BCDataSet Class Reference

A class representing a set of data points. More...

#include <BCDataSet.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Member functions (miscellaneous methods)

void AddDataPoint (BCDataPoint *datapoint)
void Dump ()
int ReadDataFromFile (const char *filename, int nvariables)
int ReadDataFromFile (const char *filename, const char *treename, const char *branchnames)
int ReadDataFromFileTree (const char *filename, const char *treename, const char *branchnames)
int ReadDataFromFileTxt (const char *filename, int nvariables)
void Reset ()
Constructors and destructors

 BCDataSet ()
virtual ~BCDataSet ()
Member functions (get)

BCDataPointGetDataPoint (unsigned int index)
unsigned int GetNDataPoints ()
unsigned int GetNValuesPerPoint ()

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

A class representing a set of data points.

Daniel Kollar
Kevin Kröninger
08.2008 This class represents a data set containing a set of data points. The data points are organized in a vector. The class provides functions to read in data from a file.

Definition at line 36 of file BCDataSet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BCDataSet::BCDataSet (  ) 

Definition at line 25 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00026 {
00027    fBCDataVector = 0;
00028 }

BCDataSet::~BCDataSet (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 32 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00033 {
00034    if (fBCDataVector)
00035       delete fBCDataVector;
00036 }

Member Function Documentation

void BCDataSet::AddDataPoint ( BCDataPoint datapoint  ) 

Adds a data point to the data set.

datapoint The data point to be added

Definition at line 314 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00315 {
00317    // check if memory for the vector has been allocated and
00318    // allocate if not.
00319    if (fBCDataVector == 0)
00320       fBCDataVector = new BCDataVector();
00322    // add data point to the data set.
00323    fBCDataVector -> push_back(datapoint);
00325 }

void BCDataSet::Dump (  ) 

Dump the data to the standard output

Definition at line 341 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00342 {
00343    if (!fBCDataVector)
00344    {
00345       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error, "BCDataSet::Dump : Data set is empty. Nothing to dump.");
00346       return;
00347    }
00349    std::cout << std::endl
00350       << "Dumping dataset:" << std::endl
00351       << "----------------" << std::endl
00352       << " - number of points:            " << fBCDataVector -> size() << std::endl
00353       << " - number of values per point:  " << this -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues() << std::endl
00354       << " - values:" << std::endl;
00355    unsigned int n = this -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues();
00356    for (unsigned int i=0; i< fBCDataVector -> size(); i++)
00357    {
00358       std::cout << Form("%5d :  ", i);
00359       for (unsigned int j=0; j<n; j++)
00360          std::cout << Form("%12.5g", this -> GetDataPoint(i) -> GetValue(j));
00361       std::cout << std::endl;
00362    }
00363    std::cout << std::endl;
00365 }

BCDataPoint * BCDataSet::GetDataPoint ( unsigned int  index  ) 

Definition at line 66 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00067 {
00068    if (!fBCDataVector || this -> GetNDataPoints()==0 )
00069    {
00070       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,"BCDataSet::GetDataPoint : Dataset is empty.");
00071       return 0;
00072    }
00074    // check if index is within range. Return the data point if true ...
00075    if(index >= 0 && index < this -> GetNDataPoints())
00076       return fBCDataVector -> at(index);
00078    // ... or give out warning and return 0 if not.
00079    BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,"BCDataSet::GetDataPoint : Index out of range. Return 0.");
00080    return 0;
00081 }

unsigned int BCDataSet::GetNDataPoints (  ) 

Definition at line 40 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00041 {
00042    // check if vector exists. Return number of data points if true ...
00043    if (fBCDataVector)
00044       return fBCDataVector -> size();
00046    // ... or give out warning and return 0 if not.
00047    BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCDataSet::GetNDataPoints : DataSet not yet created.");
00048    return 0;
00049 }

unsigned int BCDataSet::GetNValuesPerPoint (  ) 

Definition at line 53 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00054 {
00055    // check if vector exists and contains datapoints
00056    if (fBCDataVector && fBCDataVector -> size() > 0)
00057       return this -> GetDataPoint(0) -> GetNValues();
00059    BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,
00060          "BCDataSet::GetNValuesPerPoint : Data set doesn't exist yet");
00061    return 0;
00062 }

int BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFile ( const char *  filename,
int  nvariables 
) [inline]

Definition at line 85 of file BCDataSet.h.

00086          { return this -> ReadDataFromFileTxt(filename, nvariables); };

int BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFile ( const char *  filename,
const char *  treename,
const char *  branchnames 
) [inline]

Reads data from a file. For a description see the following member functions.

Definition at line 82 of file BCDataSet.h.

00083          { return this ->  ReadDataFromFileTree(filename, treename, branchnames); };

int BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTree ( const char *  filename,
const char *  treename,
const char *  branchnames 

Reads a TTree from a .root file. Opens a .root file and gets a TTree. It creates data points containing the values read from the file.

filename The name of the .root file.
treename The name of the TTree.
branchnames A list of the names of the branches separated by a comma
An error code.
See also:
ReadDataFromFileTxt(char* filename, int nbranches);
ReadDataFromFileUser(const char * filename, std::vector<int> options_int, std::vector<double> options_double, const char * options_char);

Definition at line 85 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00086 {
00087    // open root file
00088    TFile * file = new TFile(filename, "READ");
00090    // check if file is open and warn if not.
00091    if (!file -> IsOpen())
00092    {
00093       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,
00094             Form("BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTree : Could not open file %s.", filename));
00095       return ERROR_FILENOTFOUND;
00096    }
00098    // get tree
00099    TTree * tree = (TTree*) file -> Get(treename);
00101    // check if tree is there and warn if not.
00102    if (!tree)
00103    {
00104       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,
00105             Form("BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTree : Could not find TTree %s.", treename));
00107       // close file
00108       file -> Close();
00110       return ERROR_TREENOTFOUND;
00111    }
00113    // if data set contains data, clear data object container ...
00114    if (fBCDataVector != 0)
00115    {
00116       fBCDataVector -> clear();
00118       BCLog::Out(BCLog::detail, BCLog::detail,"BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTree : Overwrite existing data.");
00119    }
00121    // ... or allocate memory for the vector if not.
00122    else
00123       fBCDataVector = new BCDataVector();
00125    // get branch names.
00127    // first, copy the branchnames into a std::string.
00128    std::string branches(branchnames);
00130    // define a vector of std::strings which contain the tree names.
00131    std::vector<std::string> * branchnamevector = new std::vector<std::string>;
00133    // the names are supposed to be separated by commas. find first comma
00134    // entry in the string.
00135    int temp_index = branches.find_first_of(",");
00137    // reset number of branches
00138    int nbranches = 0;
00140    // repeat until the is nothing left in the string.
00141    while(branches.size() > 0)
00142    {
00143       // temporary string which contains the name of the current branch
00144       std::string branchname;
00146       // get current branch name
00148       // if there is no comma the current branchname corresponds to the whole string, ...
00149       if (temp_index == -1)
00150          branchname = branches;
00152       // ... if there is a comma, copy that part of the string into the current branchname.
00153       else
00154          branchname.assign(branches, 0, temp_index);
00156       // write branch name to a vector
00157       branchnamevector -> push_back(branchname);
00159       // increase the number of branches found
00160       nbranches++;
00162       // cut remaining string with branchnames
00164       // if there is no comma left empty the string, ...
00165       if (temp_index == -1)
00166             branches = "";
00168       // ... if there is a comma remove the current branchname from the string.
00169       else
00170          branches.erase(0, temp_index + 1);
00172       // find the next comma
00173       temp_index = branches.find_first_of(",");
00174    }
00176    // create temporary vector with data and assign some zeros.
00177    std::vector<double> data;
00178    data.assign(nbranches, 0.0);
00180    // set the branch address.
00181    for (int i = 0; i < nbranches; i++)
00182       tree -> SetBranchAddress(branchnamevector -> at(i).data(), &data.at(i));
00184    // calculate maximum number of entries
00185    int nentries = tree -> GetEntries();
00187    // check if there are any events in the tree and close file if not.
00188    if (nentries <= 0)
00189    {
00190       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,
00191             Form("BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTree : No events in TTree %s.", treename));
00193       // close file
00194       file -> Close();
00196       return ERROR_NOEVENTS;
00197    }
00199    // loop over entries
00200    for (int ientry = 0; ientry < nentries; ientry++)
00201    {
00202       // get entry
00203       tree -> GetEntry(ientry);
00205       // create data object
00206       BCDataPoint * datapoint = new BCDataPoint(nbranches);
00208       // copy data
00210       for (int i = 0; i < nbranches; i++)
00211          datapoint -> SetValue(i, data.at(i));
00213       // add data point to this data set.
00214       this -> AddDataPoint(datapoint);
00215    }
00217    // close file
00218    file -> Close();
00220    // remove file pointer.
00221    if (file)
00222       delete file;
00224    return 0;
00226 }

int BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTxt ( const char *  filename,
int  nvariables 

Reads data from a .txt file. Opens a .txt file and creates data objects containing the values read from the file.

filename The name of the .txt file.
nvariables The number of variables.
See also:
ReadDataFromFileTree(char* filename, char* treename, std::vector<char*> branchnames)
ReadDataFromFileUser(const char * filename, std::vector<int> options_int, std::vector<double> options_double, const char * options_char);

Definition at line 230 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00231 {
00232    // open text file.
00233    std::fstream file;
00234    file.open(filename, std::fstream::in);
00236    // check if file is open and warn if not.
00237    if (!file.is_open())
00238    {
00239       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,
00240             Form("BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileText : Could not open file %s.", filename));
00242       return ERROR_FILENOTFOUND;
00243    }
00245    // if data set contains data, clear data object container ...
00246    if (fBCDataVector != 0)
00247    {
00248       fBCDataVector -> clear();
00250       BCLog::Out(BCLog::detail, BCLog::detail,"BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileTxt : Overwrite existing data.");
00251    }
00253    // ... or allocate memory for the vector if not.
00254    else
00255       fBCDataVector = new BCDataVector();
00257    // create temporary vector with data and assign some zeros.
00258    std::vector<double> data;
00259    data.assign(nbranches, 0.0);
00261    // reset counter
00262    int nentries = 0;
00264    // read data and create data points.
00265    while (!file.eof())
00266    {
00267       // read data from file
00268       int i=0;
00269       while(file >> data[i])
00270       {
00271          if (i==nbranches-1)
00272             break;
00273          i++;
00274       }
00276       // create data point.
00277       if(i == nbranches-1)
00278       {
00279          BCDataPoint * datapoint = new BCDataPoint(nbranches);
00281          // copy data into data point
00282          for (int i = 0; i < nbranches; i++)
00283             datapoint -> SetValue(i, data.at(i));
00285          // add data point to this data set.
00286          this -> AddDataPoint(datapoint);
00288          // increase counter
00289          nentries++;
00290       }
00291    }
00293    // check if there are any events in the tree and close file if not.
00294    if (nentries <= 0)
00295    {
00296       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,
00297             Form("BCDataSet::ReadDataFromFileText : No events in the file %s.", filename));
00299       // close file
00300       file.close();
00302       return ERROR_NOEVENTS;
00303    }
00305    // close file
00306    file.close();
00308    return 0;
00310 }

void BCDataSet::Reset (  ) 

Resets the content of the data set

Definition at line 329 of file BCDataSet.cxx.

00330 {
00332    // if memory has been allocated to the data set
00333    // clear the content.
00334    if (fBCDataVector != 0)
00335       fBCDataVector -> clear();
00337 }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 131 of file BCDataSet.h.

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