCModel::GetFlagBoundaries (  ) 

Definition at line 330 of file BCModel.cxx.

00331 {
00332    if (!fDataPointLowerBoundaries)
00333       return false;
00335    if (!fDataPointUpperBoundaries)
00336       return false;
00338    if (fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> GetNValues() != fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues())
00339       return false;
00341    if (fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> GetNValues() != fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues())
00342       return false;
00344    return true;
00345 }

int BCModel::GetIndex (  )  [inline]
The index of the model.

Definition at line 83 of file BCModel.h.

00084          { return fIndex; };

BCH2D* BCModel::GetMarginalized ( const char *  name1,
const char *  name2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 506 of file BCModel.h.

00507          { return this -> GetMarginalized(this -> GetParameter(name1), this -> GetParameter(name2)); };

BCH2D * BCModel::GetMarginalized ( BCParameter parameter1,
BCParameter parameter2 

If MarginalizeAll method was used, the individual marginalized distributions with respect to otwo parameters can be retrieved using this method.

parameter1 First parameter
parameter2 Second parameter
2D marginalized probability

Definition at line 1164 of file BCModel.cxx.

01165 {
01166    int index1 = par1->GetIndex();
01167    int index2 = par2->GetIndex();
01169    if (fMCMCFlagsFillHistograms[index1]==false || fMCMCFlagsFillHistograms[index2]==false )
01170    {
01171       BCLog::OutError(Form("BCModel::GetMarginalized : Distribuion for '%s' and/or '%s' not filled.",
01172             par1->GetName().data(),par2->GetName().data()));
01173       return 0;
01174    }
01176    if (index1 == index2)
01177    {
01178       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::GetMarginalized : Provided parameters are identical. Distribution not available.");
01179       return 0;
01180    }
01182    BCParameter * npar1 = par1;
01183    BCParameter * npar2 = par2;
01185    if (index1>index2)
01186    {
01187       npar1 = par2;
01188       npar2 = par1;
01190       int itmp = index1;
01191       index1 = index2;
01192       index2 = itmp;
01193    }
01195    // get histogram
01196    TH2D * hist = this -> MCMCGetH2Marginalized(index1, index2);
01198    if(hist==0)
01199       return 0;
01201    BCH2D * hprob = new BCH2D();
01203    // set axis labels
01204    hist->SetName(Form("hist_%s_%s_%s", GetName().data(), npar1->GetName().data(), npar2->GetName().data()));
01205    hist->SetXTitle(Form("%s", npar1->GetName().data()));
01206    hist->SetYTitle(Form("%s", npar2->GetName().data()));
01207    hist->SetStats(kFALSE);
01209    double gmode[] = { fBestFitParameters.at(index1), fBestFitParameters.at(index2) };
01210    hprob->SetGlobalMode(gmode);
01212    // set histogram
01213    hprob->SetHistogram(hist);
01215    return hprob;
01216 }

BCH1D* BCModel::GetMarginalized ( const char *  name  )  [inline]

Definition at line 495 of file BCModel.h.

00496          { return this -> GetMarginalized(this -> GetParameter(name)); };

BCH1D * BCModel::GetMarginalized ( BCParameter parameter  ) 

If MarginalizeAll method was used, the individual marginalized distributions with respect to one parameter can be retrieved using this method.

parameter Model parameter
1D marginalized probability

Definition at line 766 of file BCModel.cxx.

00767 {
00768    if (!parameter)
00769    {
00770       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::GetMarginalized : Parameter does not exist.");
00771       return 0;
00772    }
00774    int index = parameter -> GetIndex();
00775    if (fMCMCFlagsFillHistograms[index] == false)
00776    {
00777       BCLog::OutError(Form("BCModel::GetMarginalized : Distribuion for '%s' not filled.",parameter->GetName().data()));
00778       return 0;
00779    }
00781    // get histogram
00782    TH1D * hist = this -> MCMCGetH1Marginalized(index);
00783    if(!hist)
00784       return 0;
00786    // set axis labels
00787    hist->SetName(Form("hist_%s_%s", GetName().data(), parameter->GetName().data()));
00788    hist->SetXTitle(parameter->GetName().data());
00789    hist->SetYTitle(Form("p(%s|data)", parameter->GetName().data()));
00790    hist->SetStats(kFALSE);
00792    // set histogram
00793    BCH1D * hprob = new BCH1D();
00794    hprob->SetHistogram(hist);
00796    // set best fit parameter
00797    double bestfit = hprob->GetMode();
00799    if (fBestFitParametersMarginalized.size() == 0)
00800       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNParameters(); i++)
00801          fBestFitParametersMarginalized.push_back(0.);
00803    fBestFitParametersMarginalized[index] = bestfit;
00805    hprob->SetGlobalMode(fBestFitParameters.at(index));
00807    return hprob;
00808 }

double BCModel::GetModelAPosterioriProbability (  )  [inline]
The a posteriori probability.

Definition at line 93 of file BCModel.h.

00094          { return fModelAPosteriori; };

double BCModel::GetModelAPrioriProbability (  )  [inline]
The a priori probability.

Definition at line 88 of file BCModel.h.

00089          { return fModelAPriori; };

std::string BCModel::GetName (  )  [inline]
The name of the model.

Definition at line 78 of file BCModel.h.

00079          { return fName; };

int BCModel::GetNDataPoints (  ) 
The number of data points in the current data set.

Definition at line 100 of file BCModel.cxx.

00101 {
00102    int npoints = 0;
00103    if (fDataSet)
00104       npoints = fDataSet -> GetNDataPoints();
00105    else
00106    {
00107       BCLog::OutWarning("BCModel::GetNDataPoints() : No data set defined.");
00108       return ERROR_NOEVENTS;
00109    }
00111    return npoints;
00112 }

unsigned int BCModel::GetNDataPointsMaximum (  )  [inline]
The maximum number of data points.

Definition at line 149 of file BCModel.h.

00150          { return fNDataPointsMaximum; };

unsigned int BCModel::GetNDataPointsMinimum (  )  [inline]
The minimum number of data points.

Definition at line 144 of file BCModel.h.

00145          { return fNDataPointsMinimum; };

double BCModel::GetNormalization (  )  [inline]
The normalization factor of the probability

Definition at line 98 of file BCModel.h.

00099          { return fNormalization; };

unsigned int BCModel::GetNParameters (  )  [inline]
The number of parameters of the model.

Definition at line 154 of file BCModel.h.

00155          { return fParameterSet ? fParameterSet -> size() : 0; };

BCParameter * BCModel::GetParameter ( const char *  name  ) 
name The name of the parameter in the parameter set.
The parameter.

Definition at line 144 of file BCModel.cxx.

00145 {
00146    if (!fParameterSet)
00147       return 0;
00149    int index = -1;
00150    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->GetNParameters(); i++)
00151       if (name == this -> GetParameter(i) -> GetName())
00152          index = i;
00154    if (index<0)
00155    {
00156       BCLog::OutWarning(Form(
00157                                         "BCModel::GetParameter : Model %s has no parameter named '%s'",
00158                                         (this -> GetName()).data(), name
00159                                         )
00160                                  );
00161       return 0;
00162    }
00164    return this->GetParameter(index);
00165 }

BCParameter * BCModel::GetParameter ( int  index  ) 
index The index of the parameter in the parameter set.
The parameter.

Definition at line 127 of file BCModel.cxx.

00128 {
00129    if (!fParameterSet)
00130       return 0;
00132    if (index < 0 || index >= (int)this -> GetNParameters())
00133    {
00134       BCLog::OutWarning(
00135             Form("BCModel::GetParameter. Parameter index %d not within range.", index));
00136       return 0;
00137    }
00139    return fParameterSet -> at(index);
00140 }

BCParameterSet* BCModel::GetParameterSet (  )  [inline]
parameter set

Definition at line 169 of file BCModel.h.

00170          { return fParameterSet; };

double BCModel::GetPValue (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 533 of file BCModel.h.

00534          { return fPValue; };

double BCModel::GetPvalueFromChi2 ( std::vector< double >  par,
int  sigma_index 

Calculate p-value from Chi2 distribution for Gaussian problems

par Parameter set for the calculation of the likelihood
sigma_index Index of the sigma/uncertainty for the data points (for data in format "x y erry" the index would be 2)

Definition at line 1220 of file BCModel.cxx.

01221 {
01222    double ll = this -> LogLikelihood(par);
01223    int n = this -> GetNDataPoints();
01225    double sum_sigma=0;
01226    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
01227       sum_sigma += log(this -> GetDataPoint(i) -> GetValue(sigma_index));
01229    double chi2 = -2.*(ll + (double)n/2. * log(2.*M_PI) + sum_sigma);
01231    fPValue = TMath::Prob(chi2,n);
01233    return fPValue;
01234 }

double BCModel::GetPvalueFromChi2NDoF ( std::vector< double >  par,
int  sigma_index 

Definition at line 1238 of file BCModel.cxx.

01239 {
01240    double ll = this -> LogLikelihood(par);
01241    int n = this -> GetNDataPoints();
01242    int npar = this -> GetNParameters();
01244    double sum_sigma=0;
01245    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
01246       sum_sigma += log(this -> GetDataPoint(i) -> GetValue(sigma_index));
01248    double chi2 = -2.*(ll + (double)n/2. * log(2.*M_PI) + sum_sigma);
01250    fChi2NDoF = chi2/double(n-npar);
01251    fPValueNDoF = TMath::Prob(chi2,n-npar);
01253    return fPValueNDoF;
01254 }

double BCModel::GetPValueNDoF (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 536 of file BCModel.h.

00537          { return fPValueNDoF; };

double BCModel::HessianMatrixElement ( BCParameter parameter1,
BCParameter parameter2,
std::vector< double >  point 

Calculates the matrix element of the Hessian matrix

parameter1 The parameter for the first derivative
parameter2 The parameter for the first derivative
The matrix element of the Hessian matrix

Definition at line 1311 of file BCModel.cxx.

01312 {
01313    // check number of entries in vector
01314    if (point.size() != this -> GetNParameters())
01315    {
01316       BCLog::OutWarning("BCModel::HessianMatrixElement. Invalid number of entries in the vector.");
01317       return -1;
01318    }
01320    // define steps
01321    double nsteps = 1e5;
01322    double dx1 = par1 -> GetRangeWidth() / nsteps;
01323    double dx2 = par2 -> GetRangeWidth() / nsteps;
01325    // define points at which to evaluate
01326    std::vector<double> xpp = point;
01327    std::vector<double> xpm = point;
01328    std::vector<double> xmp = point;
01329    std::vector<double> xmm = point;
01331    int idx1 = par1 -> GetIndex();
01332    int idx2 = par2 -> GetIndex();
01334    xpp[idx1] += dx1;
01335    xpp[idx2] += dx2;
01337    xpm[idx1] += dx1;
01338    xpm[idx2] -= dx2;
01340    xmp[idx1] -= dx1;
01341    xmp[idx2] += dx2;
01343    xmm[idx1] -= dx1;
01344    xmm[idx2] -= dx2;
01346    // calculate probability at these points
01347    double ppp = this -> Likelihood(xpp);
01348    double ppm = this -> Likelihood(xpm);
01349    double pmp = this -> Likelihood(xmp);
01350    double pmm = this -> Likelihood(xmm);
01352    // return derivative
01353    return (ppp + pmm - ppm - pmp) / (4. * dx1 * dx2);
01354 }

double BCModel::Likelihood ( std::vector< double >  parameter  )  [inline]

Returns the likelihood

parameters A set of parameter values
The likelihood

Definition at line 351 of file BCModel.h.

00352          { return exp( this->LogLikelihood(parameter) ); };

virtual double BCModel::LogAPrioriProbability ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [inline, virtual]

Returns natural logarithm of the prior probability. Method needs to be overloaded by the user.

parameters A set of parameter values
The prior probability p(parameters)
See also:
GetPrior(std::vector <double> parameters)

Reimplemented in BCEfficiencyFitter, BCGoFTest, BCGraphFitter, BCHistogramFitter, and BCRooInterface.

Definition at line 344 of file BCModel.h.

00345          { return 0.; };

virtual double BCModel::LogConditionalProbabilityEntry ( BCDataPoint datapoint,
std::vector< double >  parameters 
) [inline, virtual]

Returns a natural logarithm of conditional probability. Method needs to be overloaded by the user.

datapoint A data point
parameters A set of parameter values
The conditional probability p(datapoint|parameters)
See also:
GetConditionalEntry(BCDataPoint* datapoint, std::vector <double> parameters)

Definition at line 405 of file BCModel.h.

00406          { flag_ConditionalProbabilityEntry = false; return 0.; };

double BCModel::LogEval ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

Overloaded function to evaluate integral.

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 520 of file BCModel.cxx.

00521 {
00522    return this -> LogProbabilityNN(parameters);
00523 }

double BCModel::LogLikelihood ( std::vector< double >  parameter  )  [virtual]

Calculates natural logarithm of the likelihood. Method needs to be overloaded by the user.

parameters A set of parameter values
Natural logarithm of the likelihood

Reimplemented in BCEfficiencyFitter, BCGoFTest, BCGraphFitter, BCHistogramFitter, and BCRooInterface.

Definition at line 504 of file BCModel.cxx.

00505 {
00506    double logprob = 0.;
00508    // add log of conditional probabilities event-by-event
00509    for (unsigned int i=0;i<fDataSet -> GetNDataPoints();i++)
00510    {
00511       BCDataPoint * datapoint = this -> GetDataPoint(i);
00512       logprob += this -> LogConditionalProbabilityEntry(datapoint, parameters);
00513    }
00515    return logprob;
00516 }

double BCModel::LogProbability ( std::vector< double >  parameter  ) 

Returns natural logarithm of the a posteriori probability given a set of parameter values

parameters A set of parameter values
The a posteriori probability

Definition at line 489 of file BCModel.cxx.

00490 {
00491    // check if normalized
00492    if (fNormalization<0. || fNormalization==0.)
00493    {
00494       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,
00495              "BCModel::LogProbability. Normalization not available or zero.");
00496       return 0.;
00497    }
00499    return this -> LogProbabilityNN(parameters) - log(fNormalization);
00500 }

double BCModel::LogProbabilityNN ( std::vector< double >  parameter  ) 

Returns the natural logarithm of likelihood times prior probability given a set of parameter values

parameters A set of parameter values
The likelihood times prior probability

Definition at line 476 of file BCModel.cxx.

00477 {
00478    // add log of conditional probability
00479    double logprob = this -> LogLikelihood(parameters);
00481    // add log of prior probability
00482    logprob += this -> LogAPrioriProbability(parameters);
00484    return logprob;
00485 }

int BCModel::MarginalizeAll (  ) 

Marginalize all probabilities wrt. single parameters and all combinations of two parameters. The individual distributions can be retrieved using the GetMarginalized method.

Total number of marginalized distributions

Definition at line 724 of file BCModel.cxx.

00725 {
00726    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("Running MCMC for model \'%s\'",this->GetName().data()));
00728    // prepare function fitting
00729    double dx = 0.0;
00730    double dy = 0.0;
00732    if (fFitFunctionIndexX >= 0)
00733    {
00734       dx = (fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexX) - fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexX))
00735             / (double)fErrorBandNbinsX;
00737       dy = (fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexY) - fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexY))
00738             / (double)fErrorBandNbinsY;
00740       fErrorBandXY = new TH2D(
00741             TString::Format("errorbandxy_%d",BCLog::GetHIndex()), "",
00742             fErrorBandNbinsX,
00743             fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexX) - .5 * dx,
00744             fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexX) + .5 * dx,
00745             fErrorBandNbinsY,
00746             fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexY) - .5 * dy,
00747             fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexY) + .5 * dy);
00748       fErrorBandXY -> SetStats(kFALSE);
00750       for (int ix = 1; ix <= fErrorBandNbinsX; ++ix)
00751          for (int iy = 1; iy <= fErrorBandNbinsX; ++iy)
00752             fErrorBandXY -> SetBinContent(ix, iy, 0.0);
00753    }
00755    this -> MCMCMetropolis();
00756    this -> FindModeMCMC();
00758 // PrintResults(Form("%s.txt", this -> GetName().data()));
00760    return 1;
00761 }

double BCModel::Normalize (  ) 

Integrates over the un-normalized probability and updates fNormalization.

Definition at line 544 of file BCModel.cxx.

00545 {
00546    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("Model \'%s\': Normalizing probability",this->GetName().data()));
00548    unsigned int n = this -> GetNvar();
00550    // initialize BCIntegrate if not done already
00551    if (n == 0)
00552    {
00553       this->SetParameters(fParameterSet);
00554       n = this->GetNvar();
00555    }
00557    // integrate and get best fit parameters
00558    // maybe we have to remove the mode finding from here in the future
00559    fNormalization = this -> Integrate();
00561    BCLog::OutDetail(Form(" --> Normalization factor : %.6g", fNormalization));
00563    return fNormalization;
00564 }

int BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized ( const char *  file,
unsigned int  hdiv = 1,
unsigned int  ndiv = 1 

Definition at line 966 of file BCModel.cxx.

00967 {
00968    if(!fMCMCFlagFillHistograms)
00969    {
00970       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized : Marginalized distributions not filled.");
00971       return 0;
00972    }
00974    int npar = GetNParameters();
00976    if(fMCMCH1Marginalized.size()==0 || (fMCMCH2Marginalized.size()==0 && npar>1))
00977    {
00978       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized : Marginalized distributions not available.");
00979       return 0;
00980    }
00982    // if there's only one parameter, we just want to call Print()
00983    if (fMCMCH1Marginalized.size()==1 && fMCMCH2Marginalized.size()==0)
00984    {
00985       BCParameter * a = GetParameter(0);
00986       GetMarginalized(a)->Print(file);
00987       return 1;
00988    }
00990    int c_width=600; // default canvas width
00991    int c_height=600; // default canvas height
00993    int type = 112; // landscape
00995    if (hdiv > vdiv)
00996    {
00997       if(hdiv>3)
00998       {
00999          c_width=1000;
01000          c_height=700;
01001       }
01002       else
01003       {
01004          c_width=800;
01005          c_height=600;
01006       }
01007    }
01008    else if(hdiv < vdiv)
01009    {
01010       if(hdiv>3)
01011       {
01012          c_height=1000;
01013          c_width=700;
01014       }
01015       else
01016       {
01017          c_height=800;
01018          c_width=600;
01019       }
01020       type=111;
01021    }
01023    // calculate number of plots
01024    int nplots2d = npar * (npar-1)/2;
01025    int nplots = npar + nplots2d;
01027    // give out warning if too many plots
01028    BCLog::OutSummary(Form(
01029          "Printing all marginalized distributions (%d x 1D + %d x 2D = %d) into file %s",
01030          npar,nplots2d,nplots,file));
01031    if(nplots>100)
01032       BCLog::OutDetail("This can take a while...");
01034    // setup the canvas and postscript file
01035    TCanvas * c = new TCanvas( "c","canvas",c_width,c_height);
01037    TPostScript * ps = new TPostScript(file,type);
01039    if(type==112)
01040       ps->Range(24,16);
01041    else
01042       ps->Range(16,24);
01044    // draw all 1D distributions
01045    ps->NewPage();
01046    c->cd();
01047    c->Clear();
01048    c->Divide(hdiv,vdiv);
01050    int n=0;
01051    for(int i=0;i<npar;i++)
01052    {
01053       // get corresponding parameter
01054       BCParameter * a = GetParameter(i);
01056       // check if histogram exists
01057       if ( !GetMarginalized(a) )
01058          continue;
01060       // check if histogram is filled
01061       if ( GetMarginalized(a)->GetHistogram()->Integral() <= 0)
01062          continue;
01064       // if current page is full, switch to new page
01065       if(i!=0 && i%(hdiv*vdiv)==0)
01066       {
01067          c->Update();
01068          ps->NewPage();
01069          c->cd();
01070          c->Clear();
01071          c->Divide(hdiv,vdiv);
01072       }
01074       // go to next pad
01075       c->cd(i%(hdiv*vdiv)+1);
01077       this -> GetMarginalized(a) -> Draw();
01078       n++;
01080       if(n%100==0)
01081          BCLog::OutDetail(Form(" --> %d plots done",n));
01082    }
01084    if (n > 0)
01085    {
01086       c->Update();
01088       // draw all the 2D distributions
01089       ps->NewPage();
01090       c->cd();
01091       c->Clear();
01092    }
01094    c->Divide(hdiv,vdiv);
01096    int k=0;
01097    for(int i=0;i<npar-1;i++)
01098    {
01099       if(!fMCMCFlagsFillHistograms[i])
01100          continue;
01101       for(int j=i+1;j<npar;j++)
01102       {
01103          if(!fMCMCFlagsFillHistograms[j])
01104             continue;
01106          // get corresponding parameters
01107          BCParameter * a = GetParameter(i);
01108          BCParameter * b = GetParameter(j);
01110          // check if histogram exists
01111          if ( !GetMarginalized(a,b) )
01112             continue;
01114          // check if histogram is filled
01115          if ( GetMarginalized(a,b)->GetHistogram()->Integral() <= 0 )
01116             continue;
01118          // if current page is full, switch to new page
01119          if(k!=0 && k%(hdiv*vdiv)==0)
01120          {
01121             c->Update();
01122             ps->NewPage();
01123             c->cd();
01124             c->Clear();
01125             c->Divide(hdiv,vdiv);
01126          }
01128          // go to next pad
01129          c->cd(k%(hdiv*vdiv)+1);
01131          double meana = (a->GetLowerLimit() + a->GetUpperLimit()) / 2.;
01132          double deltaa = (a->GetUpperLimit() - a->GetLowerLimit());
01133          if (deltaa <= 1e-7 * meana)
01134             continue;
01136          double meanb = (b->GetLowerLimit() + b->GetUpperLimit()) / 2.;
01137          double deltab = (b->GetUpperLimit() - b->GetLowerLimit());
01138          if (deltab <= 1e-7 * meanb)
01139             continue;
01141          GetMarginalized(a,b)->Draw(52);
01142          k++;
01144          if((n+k)%100==0)
01145             BCLog::OutDetail(Form(" --> %d plots done",n+k));
01146       }
01147    }
01149    if( (n+k)>100 && (n+k)%100 != 0 )
01150       BCLog::OutDetail(Form(" --> %d plots done",n+k));
01152    c->Update();
01153    ps->Close();
01155    delete c;
01156    delete ps;
01158    // return total number of drawn histograms
01159    return n+k;
01160 }

int BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized1D ( const char *  filebase  ) 

Definition at line 907 of file BCModel.cxx.

00908 {
00909    if(fMCMCH1Marginalized.size()==0)
00910    {
00911       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized : Marginalized distributions not available.");
00912       return 0;
00913    }
00915    int n=this->GetNParameters();
00916    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
00917    {
00918       BCParameter * a = this->GetParameter(i);
00919       if (this -> GetMarginalized(a))
00920          this -> GetMarginalized(a) -> Print(Form("%s_1D_%s.ps",filebase,a->GetName().data()));
00921    }
00923    return n;
00924 }

int BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized2D ( const char *  filebase  ) 

Definition at line 928 of file BCModel.cxx.

00929 {
00930    if(fMCMCH2Marginalized.size()==0)
00931    {
00932       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::PrintAllMarginalized : Marginalized distributions not available.");
00933       return 0;
00934    }
00936    int k=0;
00937    int n=this->GetNParameters();
00938    for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
00939    {
00940       for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
00941       {
00942          BCParameter * a = this->GetParameter(i);
00943          BCParameter * b = this->GetParameter(j);
00945          double meana = (a -> GetLowerLimit() + a -> GetUpperLimit()) / 2.0;
00946          double deltaa = (a -> GetUpperLimit() - a -> GetLowerLimit());
00947          if (deltaa <= 1e-7 * meana)
00948             continue;
00950          double meanb = (b -> GetLowerLimit() + b -> GetUpperLimit()) / 2.0;
00951          double deltab = (b -> GetUpperLimit() - b -> GetLowerLimit());
00952          if (deltab <= 1e-7 * meanb)
00953             continue;
00955          if (this -> GetMarginalized(a,b))
00956          this -> GetMarginalized(a,b) -> Print(Form("%s_2D_%s_%s.ps",filebase,a->GetName().data(),b->GetName().data()));
00957          k++;
00958       }
00959    }
00961    return k;
00962 }

void BCModel::PrintHessianMatrix ( std::vector< double >  parameters  ) 

Prints matrix elements of the Hessian matrix

parameters The parameter values at which point to evaluate the matrix

Definition at line 1675 of file BCModel.cxx.

01676 {
01677    // check number of entries in vector
01678    if (parameters.size() != GetNParameters())
01679    {
01680       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::PrintHessianMatrix : Invalid number of entries in the vector");
01681       return;
01682    }
01684    // print to screen
01685    std::cout
01686       << std::endl
01687       << " Hessian matrix elements: " << std::endl
01688       << " Point: ";
01690    for (int i = 0; i < int(parameters.size()); i++)
01691       std::cout << parameters.at(i) << " ";
01692    std::cout << std::endl;
01694    // loop over all parameter pairs
01695    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNParameters(); i++)
01696       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++)
01697       {
01698          // calculate Hessian matrix element
01699          double hessianmatrixelement = HessianMatrixElement(fParameterSet->at(i),
01700                fParameterSet->at(j), parameters);
01702          // print to screen
01703          std::cout << " " << i << " " << j << " : " << hessianmatrixelement << std::endl;
01704       }
01705 }

void BCModel::PrintResults ( const char *  file  ) 

Prints a summary of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo to a file.

Definition at line 1452 of file BCModel.cxx.

01453 {
01454    // print summary of Markov Chain Monte Carlo
01456    // open file
01457    ofstream ofi(file);
01459    // check if file is open
01460    if(!ofi.is_open())
01461    {
01462       std::cerr << "Couldn't open file " << file <<std::endl;
01463       return;
01464    }
01466    // number of parameters and chains
01467    int npar = MCMCGetNParameters();
01468    int nchains = MCMCGetNChains();
01470    // check convergence
01471    bool flag_conv = MCMCGetNIterationsConvergenceGlobal() > 0;
01473    ofi
01474       << std::endl
01475       << " -----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
01476       << " Summary" << std::endl
01477       << " -----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
01478       << std::endl;
01480    ofi
01481       << " Model summary" << std::endl
01482       << " =============" << std::endl
01483       << " Model: " << fName.data() << std::endl
01484       << " Number of parameters: " << npar << std::endl
01485       << " List of Parameters and ranges:" << std::endl;
01486    for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
01487       ofi
01488          << "  (" << i << ") Parameter \""
01489          << fParameterSet -> at(i) -> GetName().data() << "\""
01490          << ": " << fParameterSet -> at(i) -> GetLowerLimit()
01491          << " - "
01492          << fParameterSet -> at(i) -> GetUpperLimit() << std::endl;
01493    ofi << std::endl;
01495    // give warning if MCMC did not converge
01496    if (!flag_conv && fMCMCFlagRun)
01497       ofi
01498          << " WARNING: the Markov Chain did not converge!" << std::endl
01499          << " Be cautious using the following results!" << std::endl
01500          << std::endl;
01502    // print results of marginalization (if MCMC was run)
01503    if ( fMCMCFlagRun && fMCMCFlagFillHistograms)
01504    {
01505       ofi
01506          << " Results of the marginalization" << std::endl
01507          << " ==============================" << std::endl
01508          << " List of parameters and properties of the marginalized" << std::endl
01509          << " distributions:" << std::endl;
01510       for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
01511       {
01512          if (!fMCMCFlagsFillHistograms.at(i))
01513             continue;
01515          BCH1D * bch1d = GetMarginalized(fParameterSet -> at(i));
01517          ofi
01518             << "  (" << i << ") Parameter \""
01519             << fParameterSet->at(i)->GetName().data() << "\"" << std::endl
01520             << "      Mean +- RMS:         "
01521             << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetMean()
01522             << " +- "
01523             << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetRMS() << std::endl
01524             << "      Median +- sigma:     "
01525             << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetMedian()
01526             << " +  " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.84) - bch1d->GetMedian()
01527             << " - " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetMedian() - bch1d->GetQuantile(0.16) << std::endl
01528             << "      (Marginalized) mode: " << bch1d->GetMode() << std::endl
01529             << "      Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes:" << std::endl;
01531          std::vector <double> v;
01532          v = bch1d->GetSmallestIntervals(0.68);
01533          int ninter = int(v.size());
01535          for (int j = 0; j < ninter; j+=5)
01536             ofi
01537                << "       " << v.at(j) << " - " << v.at(j+1)
01538                << " (local mode at " << v.at(j+3)
01539                << " with rel. height " << v.at(j+2)
01540                << "; rel. area " << v.at(j+4) << ")"
01541                << std::endl;
01543          ofi
01544             << "       5% quantile:        " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.05) << std::endl
01545             << "      10% quantile:        " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.10) << std::endl
01546             << "      16% quantile:        " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.16) << std::endl
01547             << "      84% quantile:        " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.85) << std::endl
01548             << "      90% quantile:        " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.90) << std::endl
01549             << "      95% quantile:        " << std::setprecision(4) << bch1d->GetQuantile(0.95) << std::endl
01550             << std::endl;
01551       }
01552       ofi << std::endl;
01553    }
01555    ofi
01556       << " Results of the optimization" << std::endl
01557       << " ===========================" << std::endl
01558       << " Optimization algorithm used: ";
01559    switch(GetOptimizationMethodMode())
01560    {
01561       case BCIntegrate::kOptSA:
01562          ofi << " Simulated Annealing" << std::endl;
01563          break;
01564       case BCIntegrate::kOptMinuit:
01565          ofi << " Minuit" << std::endl;
01566          break;
01567       case BCIntegrate::kOptMetropolis:
01568          ofi << " MCMC" << std::endl;
01569          break;
01570    }
01572    if (int(fBestFitParameters.size()) > 0)
01573    {
01574       ofi << " List of parameters and global mode:" << std::endl;
01575       for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
01576          ofi
01577             << "  (" << i << ") Parameter \""
01578             << fParameterSet->at(i)->GetName().data() << "\": "
01579             << fBestFitParameters.at(i) << " +- " << fBestFitParameterErrors.at(i) << std::endl;
01580       ofi << std::endl;
01581    }
01582    else
01583    {
01584       ofi << " No best fit information available." << std::endl;
01585       ofi << std::endl;
01586    }
01588    if (fPValue >= 0.)
01589    {
01590       ofi
01591          << " Results of the model test" << std::endl
01592          << " =========================" << std::endl
01593          << " p-value at global mode: " << fPValue << std::endl
01594          << std::endl;
01595    }
01597    if ( fMCMCFlagRun )
01598    {
01599       ofi
01600          << " Status of the MCMC" << std::endl
01601          << " ==================" << std::endl
01602          << " Convergence reached: " << (flag_conv ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
01604       if (flag_conv)
01605          ofi << " Number of iterations until convergence: " << MCMCGetNIterationsConvergenceGlobal() << std::endl;
01606       else
01607          ofi
01608             << " WARNING: the Markov Chain did not converge! Be\n"
01609             << " cautious using the following results!" << std::endl
01610             << std::endl;
01611       ofi
01612          << " Number of chains:                       " << MCMCGetNChains() << std::endl
01613          << " Number of iterations per chain:         " << MCMCGetNIterationsRun() << std::endl
01614          << " Average efficiencies:" << std::endl;
01616       std::vector <double> efficiencies;
01617       efficiencies.assign(npar, 0.);
01619       for (int ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ++ipar)
01620          for (int ichain = 0; ichain < nchains; ++ichain)
01621          {
01622             int index = ichain * npar + ipar;
01623             efficiencies[ipar] += double(MCMCGetNTrialsTrue().at(index)) / double(MCMCGetNTrialsTrue().at(index) + MCMCGetNTrialsFalse().at(index)) / double(nchains) * 100.;
01624          }
01626       for (int ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ++ipar)
01627          ofi
01628             << "  (" << ipar << ") Parameter \""
01629             << fParameterSet->at(ipar)->GetName().data() << "\": "
01630             << efficiencies.at(ipar) << "%" << std::endl;
01631       ofi << std::endl;
01632    }
01634    ofi
01635       << " -----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
01636       << std::endl
01637       << " Notes" << std::endl
01638       << " =====" << std::endl
01639       << " (i) Median +- sigma denotes the median, m, of the" << std::endl
01640       << "     marginalized distribution and the intervals from" << std::endl
01641       << "     m to the 16% and 84% quantiles." << std::endl
01642       << " -----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
01644    // close file
01645 // ofi.close;
01646 }

void BCModel::PrintShortFitSummary ( int  chi2flag = 0  ) 

Prints a short summary of the fit results on the screen.

Definition at line 1650 of file BCModel.cxx.

01651 {
01652    BCLog::OutSummary("---------------------------------------------------");
01653    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("Fit summary for model \'%s\':", GetName().data()));
01654    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("   Number of parameters:  Npar  = %i", GetNParameters()));
01655    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("   Number of data points: Ndata = %i", GetNDataPoints()));
01656    BCLog::OutSummary("   Number of degrees of freedom:");
01657    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("      NDoF = Ndata - Npar = %i", GetNDataPoints()-GetNParameters()));
01659    BCLog::OutSummary("   Best fit parameters (global):");
01660    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNParameters(); ++i)
01661       BCLog::OutSummary(Form("      %s = %.3g", GetParameter(i)->GetName().data(), GetBestFitParameter(i)));
01663    BCLog::OutSummary("   Goodness-of-fit test:");
01664    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("      p-value = %.3g", GetPValue()));
01665    if(chi2flag)
01666    {
01667       BCLog::OutSummary(Form("      p-value corrected for NDoF = %.3g", GetPValueNDoF()));
01668       BCLog::OutSummary(Form("      chi2 / NDoF = %.3g", GetChi2NDoF()));
01669    }
01670    BCLog::OutSummary("---------------------------------------------------");
01671 }

void BCModel::PrintSummary (  ) 

Prints a summary on the screen.

Definition at line 1389 of file BCModel.cxx.

01390 {
01391    int nparameters = this -> GetNParameters();
01393    // model summary
01394    std::cout
01395       << std::endl
01396       << "   ---------------------------------" << std::endl
01397       << "    Model : " << fName.data() << std::endl
01398       << "   ---------------------------------"<< std::endl
01399       << "     Index                : " << fIndex << std::endl
01400       << "     Number of parameters : " << nparameters << std::endl
01401       << std::endl
01402       << "     - Parameters : " << std::endl
01403       << std::endl;
01405    // parameter summary
01406    for (int i=0; i<nparameters; i++)
01407       fParameterSet -> at(i) -> PrintSummary();
01409    // best fit parameters
01410    if (this -> GetBestFitParameters().size() > 0)
01411    {
01412       std::cout
01413          << std::endl
01414          << "     - Best fit parameters :" << std::endl
01415          << std::endl;
01417       for (int i=0; i<nparameters; i++)
01418       {
01419          std::cout
01420             << "       " << fParameterSet -> at(i) -> GetName().data()
01421             << " = " << this -> GetBestFitParameter(i)
01422             << " (overall)" << std::endl;
01423          if ((int)fBestFitParametersMarginalized.size() == nparameters)
01424             std::cout
01425                << "       " << fParameterSet -> at(i) -> GetName().data()
01426                << " = " << this -> GetBestFitParameterMarginalized(i)
01427                << " (marginalized)" << std::endl;
01428       }
01429    }
01431    std::cout << std::endl;
01433    // model testing
01434    if (fPValue >= 0)
01435    {
01436       double likelihood = this -> Likelihood(this -> GetBestFitParameters());
01437       std::cout
01438          << "   - Model testing:" << std::endl
01439          << std::endl
01440          << "       p(data|lambda*) = " << likelihood << std::endl
01441          << "       p-value         = " << fPValue << std::endl
01442          << std::endl;
01443    }
01445    // normalization
01446    if (fNormalization > 0)
01447       std::cout << "     Normalization        : " << fNormalization << std::endl;
01448 }

double BCModel::Probability ( std::vector< double >  parameter  )  [inline]

Returns the a posteriori probability given a set of parameter values

parameters A set of parameter values
The a posteriori probability

Definition at line 379 of file BCModel.h.

00380          { return exp( this->LogProbability(parameter) ); };

double BCModel::ProbabilityNN ( std::vector< double >  parameter  )  [inline]

Returns the likelihood times prior probability given a set of parameter values

parameters A set of parameter values
The likelihood times prior probability

Definition at line 365 of file BCModel.h.

00366          { return exp( this->LogProbabilityNN(parameter) ); };

int BCModel::ReadErrorBandFromFile ( const char *  file  ) 


Definition at line 876 of file BCModel.cxx.

00877 {
00878    TFile * froot = new TFile(file);
00879    if(!froot->IsOpen())
00880    {
00881       BCLog::OutWarning(Form("BCModel::ReadErrorBandFromFile. Couldn't open file %s.",file));
00882       return 0;
00883    }
00885    int r=0;
00887    TH2D * h2 = (TH2D*)froot->Get("errorbandxy");
00888    if(h2)
00889    {
00890       h2->SetDirectory(0);
00891       h2->SetName(TString::Format("errorbandxy_%d",BCLog::GetHIndex()));
00892       this->SetErrorBandHisto(h2);
00893       r=1;
00894    }
00895    else
00896       BCLog::OutWarning(Form(
00897             "BCModel::ReadErrorBandFromFile : Couldn't read histogram \"errorbandxy\" from file %s.",
00898             file));
00900    froot->Close();
00902    return r;
00903 }

int BCModel::ReadMarginalizedFromFile ( const char *  file  ) 


Definition at line 812 of file BCModel.cxx.

00813 {
00814    TFile * froot = new TFile(file);
00815    if(!froot->IsOpen())
00816    {
00817       BCLog::OutError(Form("BCModel::ReadMarginalizedFromFile : Couldn't open file %s.",file));
00818       return 0;
00819    }
00821    // We reset the MCMCEngine here for the moment.
00822    // In the future maybe we only want to do this if the engine
00823    // wans't initialized at all or when there were some changes
00824    // in the model.
00825    // But maybe we want reset everything since we're overwriting
00826    // the marginalized distributions anyway.
00827    this -> MCMCInitialize();
00829    int k=0;
00830    int n=this->GetNParameters();
00831    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
00832    {
00833       BCParameter * a = this -> GetParameter(i);
00834       TKey * key = froot -> GetKey(TString::Format("hist_%s_%s", this -> GetName().data(), a -> GetName().data()));
00835       if(key)
00836       {
00837          TH1D * h1 = (TH1D*) key -> ReadObjectAny(TH1D::Class());
00838          h1->SetDirectory(0);
00839          if(this->SetMarginalized(i,h1))
00840             k++;
00841       }
00842       else
00843          BCLog::OutWarning(Form(
00844                "BCModel::ReadMarginalizedFromFile : Couldn't read histogram \"hist_%s_%s\" from file %s.",
00845                this -> GetName().data(), a -> GetName().data(), file));
00846    }
00848    for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
00849    {
00850       for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
00851       {
00852          BCParameter * a = this -> GetParameter(i);
00853          BCParameter * b = this -> GetParameter(j);
00854          TKey * key = froot -> GetKey(TString::Format("hist_%s_%s_%s", this -> GetName().data(), a -> GetName().data(), b -> GetName().data()));
00855          if(key)
00856          {
00857             TH2D * h2 = (TH2D*) key -> ReadObjectAny(TH2D::Class());
00858             h2->SetDirectory(0);
00859             if(this->SetMarginalized(i,j,h2))
00860                k++;
00861          }
00862          else
00863             BCLog::OutWarning(Form(
00864                   "BCModel::ReadMarginalizedFromFile : Couldn't read histogram \"hist_%s_%s_%s\" from file %s.",
00865                   this -> GetName().data(), a -> GetName().data(), b -> GetName().data(), file));
00866       }
00867    }
00869    froot->Close();
00871    return k;
00872 }

int BCModel::ReadMode ( const char *  file  ) 

Read mode from file created by WriteMode() call

Definition at line 684 of file BCModel.cxx.

00685 {
00686    ifstream ifi(file);
00687    if(!ifi.is_open())
00688    {
00689       BCLog::OutError(Form("BCModel::ReadMode : Couldn't open file %s.",file));
00690       return 0;
00691    }
00693    int npar = fParameterSet -> size();
00694    std::vector <double> mode;
00696    int i=0;
00697    while (i<npar && !ifi.eof())
00698    {
00699       double a;
00700       ifi>>a;
00701       mode.push_back(a);
00702       i++;
00703    }
00705    if(i<npar)
00706    {
00707       BCLog::OutError(Form("BCModel::ReadMode : Couldn't read mode from file %s.",file));
00708       BCLog::OutError(Form("BCModel::ReadMode : Expected %d parameters, found %d.",npar,i));
00709       return 0;
00710    }
00712    BCLog::OutSummary(Form("#  Read in best fit parameters (mode) for model \'%s\' from file %s:",fName.data(),file));
00713    this->SetMode(mode);
00714    for(int j=0 ; j<npar; j++)
00715       BCLog::OutSummary(Form("#    -> Parameter %d : %s = %e", j, fParameterSet->at(j)->GetName().data(), fBestFitParameters[j]));
00717    BCLog::OutWarning("#  ! Best fit values obtained before this call will be overwritten !");
00719    return npar;
00720 }

double BCModel::SamplingFunction ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

Sampling function used for importance sampling. Method needs to be overloaded by the user.

parameters A set of parameter values
The probability density at the parameter values

Definition at line 534 of file BCModel.cxx.

00535 {
00536    double probability = 1.0;
00537    for (std::vector<BCParameter*>::const_iterator it = fParameterSet -> begin(); it != fParameterSet -> end(); ++it)
00538       probability *= 1.0 / ((*it) -> GetUpperLimit() - (*it) -> GetLowerLimit());
00539    return probability;
00540 }

void BCModel::SetDataBoundaries ( unsigned int  index,
double  lowerboundary,
double  upperboundary,
bool  fixed = false 

Definition at line 374 of file BCModel.cxx.

00375 {
00376    // check if data set exists
00377    if (!fDataSet)
00378    {
00379       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::SetDataBoundaries : Need to define data set first.");
00380       return;
00381    }
00383    // check if index is within range
00384    if (index < 0 || index > fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues())
00385    {
00386       BCLog::OutError("BCModel::SetDataBoundaries : Index out of range.");
00387       return;
00388    }
00390    // check if boundary data points exist
00391    if (!fDataPointLowerBoundaries)
00392       fDataPointLowerBoundaries = new BCDataPoint(fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues());
00394    if (!fDataPointUpperBoundaries)
00395       fDataPointUpperBoundaries = new BCDataPoint(fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues());
00397    if (fDataFixedValues.size() == 0)
00398       fDataFixedValues.assign(fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues(), false);
00400    // set boundaries
00401    fDataPointLowerBoundaries -> SetValue(index, lowerboundary);
00402    fDataPointUpperBoundaries -> SetValue(index, upperboundary);
00403    fDataFixedValues[index] = fixed;
00404 }

void BCModel::SetDataSet ( BCDataSet dataset  )  [inline]

Sets the data set.

dataset A data set

Definition at line 279 of file BCModel.h.

00280          { fDataSet = dataset; fNormalization = -1.0; };

void BCModel::SetErrorBandContinuous ( bool  flag  ) 

Sets the error band flag to continuous function

Definition at line 408 of file BCModel.cxx.

00409 {
00410    fErrorBandContinuous = flag;
00412    if (flag)
00413       return;
00415    // clear x-values
00416    fErrorBandX.clear();
00418    // copy data x-values
00419    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fDataSet -> GetNDataPoints(); ++i)
00420       fErrorBandX.push_back(fDataSet -> GetDataPoint(i) -> GetValue(fFitFunctionIndexX));
00421 }

void BCModel::SetGoFNChains ( int  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 557 of file BCModel.h.

00558          { fGoFNChains=n; };

void BCModel::SetGoFNIterationsMax ( int  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 545 of file BCModel.h.

00546          { fGoFNIterationsMax=n; };

void BCModel::SetGoFNIterationsRun ( int  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 551 of file BCModel.h.

00552          { fGoFNIterationsRun=n; };

void BCModel::SetIndex ( int  index  )  [inline]

Sets the index of the model within the BCModelManager.

index The index of the model

Definition at line 246 of file BCModel.h.

00247          { fIndex = index; };

void BCModel::SetModelAPosterioriProbability ( double  probability  )  [inline]

Sets the a posteriori probability for a model.

model The model
probability The a posteriori probability

Definition at line 266 of file BCModel.h.

00267          { fModelAPosteriori = probability; };

void BCModel::SetModelAPrioriProbability ( double  probability  )  [inline]

Sets the a priori probability for a model.

model The model
probability The a priori probability

Definition at line 259 of file BCModel.h.

00260          { fModelAPriori = probability; };

void BCModel::SetName ( const char *  name  )  [inline]

Sets the name of the model.

name Name of the model

Definition at line 240 of file BCModel.h.

00241          { fName = name; };

void BCModel::SetNbins ( const char *  parname,
int  nbins 

Set the number of bins for the marginalized distribution of a parameter.

parname The name of the parameter in the parameter set
nbins Number of bins (default = 100)

Definition at line 169 of file BCModel.cxx.

00170 {
00171    BCParameter * p = this -> GetParameter(parname);
00172    if(!p)
00173    {
00174       BCLog::OutWarning(Form("BCModel::SetNbins : Parameter '%s' not found so Nbins not set",parname));
00175       return;
00176    }
00178    this -> BCIntegrate::SetNbins(nbins, p -> GetIndex());
00179 }

void BCModel::SetNDataPointsMaximum ( unsigned int  maximum  )  [inline]

Sets the maximum number of data points.

Definition at line 296 of file BCModel.h.

00297          { fNDataPointsMaximum = maximum; };

void BCModel::SetNDataPointsMinimum ( unsigned int  minimum  )  [inline]

Sets the minimum number of data points.

Definition at line 291 of file BCModel.h.

00292          { fNDataPointsMinimum = minimum; };

void BCModel::SetNormalization ( double  norm  )  [inline]

Sets the normalization of the likelihood. The normalization is the integral of likelihood over all parameters.

norm The normalization of the likelihood

Definition at line 273 of file BCModel.h.

00274          { fNormalization = norm; };

void BCModel::SetParameterSet ( BCParameterSet parset  )  [inline]

Set all parameters of the model using a BCParameterSet container.

pointer to parameter set

Definition at line 252 of file BCModel.h.

00253          { fParameterSet = parset; };

void BCModel::SetSingleDataPoint ( BCDataSet dataset,
unsigned int  index 

Definition at line 364 of file BCModel.cxx.

00365 {
00366    if (index < 0 || index > dataset -> GetNDataPoints())
00367       return;
00369    this -> SetSingleDataPoint(dataset -> GetDataPoint(index));
00370 }

void BCModel::SetSingleDataPoint ( BCDataPoint datapoint  ) 

Sets a single data point as data set.

datapoint A data point

Definition at line 349 of file BCModel.cxx.

00350 {
00351    // create new data set consisting of a single data point
00352    BCDataSet * dataset = new BCDataSet();
00354    // add the data point
00355    dataset -> AddDataPoint(datapoint);
00357    // set this new data set
00358    this -> SetDataSet(dataset);
00360 }

BCDataPoint * BCModel::VectorToDataPoint ( std::vector< double >  data  )  [private]

Converts a vector of doubles into a BCDataPoint

Definition at line 1709 of file BCModel.cxx.

01710 {
01711    int sizeofvector = int(data.size());
01712    BCDataPoint * datapoint = new BCDataPoint(sizeofvector);
01713    datapoint -> SetValues(data);
01714    return datapoint;
01715 }

void BCModel::WriteMode ( const char *  file  ) 

Write mode into file

Definition at line 643 of file BCModel.cxx.

00644 {
00645    ofstream ofi(file);
00646    if(!ofi.is_open())
00647    {
00648       std::cerr<<"Couldn't open file "<<file<<std::endl;
00649       return;
00650    }
00652    int npar = fParameterSet -> size();
00653    for (int i=0; i<npar; i++)
00654       ofi<<fBestFitParameters.at(i)<<std::endl;
00656    ofi<<std::endl;
00657    ofi<<"#######################################################################"<<std::endl;
00658    ofi<<"#"<<std::endl;
00659    ofi<<"#  This file was created automatically by BCModel::WriteMode() call."<<std::endl;
00660    ofi<<"#  It can be read in by call to BCModel::ReadMode()."<<std::endl;
00661    ofi<<"#  Do not modify it unless you know what you're doing."<<std::endl;
00662    ofi<<"#"<<std::endl;
00663    ofi<<"#######################################################################"<<std::endl;
00664    ofi<<"#"<<std::endl;
00665    ofi<<"#  Best fit parameters (mode) for model:"<<std::endl;
00666    ofi<<"#  \'"<<fName.data()<<"\'"<<std::endl;
00667    ofi<<"#"<<std::endl;
00668    ofi<<"#  Number of parameters: "<<npar<<std::endl;
00669    ofi<<"#  Parameters ordered as above:"<<std::endl;
00671    for (int i=0; i<npar; i++)
00672    {
00673       ofi<<"#     "<<i<<": ";
00674       ofi<<fParameterSet->at(i)->GetName().data()<<" = ";
00675       ofi<<fBestFitParameters.at(i)<<std::endl;
00676    }
00678    ofi<<"#"<<std::endl;
00679    ofi<<"########################################################################"<<std::endl;
00680 }

Member Data Documentation

double BCModel::fChi2NDoF [protected]

Definition at line 630 of file BCModel.h.

A data set

Definition at line 612 of file BCModel.h.

int BCModel::fGoFNChains [protected]

Definition at line 646 of file BCModel.h.

int BCModel::fGoFNIterationsMax [protected]

Definition at line 636 of file BCModel.h.

int BCModel::fGoFNIterationsRun [protected]

Definition at line 641 of file BCModel.h.

int BCModel::fIndex [protected]

Index of the model.

Definition at line 592 of file BCModel.h.

A flag for overloading ConditionalProbabilityEntry

Definition at line 624 of file BCModel.h.

double BCModel::fModelAPosteriori [protected]

The model a posteriori probability.

Definition at line 604 of file BCModel.h.

double BCModel::fModelAPriori [protected]

The model prior probability.

Definition at line 600 of file BCModel.h.

std::string BCModel::fName [protected]

Name of the model.

Definition at line 596 of file BCModel.h.

unsigned int BCModel::fNDataPointsMaximum [protected]

Maximum number of data points

Definition at line 620 of file BCModel.h.

unsigned int BCModel::fNDataPointsMinimum [protected]

Minimum number of data points

Definition at line 616 of file BCModel.h.

double BCModel::fNormalization [private]

The Likelihood normalization.

Definition at line 660 of file BCModel.h.

A model parameter container.

Definition at line 608 of file BCModel.h.

double BCModel::fPValue [protected]

The p-value

Definition at line 628 of file BCModel.h.

double BCModel::fPValueNDoF [protected]

Definition at line 631 of file BCModel.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Oct 6 09:48:22 2009 for Bayesian Analysis Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.1