BCHistogramFitter Class Reference

A class for fitting histograms with functions. More...

#include <BCHistogramFitter.h>

Inherits BCModel.

Collaboration diagram for BCHistogramFitter:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructors

 BCHistogramFitter (TH1D *hist, TF1 *func)
 BCHistogramFitter ()
 ~BCHistogramFitter ()
Member functions (miscellaneous methods)

int CalculatePValueFast (std::vector< double > par, double &pvalue)
void DrawFit (const char *options="", bool flaglegend=false)
int Fit (TH1D *hist, TF1 *func)
int Fit ()
double FitFunction (std::vector< double > x, std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual double LogAPrioriProbability (std::vector< double > parameters)
virtual double LogLikelihood (std::vector< double > parameters)
Member functions (get)

TGraph * GetErrorBand ()
TF1 * GetFitFunction ()
TGraph * GetGraphFitFunction ()
TH1D * GetHistogram ()
Member functions (set)

int SetFitFunction (TF1 *func)
void SetFlagIntegration (bool flag)
int SetHistogram (TH1D *hist)

Private Attributes

TGraph * fErrorBand
TF1 * fFitFunction
bool fFlagIntegration
TGraph * fGraphFitFunction
TH1D * fHistogram

Detailed Description

A class for fitting histograms with functions.

Daniel Kollar
Kevin Kröninger
11.2008 This class allows fitting of a TH1D histogram using a TF1 function.

Definition at line 34 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BCHistogramFitter::BCHistogramFitter (  ) 

The default constructor.

Definition at line 27 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00027                                      : BCModel("HistogramFitter")
00028 {
00029    fHistogram = 0;
00030    fFitFunction = 0;
00032    // set default options and values
00033    this -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(2000);
00034    this -> SetFillErrorBand();
00035    fFlagIntegration = true;
00036 }

BCHistogramFitter::BCHistogramFitter ( TH1D *  hist,
TF1 *  func 

A constructor.

hist The histogram (TH1D).
func The fit function.

Definition at line 40 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00040                                                             : BCModel("HistogramFitter")
00041 {
00042    fHistogram = 0;
00043    fFitFunction = 0;
00045    this -> SetHistogram(hist);
00046    this -> SetFitFunction(func);
00048    this -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(2000);
00049    this -> SetFillErrorBand();
00050    fFlagIntegration = true;
00051 }

BCHistogramFitter::~BCHistogramFitter (  ) 

The default destructor.

Definition at line 147 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00148 {}

Member Function Documentation

int BCHistogramFitter::CalculatePValueFast ( std::vector< double >  par,
double &  pvalue 

Calculate the p-value using fast-MCMC.

par A set of parameter values
pvalue The pvalue
An error code

Definition at line 334 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00335 {
00336    // check size of parameter vector
00337    if (par.size() != this -> GetNParameters())
00338    {
00339       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::CalculatePValueFast() : Number of parameters is inconsistent.");
00340       return 0;
00341    }
00343    // check if histogram exists
00344    if (!fHistogram)
00345    {
00346       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::CalculatePValueFast() : Histogram not defined.");
00347       return 0;
00348    }
00350    // define temporary variables
00351    int nbins = fHistogram -> GetNbinsX();
00353    std::vector <int> histogram;
00354    std::vector <double> expectation;
00355    histogram.assign(nbins, 0);
00356    expectation.assign(nbins, 0);
00358    double logp = 0;
00359    double logp_start = 0;
00360    int counter_pvalue = 0;
00362    // define starting distribution
00363    for (int ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ++ibin)
00364    {
00365       // get bin boundaries
00366       double xmin = fHistogram -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin+1);
00367       double xmax = fHistogram -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin+2);
00369       // get the number of expected events
00370       double yexp = fFitFunction -> Integral(xmin, xmax);
00372       histogram[ibin]   = int(yexp);
00373       expectation[ibin] = yexp;
00375       // calculate p;
00376       logp += BCMath::LogPoisson(double(int(yexp)), yexp);
00377       logp_start += BCMath::LogPoisson(fHistogram -> GetBinContent(ibin+1), yexp);
00378    }
00380    int niter = 100000;
00382    // loop over iterations
00383    for (int iiter = 0; iiter < niter; ++iiter)
00384    {
00385       // loop over bins
00386       for (int ibin = 0; ibin < nbins; ++ibin)
00387       {
00388          // random step up or down in statistics for this bin
00389          double ptest = fRandom -> Rndm() - 0.5;
00391          // increase statistics by 1
00392          if (ptest > 0)
00393          {
00394             // calculate factor of probability
00395             double r = expectation.at(ibin) / double(histogram.at(ibin) + 1);
00397             // walk, or don't (this is the Metropolis part)
00398             if (fRandom -> Rndm() < r)
00399             {
00400                histogram[ibin] = histogram.at(ibin) + 1;
00401                logp += log(r);
00402             }
00403          }
00405          // decrease statistics by 1
00406          else if (ptest <= 0 && histogram[ibin] > 0)
00407          {
00408             // calculate factor of probability
00409             double r = double(histogram.at(ibin)) / expectation.at(ibin);
00411             // walk, or don't (this is the Metropolis part)
00412             if (fRandom -> Rndm() < r)
00413             {
00414                histogram[ibin] = histogram.at(ibin) - 1;
00415                logp += log(r);
00416             }
00417          }
00418          // debugKK
00419 //       std::cout << " negative " << std::endl;
00421       } // end of looping over bins
00423       // increase counter
00424       if (logp < logp_start)
00425          counter_pvalue++;
00427    } // end of looping over iterations
00429    // calculate p-value
00430    pvalue = double(counter_pvalue) / double(niter);
00432    // no error
00433    return 1;
00434 }

void BCHistogramFitter::DrawFit ( const char *  options = "",
bool  flaglegend = false 

Draw the fit in the current pad.

Definition at line 283 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00284 {
00285    if (!fHistogram)
00286    {
00287       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::DrawFit() : Histogram not defined.");
00288       return;
00289    }
00291    if (!fFitFunction)
00292    {
00293       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::DrawFit() : Fit function not defined.");
00294       return;
00295    }
00297    // check wheather options contain "same"
00298    TString opt = options;
00299    opt.ToLower();
00301    // if not same, draw the histogram first to get the axes
00302    if(!opt.Contains("same"))
00303       fHistogram -> Draw(opt.Data());
00305    // draw the error band as central 68% probability interval
00306    fErrorBand = this -> GetErrorBandGraph(0.16, 0.84);
00307    fErrorBand -> Draw("f same");
00309    // now draw the histogram again since it was covered by the band
00310    fHistogram -> Draw(TString::Format("%ssame",opt.Data()));
00312    // draw the fit function on top
00313    fGraphFitFunction = this -> GetFitFunctionGraph( this->GetBestFitParameters() );
00314    fGraphFitFunction -> SetLineColor(kRed);
00315    fGraphFitFunction -> SetLineWidth(2);
00316    fGraphFitFunction -> Draw("l same");
00318    // draw legend
00319    if (flaglegend)
00320    {
00321       TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.25, 0.75, 0.55, 0.95);
00322       legend -> SetBorderSize(0);
00323       legend -> SetFillColor(kWhite);
00324       legend -> AddEntry(fHistogram, "Data", "L");
00325       legend -> AddEntry(fGraphFitFunction, "Best fit", "L");
00326       legend -> AddEntry(fErrorBand, "Error band", "F");
00327       legend -> Draw();
00328    }
00330    gPad -> RedrawAxis();
00331 }

int BCHistogramFitter::Fit ( TH1D *  hist,
TF1 *  func 

Performs the fit.

hist The histogram (TH1D).
func The fit function.
An error code.

Definition at line 240 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00241 {
00242    // set histogram
00243    if (hist)
00244       this -> SetHistogram(hist);
00245    else
00246    {
00247       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::Fit() : Histogram not defined.");
00248       return 0;
00249    }
00251    // set function
00252    if (func)
00253       this -> SetFitFunction(func);
00254    else
00255    {
00256       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::Fit() : Fit function not defined.");
00257       return 0;
00258    }
00260    // perform marginalization
00261    this -> MarginalizeAll();
00263    // maximize posterior probability, using the best-fit values close
00264    // to the global maximum from the MCMC
00265    this -> FindModeMinuit( this -> GetBestFitParameters() , -1);
00267    // calculate the p-value using the fast MCMC algorithm
00268    double pvalue;
00269    if (this -> CalculatePValueFast(this -> GetBestFitParameters(), pvalue))
00270       fPValue = pvalue;
00271    else
00272       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning, BCLog::warning,"BCHistogramFitter::Fit() : Could not use the fast p-value evaluation.");
00274    // print summary to screen
00275    this -> PrintShortFitSummary();
00277    // no error
00278    return 1;
00279 }

int BCHistogramFitter::Fit (  )  [inline]

Performs the fit.

An error code.

Definition at line 138 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

00139          { return this -> Fit(fHistogram, fFitFunction); };

double BCHistogramFitter::FitFunction ( std::vector< double >  x,
std::vector< double >  parameters 
) [virtual]

Plots the histogram

options Options for plotting.
filename Name of the file which the histogram is printed into. The following options are available:
F : plots the fit function on top of the data E0 : plots the fit function and the 68% prob. uncertainty band of the fit function on top of the data E1 : plots the expectation from the fit function and the uncertainty bin-by-bin as error bars. Returns the y-value of the 1-dimensional fit function at an x and for a set of parameters.
x A vector with the x-value.
parameters A set of parameters.

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 230 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00231 {
00232    // set the parameters of the function
00233    fFitFunction -> SetParameters(&params[0]);
00235    return fFitFunction -> Eval(x[0]) * fHistogram -> GetBinWidth( fHistogram -> FindBin(x[0]) );
00236 }

TGraph* BCHistogramFitter::GetErrorBand (  )  [inline]
pointer to the error band

Definition at line 72 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

00073          { return fErrorBand; };

TF1* BCHistogramFitter::GetFitFunction (  )  [inline]
The fit function

Definition at line 67 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

00068          { return fFitFunction; };

TGraph* BCHistogramFitter::GetGraphFitFunction (  )  [inline]
pointer to a graph for the fit function

Definition at line 77 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

00078          { return fGraphFitFunction; };

TH1D* BCHistogramFitter::GetHistogram (  )  [inline]
The histogram

Definition at line 62 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

00063          { return fHistogram; };

double BCHistogramFitter::LogAPrioriProbability ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

The log of the prior probability. Overloaded from BCModel.

parameters A vector of doubles containing the parameter values.

Reimplemented from BCModel.

Definition at line 152 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00153 {
00154    // using flat probability in all parameters
00155    double logprob = 0.;
00156    for(unsigned int i=0; i < this -> GetNParameters(); i++)
00157       logprob -= log(this -> GetParameter(i) -> GetRangeWidth());
00159    return logprob;
00160 }

double BCHistogramFitter::LogLikelihood ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

The log of the conditional probability. Overloaded from BCModel.

parameters A vector of doubles containing the parameter values.

Reimplemented from BCModel.

Definition at line 164 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00165 {
00166    // initialize probability
00167    double loglikelihood = 0;
00169    // set the parameters of the function
00170    fFitFunction -> SetParameters(&params[0]);
00172    // get the number of bins
00173    int nbins = fHistogram -> GetNbinsX();
00175    // get bin width
00176    double dx = fHistogram -> GetBinWidth(1);
00178    // get function value of lower bin edge
00179    double fedgelow = fFitFunction -> Eval(fHistogram -> GetBinLowEdge(1));
00181    // loop over all bins
00182    for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= nbins; ++ibin)
00183    {
00184       // get upper bin edge
00185       double xedgehi = fHistogram -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin) + dx;
00187       // get function value at upper bin edge
00188       double fedgehi = fFitFunction -> Eval(xedgehi);
00190       // get the number of observed events
00191       double y = fHistogram -> GetBinContent(ibin);
00193       double yexp = 0.;
00195       // use ROOT's TH1D::Integral method
00196       if (fFlagIntegration)
00197          yexp = fFitFunction -> Integral(xedgehi-dx, xedgehi);
00199       // use linear interpolation
00200       else
00201       {
00202          yexp = fedgelow * dx + (fedgehi - fedgelow) * dx / 2.;
00204          // make the upper edge the lower edge for the next iteration
00205          fedgelow = fedgehi;
00206       }
00208       // get the value of the Poisson distribution
00209       loglikelihood += BCMath::LogPoisson(y, yexp);
00210    }
00212 // // get bin boundaries
00213 // double xmin = fHistogram -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin);
00214 // double xmax = fHistogram -> GetBinLowEdge(ibin+1);
00216 // // get the number of observed events
00217 // double y = fHistogram -> GetBinContent(ibin);
00219 // // get the number of expected events
00220 // double yexp = fFitFunction -> Integral(xmin, xmax);
00222 // // get the value of the Poisson distribution
00223 // loglikelihood += BCMath::LogPoisson(y, yexp);
00225    return loglikelihood;
00226 }

int BCHistogramFitter::SetFitFunction ( TF1 *  func  ) 
func The fit function @ return An error code (1:pass, 0:fail).

Definition at line 109 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00110 {
00111    // check if function exists
00112    if(!func)
00113    {
00114       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCHistogramFitter::SetFitFunction() : TF1 not created.");
00115       return 0;
00116    }
00118    // set the function
00119    fFitFunction = func;
00121    // update the model name to contain the function name
00122    this -> SetName(TString::Format("HistogramFitter with %s",fFitFunction->GetName()));
00124    // reset parameters
00125    fParameterSet -> clear();
00127    // get the new number of parameters
00128    int n = func -> GetNpar();
00130    // add parameters
00131    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
00132    {
00133       double xmin;
00134       double xmax;
00136       func -> GetParLimits(i, xmin, xmax);
00138       this -> AddParameter(func->GetParName(i), xmin, xmax);
00139    }
00141    // no error
00142    return 1;
00143 }

void BCHistogramFitter::SetFlagIntegration ( bool  flag  )  [inline]

Sets the flag for integration.
true: use ROOT's TH1D::Integrate()
false: use linear interpolation

Definition at line 101 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

00102          { fFlagIntegration = flag; };

int BCHistogramFitter::SetHistogram ( TH1D *  hist  ) 
hist The histogram @ return An error code (1:pass, 0:fail).

Definition at line 55 of file BCHistogramFitter.cxx.

00056 {
00057    // check if histogram exists
00058    if (!hist)
00059    {
00060       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCHistogramFitter::SetHistogram() : TH1D not created.");
00061       return 0;
00062    }
00064    // set pointer to histogram
00065    fHistogram = hist;
00067    // create a data set. this is necessary in order to calculate the
00068    // error band. the data set contains as many data points as there
00069    // are bins. for now, the data points are empty.
00070    BCDataSet * ds = new BCDataSet();
00072    // create data points and add them to the data set.
00073    int nbins = fHistogram -> GetNbinsX();
00074    for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i)
00075    {
00076       BCDataPoint* dp = new BCDataPoint(2);
00077       ds -> AddDataPoint(dp);
00078    }
00080    // set the new data set.
00081    this -> SetDataSet(ds);
00083    // calculate the lower and upper edge in x.
00084    double xmin = hist -> GetBinLowEdge(1);
00085    double xmax = hist -> GetBinLowEdge(nbins+1);
00087    // calculate the minimum and maximum range in y.
00088    double histymin = hist -> GetMinimum();
00089    double histymax = hist -> GetMaximum();
00091    // calculate the minimum and maximum of the function value based on
00092    // the minimum and maximum value in y.
00093    double ymin = TMath::Max(0., histymin - 5.*sqrt(histymin));
00094    double ymax = histymax + 5.*sqrt(histymax);
00096    // set the data boundaries for x and y values.
00097    this -> SetDataBoundaries(0, xmin, xmax);
00098    this -> SetDataBoundaries(1, ymin, ymax);
00100    // set the indeces for fitting.
00101    this -> SetFitFunctionIndices(0, 1);
00103    // no error
00104    return 1;
00105 }

Member Data Documentation

TGraph* BCHistogramFitter::fErrorBand [private]

Pointer to the error band (for legend)

Definition at line 179 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

The fit function

Definition at line 170 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

Flag for using the ROOT TH1D::Integral method (true), or linear interpolation (false)

Definition at line 175 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

Pointer to a graph for displaying the fit function

Definition at line 183 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

The histogram containing the data.

Definition at line 166 of file BCHistogramFitter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Oct 6 09:48:22 2009 for Bayesian Analysis Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.1