BCEfficiencyFitter Class Reference

A class for fitting histograms with functions. More...

#include <BCEfficiencyFitter.h>

Inherits BCModel.

Collaboration diagram for BCEfficiencyFitter:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructors

 BCEfficiencyFitter (TH1D *hist1, TH1D *hist2, TF1 *func)
 BCEfficiencyFitter ()
 ~BCEfficiencyFitter ()
Member functions (miscellaneous methods)

int CalculatePValueFast (std::vector< double > par, double &pvalue)
void DrawFit (const char *options="", bool flaglegend=false)
int Fit (TH1D *hist1, TH1D *hist2, TF1 *func)
int Fit ()
double FitFunction (std::vector< double > x, std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual double LogAPrioriProbability (std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual double LogLikelihood (std::vector< double > parameters)
Member functions (get)

TGraph * GetErrorBand ()
TF1 * GetFitFunction ()
TGraph * GetGraphFitFunction ()
TH1D * GetHistogram1 ()
TH1D * GetHistogram2 ()
TGraphAsymmErrors * GetHistogramRatio ()
int GetUncertainties (int n, int k, double p, double &xmin, double &xmax)
Member functions (set)

int SetFitFunction (TF1 *func)
void SetFlagIntegration (bool flag)
int SetHistograms (TH1D *hist1, TH1D *hist2)

Private Attributes

TGraph * fErrorBand
TF1 * fFitFunction
bool fFlagIntegration
TGraph * fGraphFitFunction
TH1D * fHistogram1
TH1D * fHistogram2
TH1D * fHistogramBinomial
TGraphAsymmErrors * fHistogramRatio

Detailed Description

A class for fitting histograms with functions.

Daniel Kollar
Kevin Kröninger
11.2008 This class allows fitting of efficiencies defined as a ratio of two TH1D histograms using a TF1 function. It uses binomial probabilities calculated based on the number of entries in histograms. This is only applicable if the numerator is a subset of the denominator.

Definition at line 38 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BCEfficiencyFitter::BCEfficiencyFitter (  ) 

The default constructor.

Definition at line 30 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00030                                        : BCModel("EfficiencyFitter")
00031 {
00032    fHistogram1 = 0;
00033    fHistogram2 = 0;
00034    fHistogramBinomial = 0;
00035    fHistogramRatio = 0;
00036    fFitFunction = 0;
00038    // set default options and values
00039    this -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(2000);
00040    this -> MCMCSetRValueCriterion(0.01);
00041    this -> SetFillErrorBand();
00042    fFlagIntegration = false;
00043 }

BCEfficiencyFitter::BCEfficiencyFitter ( TH1D *  hist1,
TH1D *  hist2,
TF1 *  func 

A constructor.

hist1 The histogram with the larger numbers
hist2 The histogram with the smaller numbers
func The fit function.

Definition at line 47 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00047                                                                              : BCModel("EfficiencyFitter")
00048 {
00049    fHistogram1 = 0;
00050    fHistogram2 = 0;
00051    fHistogramBinomial = 0;
00052    fHistogramRatio = 0;
00053    fFitFunction = 0;
00055    this -> SetHistograms(hist1, hist2);
00056    this -> SetFitFunction(func);
00058    this -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(2000);
00059    this -> MCMCSetRValueCriterion(0.01);
00060    this -> SetFillErrorBand();
00061    fFlagIntegration = false;
00062 }

BCEfficiencyFitter::~BCEfficiencyFitter (  ) 

The default destructor.

Definition at line 229 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00230 {
00231    if (fHistogram1)
00232       delete fHistogram1;
00234    if (fHistogram2)
00235       delete fHistogram2;
00237    if (fHistogramBinomial)
00238       delete fHistogramBinomial;
00240    if (fHistogramRatio)
00241       delete fHistogramRatio;
00242 }

Member Function Documentation

int BCEfficiencyFitter::CalculatePValueFast ( std::vector< double >  par,
double &  pvalue 

Calculate the p-value using fast-MCMC.

par A set of parameter values
pvalue The pvalue
An error code

Definition at line 419 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00420 {
00421    // check size of parameter vector
00422    if (par.size() != this -> GetNParameters())
00423    {
00424       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::CalculatePValueFast() : Number of parameters is inconsistent.");
00425       return 0;
00426    }
00428    // check if histogram exists
00429    if (!fHistogram1 || !fHistogram2)
00430    {
00431       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::CalculatePValueFast() : Histogram not defined.");
00432       return 0;
00433    }
00435    // define temporary variables
00436    int nbins = fHistogram1 -> GetNbinsX();
00438    std::vector <int> histogram;
00439    std::vector <double> expectation;
00440    histogram.assign(nbins, 0);
00441    expectation.assign(nbins, 0);
00443    double logp = 0;
00444    double logp_start = 0;
00445    int counter_pvalue = 0;
00447    // define starting distribution
00448    for (int ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ++ibin)
00449    {
00450       // get bin boundaries
00451       double xmin = fHistogram1 -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin+1);
00452       double xmax = fHistogram1 -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin+2);
00454       // get the number of expected events
00455       double yexp = fFitFunction -> Integral(xmin, xmax);
00457       // get n
00458       int n = int(fHistogram1 -> GetBinContent(ibin));
00460       // get k
00461       int k = int(fHistogram2 -> GetBinContent(ibin));
00463       histogram[ibin]   = k;
00464       expectation[ibin] = n * yexp;
00466       // calculate p;
00467       logp += BCMath::LogApproxBinomial(n, k, yexp);
00468    }
00469    logp_start = logp;
00471    int niter = 100000;
00473    // loop over iterations
00474    for (int iiter = 0; iiter < niter; ++iiter)
00475    {
00476       // loop over bins
00477       for (int ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ++ibin)
00478       {
00479          // get n
00480          int n = int(fHistogram1 -> GetBinContent(ibin));
00482          // get k
00483          int k = histogram.at(ibin);
00485          // get expectation
00486          double yexp = 0;
00487          if (n > 0)
00488             yexp = expectation.at(ibin)/n;
00490          // random step up or down in statistics for this bin
00491          double ptest = fRandom -> Rndm() - 0.5;
00493          // continue, if efficiency is at limit
00494          if (!(yexp > 0. || yexp < 1.0))
00495             continue;
00497          // increase statistics by 1
00498          if (ptest > 0 && (k < n))
00499          {
00500             // calculate factor of probability
00501             double r = (double(n)-double(k))/(double(k)+1.) * yexp / (1. - yexp);
00503             // walk, or don't (this is the Metropolis part)
00504             if (fRandom -> Rndm() < r)
00505             {
00506                histogram[ibin] = k + 1;
00507                logp += log(r);
00508             }
00509          }
00511          // decrease statistics by 1
00512          else if (ptest <= 0 && (k > 0))
00513          {
00514             // calculate factor of probability
00515             double r = double(k) / (double(n)-(double(k)-1)) * (1-yexp)/yexp;
00517             // walk, or don't (this is the Metropolis part)
00518             if (fRandom -> Rndm() < r)
00519             {
00520                histogram[ibin] = k - 1;
00521                logp += log(r);
00522             }
00523          }
00525       } // end of looping over bins
00527       // increase counter
00528       if (logp < logp_start)
00529          counter_pvalue++;
00531    } // end of looping over iterations
00533    // calculate p-value
00534    pvalue = double(counter_pvalue) / double(niter);
00536    // no error
00537    return 1;
00538 }

void BCEfficiencyFitter::DrawFit ( const char *  options = "",
bool  flaglegend = false 

Draw the fit in the current pad.

Definition at line 357 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00358 {
00359    if (!fHistogram1 || !fHistogram2 || !fHistogramRatio)
00360    {
00361       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::DrawFit() : Histogram(s) not defined.");
00362       return;
00363    }
00365    if (!fFitFunction)
00366    {
00367       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::DrawFit() : Fit function not defined.");
00368       return;
00369    }
00371    // check wheather options contain "same"
00372    TString opt = options;
00373    opt.ToLower();
00375    // if not same, draw the histogram first to get the axes
00376    if(!opt.Contains("same"))
00377    {
00378       // create new histogram
00379       TH2D * hist_axes = new TH2D("hist_axes",
00380             Form(";%s;ratio", fHistogram1 -> GetXaxis() -> GetTitle()),
00381             fHistogram1 -> GetNbinsX(),
00382             fHistogram1 -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinLowEdge(1),
00383             fHistogram1 -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinLowEdge(fHistogram1 -> GetNbinsX()+1),
00384             1, 0., 1.);
00385       hist_axes -> SetStats(kFALSE);
00386       hist_axes -> Draw();
00388       fHistogramRatio -> Draw(TString::Format("%sp",opt.Data()));
00389    }
00391    // draw the error band as central 68% probability interval
00392    fErrorBand = this -> GetErrorBandGraph(0.16, 0.84);
00393    fErrorBand -> Draw("f same");
00395    // now draw the histogram again since it was covered by the band
00396    fHistogramRatio -> Draw(TString::Format("%ssamep",opt.Data()));
00398    // draw the fit function on top
00399    fGraphFitFunction = this -> GetFitFunctionGraph( this->GetBestFitParameters() );
00400    fGraphFitFunction -> SetLineColor(kRed);
00401    fGraphFitFunction -> SetLineWidth(2);
00402    fGraphFitFunction -> Draw("l same");
00404    // draw legend
00405    if (flaglegend)
00406    {
00407       TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.25, 0.75, 0.55, 0.95);
00408       legend -> SetBorderSize(0);
00409       legend -> SetFillColor(kWhite);
00410       legend -> AddEntry(fHistogramRatio, "Data", "L");
00411       legend -> AddEntry(fGraphFitFunction, "Best fit", "L");
00412       legend -> AddEntry(fErrorBand, "Error band", "F");
00413       legend -> Draw();
00414    }
00415    gPad -> RedrawAxis();
00416 }

int BCEfficiencyFitter::Fit ( TH1D *  hist1,
TH1D *  hist2,
TF1 *  func 

Performs the fit.

hist1 The histogram with the larger number.
hist2 The histogram with the smaller number.
func The fit function.
An error code.

Definition at line 314 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00315 {
00316    // set histogram
00317    if (hist1 && hist2)
00318       this -> SetHistograms(hist1, hist2);
00319    else
00320    {
00321       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::Fit() : Histogram(s) not defined.");
00322       return 0;
00323    }
00325    // set function
00326    if (func)
00327       this -> SetFitFunction(func);
00328    else
00329    {
00330       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::Fit() : Fit function not defined.");
00331       return 0;
00332    }
00334    // perform marginalization
00335    this -> MarginalizeAll();
00337    // maximize posterior probability, using the best-fit values close
00338    // to the global maximum from the MCMC
00339    this -> FindModeMinuit( this -> GetBestFitParameters() , -1);
00341    // calculate the p-value using the fast MCMC algorithm
00342    double pvalue;
00343    if (this -> CalculatePValueFast(this -> GetBestFitParameters(), pvalue))
00344          fPValue = pvalue;
00345    else
00346       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCEfficiencyFitter::Fit() : Could not use the fast p-value evaluation.");
00348    // print summary to screen
00349    this -> PrintShortFitSummary();
00351    // no error
00352    return 1;
00353 }

int BCEfficiencyFitter::Fit (  )  [inline]

Performs the fit.

An error code.

Definition at line 150 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00151          { return this -> Fit(fHistogram1, fHistogram2, fFitFunction); };

double BCEfficiencyFitter::FitFunction ( std::vector< double >  x,
std::vector< double >  parameters 
) [virtual]

Returns the y-value of the 1-dimensional fit function at an x and for a set of parameters.

x A vector with the x-value.
parameters A set of parameters.

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 304 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00305 {
00306    // set the parameters of the function
00307    fFitFunction -> SetParameters(&params[0]);
00309    return fFitFunction -> Eval(x[0]);
00310 }

TGraph* BCEfficiencyFitter::GetErrorBand (  )  [inline]
pointer to the error band

Definition at line 86 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00087          { return fErrorBand; };

TF1* BCEfficiencyFitter::GetFitFunction (  )  [inline]
The fit function

Definition at line 81 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00082          { return fFitFunction; };

TGraph* BCEfficiencyFitter::GetGraphFitFunction (  )  [inline]
pointer to a graph for the fit function

Definition at line 91 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00092          { return fGraphFitFunction; };

TH1D* BCEfficiencyFitter::GetHistogram1 (  )  [inline]
The histogram 1

Definition at line 66 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00067          { return fHistogram1; };

TH1D* BCEfficiencyFitter::GetHistogram2 (  )  [inline]
The histogram 2

Definition at line 71 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00072          { return fHistogram2; };

TGraphAsymmErrors* BCEfficiencyFitter::GetHistogramRatio (  )  [inline]
The histogram ratio

Definition at line 76 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00077          { return fHistogramRatio; };

int BCEfficiencyFitter::GetUncertainties ( int  n,
int  k,
double  p,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax 

Calculates the lower and upper limits for a given probability.

n n for the binomial.
k k for the binomial.
p The central probability defining the limits.
xmin The lower limit.
xmax The upper limit.
A flag (=1 plot point, !=1 do not plot point).

Definition at line 541 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00542 {
00543    // create a histogram with binomial distribution
00544    if (fHistogramBinomial)
00545       fHistogramBinomial -> Reset();
00546    else
00547       fHistogramBinomial = new TH1D("hist_binomial", "", 1000, 0., 1.);
00549    // loop over bins and fill histogram
00550    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; ++i)
00551    {
00552       double x   = fHistogramBinomial -> GetBinCenter(i);
00553       double val = TMath::Binomial(n, k) * TMath::Power(x, double(k)) * TMath::Power(1-x, double(n-k));
00554       fHistogramBinomial -> SetBinContent(i, val);
00555    }
00557    // normalize
00558    fHistogramBinomial -> Scale(1.0 / fHistogramBinomial -> Integral());
00560    // calculate quantiles
00561    int nprobSum = 4;
00562    double q[4];
00563    double probSum[4];
00564    probSum[0] = (1.-p)/2.;
00565    probSum[1] = 1.-(1.-p)/2.;
00566    probSum[2] = 0.05;
00567    probSum[3] = 0.95;
00569    fHistogramBinomial -> GetQuantiles(nprobSum, q, probSum);
00571    double xexp = double(k)/double(n);
00573    // calculate uncertainties
00574    if (n == 0)
00575    {
00576       xmin = 0.0;
00577       xmax = 0.0;
00578       return -3;
00579    }
00580    else if (xexp < q[0])
00581    {
00582       xmin = 0;
00583       xmax = q[3];
00584       return -2;
00585    }
00587    else if (xexp > q[1])
00588    {
00589       xmin = q[2];
00590       xmax = 1.0;
00591       return -1;
00592    }
00593    else
00594    {
00595       xmin = q[0];
00596       xmax = q[1];
00597       return 1;
00598    }
00600 }

double BCEfficiencyFitter::LogAPrioriProbability ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

The log of the prior probability. Overloaded from BCModel.

parameters A vector of doubles containing the parameter values.

Reimplemented from BCModel.

Definition at line 246 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00247 {
00248    // using flat probability in all parameters
00249    double logprob = 0.;
00250    for(unsigned int i=0; i < this -> GetNParameters(); i++)
00251       logprob -= log(this -> GetParameter(i) -> GetRangeWidth());
00253    return logprob;
00254 }

double BCEfficiencyFitter::LogLikelihood ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

The log of the conditional probability. Overloaded from BCModel.

parameters A vector of doubles containing the parameter values.

Reimplemented from BCModel.

Definition at line 258 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00259 {
00261    // initialize probability
00262    double loglikelihood = 0;
00264    // set the parameters of the function
00265    fFitFunction -> SetParameters(&params[0]);
00267    // get the number of bins
00268    int nbins = fHistogram1 -> GetNbinsX();
00270    // get bin width
00271    double dx = fHistogram1 -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinWidth(0);
00273    // loop over all bins
00274    for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= nbins; ++ibin)
00275    {
00276       // get n
00277       int n = int(fHistogram1 -> GetBinContent(ibin));
00279       // get k
00280       int k = int(fHistogram2 -> GetBinContent(ibin));
00282       // get x
00283       double x = fHistogram1 -> GetBinCenter(ibin);
00285       double eff = 0;
00287       // use ROOT's TH1D::Integral method
00288       if (fFlagIntegration)
00289          eff = fFitFunction -> Integral(x - dx/2., x + dx/2.) / dx;
00291       // use linear interpolation
00292       else
00293          eff = (fFitFunction -> Eval(x + dx/2.) + fFitFunction -> Eval(x - dx/2.)) / 2.;
00295       // get the value of the Poisson distribution
00296       loglikelihood += BCMath::LogApproxBinomial(n, k, eff);
00297    }
00299    return loglikelihood;
00300 }

int BCEfficiencyFitter::SetFitFunction ( TF1 *  func  ) 
func The fit function @ return An error code (1:pass, 0:fail).

Definition at line 191 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00192 {
00193    // check if function exists
00194    if(!func)
00195    {
00196       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCEfficiencyFitter::SetFitFunction() : TF1 not created.");
00197       return 0;
00198    }
00200    // set the function
00201    fFitFunction = func;
00203    // update the model name to contain the function name
00204    this -> SetName(TString::Format("BCEfficiencyFitter with %s",fFitFunction->GetName()));
00206    // reset parameters
00207    fParameterSet -> clear();
00209    // get the new number of parameters
00210    int n = func -> GetNpar();
00212    // add parameters
00213    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
00214    {
00215       double xmin;
00216       double xmax;
00218       func -> GetParLimits(i, xmin, xmax);
00220       this -> AddParameter(func->GetParName(i), xmin, xmax);
00221    }
00223    // no error
00224    return 1;
00225 }

void BCEfficiencyFitter::SetFlagIntegration ( bool  flag  )  [inline]

Sets the flag for integration.
true: use ROOT's TH1D::Integrate()
false: use linear interpolation

Definition at line 123 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

00124          { fFlagIntegration = flag; };

int BCEfficiencyFitter::SetHistograms ( TH1D *  hist1,
TH1D *  hist2 
hist The histogram 1
hist The histogram 2 @ return An error code (1:pass, 0:fail).

Definition at line 66 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.cxx.

00067 {
00068    // check if histogram exists
00069    if (!hist1 || !hist2)
00070    {
00071       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCEfficiencyFitter::SetHistograms() : TH1D not created.");
00072       return 0;
00073    }
00075    // check compatibility of both histograms : number of bins
00076    if (hist1 -> GetNbinsX() != hist2 -> GetNbinsX())
00077    {
00078       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCEfficiencyFitter::SetHistograms() : Histograms do not have the same number of bins.");
00079       return 0;
00080    }
00082    // check compatibility of both histograms : bin content
00083    for (int i = 1; i <= hist1 -> GetNbinsX(); ++i)
00084    {
00085       if (hist1 -> GetBinContent(i) < hist2 -> GetBinContent(i))
00086       {
00087          BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCEfficiencyFitter::SetHistograms() : Histogram 1 has fewer entries than histogram 2.");
00088          return 0;
00089       }
00090    }
00092    // set pointer to histograms
00093    fHistogram1 = hist1;
00094    fHistogram2 = hist2;
00096    // create efficiency histogram
00097    if (fHistogramRatio)
00098       delete fHistogramRatio;
00100    fHistogramRatio = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
00101    fHistogramRatio -> SetMarkerStyle(20);
00102    fHistogramRatio -> SetMarkerSize(1.5);
00104    int npoints = 0;
00106    // set points
00107    for (int i = 1; i <= hist1 -> GetNbinsX(); ++i)
00108    {
00109       // calculate uncertainties
00110       double xmin;
00111       double xmax;
00112       int flag = this -> GetUncertainties(
00113             int(hist1 -> GetBinContent(i)),
00114             int(hist2 -> GetBinContent(i)),
00115             0.68, xmin, xmax);
00117       if (flag == 1)
00118       {
00119          fHistogramRatio -> SetPoint(
00120                npoints,
00121                hist1 -> GetBinCenter(i),
00122                hist2 -> GetBinContent(i) / hist1 -> GetBinContent(i));
00123          // set uncertainties
00124          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEXhigh(npoints, 0.);
00125          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEXlow(npoints, 0.);
00126          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEYhigh(npoints, xmax - hist2 -> GetBinContent(i) / hist1 -> GetBinContent(i));
00127          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEYlow(npoints++, hist2 -> GetBinContent(i) / hist1 -> GetBinContent(i) - xmin);
00128       }
00129       else if (flag == -2)
00130       {
00131          fHistogramRatio -> SetPoint(npoints, hist1 -> GetBinCenter(i), 0.);
00132          // set uncertainties
00133          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEXhigh(npoints, 0.);
00134          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEXlow(npoints, 0.);
00135          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEYhigh(npoints, xmax);
00136          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEYlow(npoints++, 0.);
00137       }
00138       else if (flag == -1)
00139       {
00140          fHistogramRatio -> SetPoint(npoints, hist1 -> GetBinCenter(i), 1.);
00141          // set uncertainties
00142          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEXhigh(npoints, 0.);
00143          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEXlow(npoints, 0.);
00144          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEYhigh(npoints, 0.);
00145          fHistogramRatio -> SetPointEYlow(npoints++, 1.-xmin);
00146       }
00147    }
00149    // create a data set. this is necessary in order to calculate the
00150    // error band. the data set contains as many data points as there
00151    // are bins. for now, the data points are empty.
00152    BCDataSet * ds = new BCDataSet();
00154    // create data points and add them to the data set.
00155    int nbins = fHistogram1 -> GetNbinsX();
00156    for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i)
00157    {
00158       BCDataPoint* dp = new BCDataPoint(2);
00159       ds -> AddDataPoint(dp);
00160    }
00162    // set the new data set.
00163    this -> SetDataSet(ds);
00165    // calculate the lower and upper edge in x.
00166    double xmin = hist1 -> GetBinLowEdge(1);
00167    double xmax = hist1 -> GetBinLowEdge(nbins+1);
00169 // // calculate the minimum and maximum range in y.
00170 // double histymin = hist2 -> GetMinimum();
00171 // double histymax = hist1 -> GetMaximum();
00173 // // calculate the minimum and maximum of the function value based on
00174 // // the minimum and maximum value in y.
00175 // double ymin = TMath::Max(0., histymin - 5.*sqrt(histymin));
00176 // double ymax = histymax + 5.*sqrt(histymax);
00178    // set the data boundaries for x and y values.
00179    this -> SetDataBoundaries(0, xmin, xmax);
00180    this -> SetDataBoundaries(1, 0.0, 1.0);
00182    // set the indeces for fitting.
00183    this -> SetFitFunctionIndices(0, 1);
00185    // no error
00186    return 1;
00187 }

Member Data Documentation

TGraph* BCEfficiencyFitter::fErrorBand [private]

Pointer to the error band (for legend)

Definition at line 199 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

The fit function

Definition at line 190 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

Flag for using the ROOT TH1D::Integral method (true), or linear interpolation (false)

Definition at line 195 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

Pointer to a graph for displaying the fit function

Definition at line 203 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

The histogram containing the larger numbers.

Definition at line 178 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

The histogram containing the smaller numbers.

Definition at line 182 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

Temporary histogram for calculating the binomial qunatiles

Definition at line 207 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

TGraphAsymmErrors* BCEfficiencyFitter::fHistogramRatio [private]

The efficiency histogram.

Definition at line 186 of file BCEfficiencyFitter.h.

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Generated on Tue Oct 6 09:48:21 2009 for Bayesian Analysis Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.1