BCGraphFitter Class Reference

A class for fitting graphs with functions. More...

#include <BCGraphFitter.h>

Inherits BCModel.

Collaboration diagram for BCGraphFitter:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructors

 BCGraphFitter (TGraphErrors *graph, TF1 *func)
 BCGraphFitter ()
 ~BCGraphFitter ()
Member functions (miscellaneous methods)

void DrawFit (const char *options="", bool flaglegend=false)
int Fit (TGraphErrors *graph, TF1 *func)
int Fit ()
double FitFunction (std::vector< double > x, std::vector< double > parameters)
double LogAPrioriProbability (std::vector< double > parameters)
double LogLikelihood (std::vector< double > parameters)
Member functions (get)

TGraph * GetErrorBand ()
TF1 * GetFitFunction ()
TGraphErrors * GetGraph ()
TGraph * GetGraphFitFunction ()
Member functions (set)

int SetFitFunction (TF1 *func)
int SetGraph (TGraphErrors *graph)

Private Attributes

TGraph * fErrorBand
TF1 * fFitFunction
TGraphErrors * fGraph
TGraph * fGraphFitFunction

Detailed Description

A class for fitting graphs with functions.

Daniel Kollar
Kevin Kröninger
2008 This class allows fitting of a TGraphErrors using a TF1 function. It doeasn't take the x uncertainties into account. For that look at BCGraphXFitter (not yet implemented).

Definition at line 34 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BCGraphFitter::BCGraphFitter (  ) 

Default constructor

Definition at line 25 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00025                              : BCModel("GraphFitter")
00026 {
00027    fGraph = 0;
00028    fFitFunction = 0;
00029    fErrorBand = 0;
00030    fGraphFitFunction = 0;
00032    this -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(2000);
00034    this -> SetFillErrorBand();
00035 }

BCGraphFitter::BCGraphFitter ( TGraphErrors *  graph,
TF1 *  func 


graph pointer to TGraphErrors
func pointer to TF1

Definition at line 39 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00039                                                              : BCModel("GraphFitter")
00040 {
00041    fGraph = 0;
00042    fFitFunction = 0;
00043    fErrorBand = 0;
00044    fGraphFitFunction = 0;
00046    this -> MCMCSetNIterationsRun(2000);
00048    this -> SetGraph(graph);
00049    this -> SetFitFunction(func);
00051    this -> SetFillErrorBand();
00052 }

BCGraphFitter::~BCGraphFitter (  ) 

The default destructor.

Definition at line 174 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00175 {}

Member Function Documentation

void BCGraphFitter::DrawFit ( const char *  options = "",
bool  flaglegend = false 

Draw the fit in the current pad.

Definition at line 277 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00278 {
00279    if (!fGraph)
00280    {
00281       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::DrawFit() : TGraphErrors not defined.");
00282       return;
00283    }
00285    if (!fFitFunction)
00286    {
00287       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error, BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::DrawFit() : Fit function not defined.");
00288       return;
00289    }
00291    // check wheather options contain "same"
00292    TString opt = options;
00293    opt.ToLower();
00295    // if not same, draw the histogram first to get the axes
00296    if(!opt.Contains("same"))
00297       fGraph -> Draw("ap");
00299    // draw the error band as central 68% probability interval
00300    fErrorBand = this -> GetErrorBandGraph(0.16, 0.84);
00301    fErrorBand -> Draw("f same");
00303    // draw the fit function on top
00304    fGraphFitFunction = this -> GetFitFunctionGraph( this->GetBestFitParameters() );
00305    fGraphFitFunction -> SetLineColor(kRed);
00306    fGraphFitFunction -> SetLineWidth(2);
00307    fGraphFitFunction -> Draw("l same");
00309    // now draw the histogram again since it was covered by the band and
00310    // the best fit
00311    fGraph -> Draw("p same");
00313    // draw legend
00314    if (flaglegend)
00315    {
00316       TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.25, 0.75, 0.55, 0.95);
00317       legend -> SetBorderSize(0);
00318       legend -> SetFillColor(kWhite);
00319       legend -> AddEntry(fGraph, "Data", "P");
00320       legend -> AddEntry(fGraphFitFunction, "Best fit", "L");
00321       legend -> AddEntry(fErrorBand, "Error band", "F");
00322       legend -> Draw();
00323    }
00325    gPad -> RedrawAxis();
00326 }

int BCGraphFitter::Fit ( TGraphErrors *  graph,
TF1 *  func 

Performs the fit of the graph with the function.

graph pointer to TGraphErrors object
func pointer to TF1 object
An error code.

Definition at line 235 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00236 {
00237    // set graph
00238    if (!this -> SetGraph(graph))
00239       return 0;
00241    // set function
00242    if (!this -> SetFitFunction(func))
00243       return 0;
00245    // check setup
00246    BCLog::Out(BCLog::detail,BCLog::detail,
00247          Form("Fitting %d data points with function of %d parameters",GetNDataPoints(),GetNParameters()));
00248    if(GetNDataPoints() <= (int)GetNParameters())
00249    {
00250       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning,BCLog::warning,
00251             Form("Number of parameters (%d) lower than or equal to number of points (%d)."
00252             , GetNParameters(), GetNDataPoints()));
00253       BCLog::Out(BCLog::warning,BCLog::warning,"Fit doesn't have much meaning.");
00254    }
00256    // perform marginalization
00257    this -> MarginalizeAll();
00259    // maximize posterior probability, using the best-fit values close
00260    // to the global maximum from the MCMC
00261    this -> FindModeMinuit( this -> GetBestFitParameters(), -1);
00263    // calculate p-value from the chi2 probability
00264    // this is only valid for a product of gaussiang which is the case for
00265    // the BCGraphFitter
00266    this -> GetPvalueFromChi2(this -> GetBestFitParameters(), 3);
00267    this -> GetPvalueFromChi2NDoF(this -> GetBestFitParameters(), 3);
00269    // print summary to screen
00270    this -> PrintShortFitSummary(1);
00272    return 1;
00273 }

int BCGraphFitter::Fit (  )  [inline]

Performs the fit. The graph and the function has to beset beforehand.

An error code.

Definition at line 117 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

00118          { return this -> Fit(fGraph, fFitFunction); };

double BCGraphFitter::FitFunction ( std::vector< double >  x,
std::vector< double >  parameters 
) [virtual]

Returns the value of the 1D fit function for a given set of parameters at a given x.

x point to calculate the function value at
parameters parameters of the function

Reimplemented from BCIntegrate.

Definition at line 225 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00226 {
00227    // set the parameters of the function
00228    fFitFunction -> SetParameters(&params[0]);
00230    return fFitFunction -> Eval(x[0]);
00231 }

TGraph* BCGraphFitter::GetErrorBand (  )  [inline]
pointer to the error band

Definition at line 72 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

00073          { return fErrorBand; };

TF1* BCGraphFitter::GetFitFunction (  )  [inline]
pointer to TF1

Definition at line 67 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

00068          { return fFitFunction; };

TGraphErrors* BCGraphFitter::GetGraph (  )  [inline]
pointer to TGraphErrors

Definition at line 62 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

00063          { return fGraph; };

TGraph* BCGraphFitter::GetGraphFitFunction (  )  [inline]
pointer to a graph for the fit function

Definition at line 77 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

00078          { return fGraphFitFunction; };

double BCGraphFitter::LogAPrioriProbability ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

The log of the prior probability. It is set to be flat in all parameters.

parameters vector containing the parameter values

Reimplemented from BCModel.

Definition at line 179 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00180 {
00181    // using flat probability in all parameters
00182    double logprob = 0.;
00183    for(unsigned int i=0; i < this -> GetNParameters(); i++)
00184       logprob -= log(this -> GetParameter(i) -> GetRangeWidth());
00186    return logprob;
00187 }

double BCGraphFitter::LogLikelihood ( std::vector< double >  parameters  )  [virtual]

The log of the conditional probability.

parameters vector containing the parameter values

Reimplemented from BCModel.

Definition at line 191 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00192 {
00193    // initialize probability
00194    double logl = 0.;
00196    // set the parameters of the function
00197    // passing the pointer to first element of the vector is
00198    // not completely safe as there might be an implementation where
00199    // the vector elements are not stored consecutively in memory.
00200    // however it is much faster than copying the contents, especially
00201    // for large number of parameters
00202    fFitFunction -> SetParameters(&params[0]);
00204    // loop over all data points
00205    for (int i = 0; i < this -> GetNDataPoints(); i++)
00206    {
00207       std::vector <double> x = GetDataPoint(i) -> GetValues();
00209       // her we ignore the errors on x even when they're available
00210       // i.e. we treat them just as the region specifiers
00211       double y = x[1];
00212       double yerr = x[3];
00213       double yexp = this -> FitFunction(x,params);
00215       // calculate log of probability assuming
00216       // a Gaussian distribution for each point
00217       logl += BCMath::LogGaus(y, yexp, yerr, true);
00218    }
00220    return logl;
00221 }

int BCGraphFitter::SetFitFunction ( TF1 *  func  ) 
func pointer to TF1 object

Definition at line 134 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00135 {
00136    if(!func)
00137    {
00138       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::SetFitFunction() : TF1 not created.");
00139       return 0;
00140    }
00142    // get the new number of parameters
00143    int npar = func -> GetNpar();
00144    if(!npar)
00145    {
00146       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::SetFitFunction() : TF1 has zero parameters. Not able to fit.");
00147       return 0;
00148    }
00150    // set the function
00151    fFitFunction = func;
00153    // update the model name to contain the function name
00154    this -> SetName(TString::Format("GraphFitter with %s",fFitFunction->GetName()));
00156    // reset parameters
00157    fParameterSet -> clear();
00159    // add parameters
00160    for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
00161    {
00162       double xmin;
00163       double xmax;
00164       fFitFunction -> GetParLimits(i, xmin, xmax);
00166       this -> AddParameter(fFitFunction->GetParName(i), xmin, xmax);
00167    }
00169    return this -> GetNParameters();
00170 }

int BCGraphFitter::SetGraph ( TGraphErrors *  graph  ) 
graph pointer to TGraphErrors object

Definition at line 56 of file BCGraphFitter.cxx.

00057 {
00058    if(!graph)
00059    {
00060       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::SetGraph() : TGraphErrors not created.");
00061       return 0;
00062    }
00064    int npoints = graph -> GetN();
00065    if(!npoints)
00066    {
00067       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::SetGraph() : TGraphErrors is empty.");
00068       return 0;
00069    }
00070    else if(npoints==1)
00071    {
00072       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::SetGraph() : TGraphErrors has only one point. Not able to fit.");
00073       return 0;
00074    }
00076    fGraph = graph;
00078    double * x = fGraph -> GetX();
00079    double * y = fGraph -> GetY();
00080    double * ex = fGraph -> GetEX();
00081    double * ey = fGraph -> GetEY();
00083    if(!ey)
00084    {
00085       BCLog::Out(BCLog::error,BCLog::error,"BCGraphFitter::SetGraph() : TGraphErrors has NO errors set on Y. Not able to fit.");
00086       return 0;
00087    }
00089    BCDataSet * ds = new BCDataSet();
00091    // fill the dataset
00092    // find x and y boundaries for the error band calculation
00093    double xmin=x[0];
00094    double xmax=x[0];
00095    double ymin=y[0];
00096    double ymax=y[0];
00097    for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
00098    {
00099       // if x errors are not set, set them to zero
00100       double errx = ex ? ex[i] : 0.;
00102       // create the data point
00103       BCDataPoint * dp = new BCDataPoint(4);
00104       dp -> SetValue(0, x[i]);
00105       dp -> SetValue(1, y[i]);
00106       dp -> SetValue(2, errx);
00107       dp -> SetValue(3, ey[i]);
00108       ds -> AddDataPoint(dp);
00110       if(x[i]-errx < xmin)
00111          xmin = x[i]-errx;
00112       else if(x[i]+errx > xmax)
00113          xmax = x[i]+errx;
00115       if(y[i] - 5.*ey[i] < ymin)
00116          ymin = y[i] - 5.*ey[i];
00117       else if(y[i] + 5.*ey[i] > ymax)
00118          ymax = y[i] + 5.*ey[i];
00119    }
00121    this -> SetDataSet(ds);
00123    // set boundaries for the error band calculation
00124    this -> SetDataBoundaries(0, xmin, xmax);
00125    this -> SetDataBoundaries(1, ymin, ymax);
00127    this -> SetFitFunctionIndices(0, 1);
00129    return this -> GetNDataPoints();
00130 }

Member Data Documentation

TGraph* BCGraphFitter::fErrorBand [private]

Pointer to the error band (for legend)

Definition at line 145 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

The fit function

Definition at line 141 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

TGraphErrors* BCGraphFitter::fGraph [private]

The graph containing the data.

Definition at line 137 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

Pointer to a graph for displaying the fit function

Definition at line 149 of file BCGraphFitter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Oct 6 09:48:21 2009 for Bayesian Analysis Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.1