BCModelOutput Class Reference

A class for creating an (ROOT) output file. More...

#include <BCModelOutput.h>

Collaboration diagram for BCModelOutput:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructors

 BCModelOutput (const BCModelOutput &modeloutput)
 BCModelOutput (BCModel *model, const char *filenname)
 BCModelOutput ()
virtual ~BCModelOutput ()
Member functions (miscellaneous methods)

void Close ()
void FillAnalysisTree ()
void Write (TObject *o)
void WriteErrorBand ()
void WriteMarginalizedDistributions ()
void WriteMarkovChain (bool flag=true)

TTree * GetAnalysisTree ()
TFile * GetFile ()
Assignment operators

BCModelOutputoperator= (const BCModelOutput &modeloutput)

void SetFile (const char *filename)
void SetModel (BCModel *model)

Private Member Functions

void Copy (BCModelOutput &modeloutput) const
void InitializeAnalysisTree ()
void InitializeMarkovChainTrees ()
void InitializeSATree ()

Private Attributes

TTree * fAnalysisTree
const char * fFileName
int fIndex
std::vector< int > * fIteration
std::vector< double > * fLogLikelihood
std::vector< TTree * > fMarkovChainTrees
double fMean_marginalized [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fMedian_marginalized [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fMode_global [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fMode_marginalized [MAXNPARAMETERS]
unsigned int fNParameters
TFile * fOutputFile
std::vector< double > * fParameters
double fProbability_aposteriori
double fProbability_apriori
double fQuantile_05 [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fQuantile_10 [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fQuantile_16 [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fQuantile_84 [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fQuantile_90 [MAXNPARAMETERS]
double fQuantile_95 [MAXNPARAMETERS]
int * fSAIteration
double * fSALogProb
int fSANParameters
std::vector< double > * fSAParameters
double * fSATemperature
TTree * fTreeSA

Detailed Description

A class for creating an (ROOT) output file.

Daniel Kollar
Kevin Kröninger
08.2008 This class defines an output interface for the analysis. It creates a ROOT file which can contain summary information, histograms and Markov chains.

Definition at line 39 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BCModelOutput::BCModelOutput (  ) 

The default constructor.

Definition at line 29 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00030 {
00031    fIndex = 0;
00033    fOutputFile = 0;
00034    fAnalysisTree = 0;
00035    fTreeSA = 0; 
00036    fModel = 0; 
00037    fOutputFile = 0;
00038 }

BCModelOutput::BCModelOutput ( BCModel model,
const char *  filenname 

A constructor.

model The model to which this output class is assigned.
filename Name of the output file.

Definition at line 42 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00043 {
00044    BCModelOutput();
00045    SetModel(model);
00046    SetFile(filename);
00047 }

BCModelOutput::BCModelOutput ( const BCModelOutput modeloutput  ) 

The default copy constructor.

Definition at line 61 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00062 {
00063    modeloutput.Copy(* this);
00064 }

BCModelOutput::~BCModelOutput (  )  [virtual]

The default destructor.

Definition at line 51 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00052 {
00053    if (fOutputFile) {
00054       fOutputFile -> Close();
00055       delete fOutputFile;
00056    }
00057 }

Member Function Documentation

void BCModelOutput::Close (  ) 

Closes the TFile.

Definition at line 232 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00233 {
00234    // remember current directory
00235    TDirectory * dir = gDirectory;
00237    // change to file
00238    fOutputFile -> cd();
00240    // write analysis tree to file
00241    if (fAnalysisTree -> GetEntries() > 0)
00242       fAnalysisTree -> Write();
00244    // write markov chain tree to file
00245    for (int i = 0; i < fModel -> MCMCGetNChains(); ++i)
00246       if (fMarkovChainTrees[i] -> GetEntries() > 0)
00247          fMarkovChainTrees[i] -> Write();
00249    // write SA tree to file 
00250    if (fTreeSA -> GetEntries() > 0)
00251       fTreeSA -> Write(); 
00253    // close file
00254    fOutputFile -> Close();
00256    // return to old directory
00257    gDirectory = dir;
00258 }

void BCModelOutput::Copy ( BCModelOutput modeloutput  )  const [private]

Definition at line 346 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00347 {
00348    // don't copy the content
00349    modeloutput.fModel            = this -> fModel;
00350    modeloutput.fAnalysisTree     = this -> fAnalysisTree;
00351    modeloutput.fMarkovChainTrees = this -> fMarkovChainTrees;
00352 }

void BCModelOutput::FillAnalysisTree (  ) 

Fill the output TTree with the current information.

Definition at line 122 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00123 {
00124    // get output values from model
00125    fNParameters = fModel -> GetNParameters();
00126    fProbability_apriori   = fModel -> GetModelAPrioriProbability();
00127    fProbability_aposteriori = fModel -> GetModelAPosterioriProbability();
00129    // loop over parameters
00130    int nparameters = fModel -> GetNParameters();
00131    for (int i = 0; i < nparameters; ++i)
00132    {
00133       BCParameter * parameter = fModel -> GetParameter(i);
00134       if (fModel -> GetBestFitParameters().size() > 0)
00135          fMode_global[i] = fModel -> GetBestFitParameters().at(i);
00136       if (fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()))
00137       {
00138          fMode_marginalized[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetMode();
00139          fMean_marginalized[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetMean();
00140          fMedian_marginalized[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetMedian();
00141          fQuantile_05[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetQuantile(0.05);
00142          fQuantile_10[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetQuantile(0.10);
00143          fQuantile_16[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetQuantile(0.16);
00144          fQuantile_84[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetQuantile(0.84);
00145          fQuantile_90[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetQuantile(0.90);
00146          fQuantile_95[i] = fModel -> GetMarginalized(parameter -> GetName().data()) -> GetQuantile(0.95);
00147       }
00148    }
00150    // fill tree
00151    fAnalysisTree -> Fill();
00153    // increase index
00154    fIndex++;
00155 }

TTree* BCModelOutput::GetAnalysisTree (  )  [inline]

Returns the output TTree tree.

The pointer to the output TTree

Definition at line 81 of file BCModelOutput.h.

00082          { return fAnalysisTree; };

TFile* BCModelOutput::GetFile (  )  [inline]

Returns the output TFile.

The pointer to the output TFile

Definition at line 87 of file BCModelOutput.h.

00088          { return fOutputFile; };

void BCModelOutput::InitializeAnalysisTree (  )  [private]

Initialize the output TTree.

Definition at line 262 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00263 {
00264    // create new tree
00265    fAnalysisTree = new TTree("AnalysisTree", "AnalysisTree");
00267    // set branch addresses
00268    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fIndex",                   &fIndex,                   "index/I");
00269    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fNParameters",             &fNParameters,             "parameters/I");
00270    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fProbability_apriori" ,    &fProbability_apriori,     "apriori probability/D");
00271    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fProbability_aposteriori", &fProbability_aposteriori, "aposteriori probability/D");
00272    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fMode_global",              fMode_global,             "mode (global) [parameters]/D");
00273    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fMode_marginalized",        fMode_marginalized,       "mode (marginalized) [parameters]/D");
00274    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fMean_marginalized",        fMean_marginalized,       "mean (marginalized)[parameters]/D");
00275    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fMedian_marginalized",      fMedian_marginalized,     "median (marginalized)[parameters]/D");
00276    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fQuantile_05" ,             fQuantile_05,             "quantile 5% [parameters]/D");
00277    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fQuantile_10" ,             fQuantile_10,             "quantile 10% [parameters]/D");
00278    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fQuantile_16" ,             fQuantile_16,             "quantile 16% [parameters]/D");
00279    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fQuantile_84" ,             fQuantile_84,             "quantile 84% [parameters]/D");
00280    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fQuantile_90" ,             fQuantile_90,             "quantile 90% [parameters]/D");
00281    fAnalysisTree -> Branch("fQuantile_95" ,             fQuantile_95,             "quantile 95% [parameters]/D");
00282 }

void BCModelOutput::InitializeMarkovChainTrees (  )  [private]

Initialize the Markov Chain TTree.

Definition at line 286 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00287 {
00288    // create new tree
00289    fMarkovChainTrees.clear();
00290    for (int i = 0; i < fModel -> MCMCGetNChains(); ++i)
00291    {
00292       TTree * tree = new TTree(TString::Format("MarkovChainTree_%i", i), "MarkovChainTree");
00293       fMarkovChainTrees.push_back(tree);
00294    }
00296    // connect pointer to parameter vectors
00297    fParameters    = fModel -> MCMCGetP2x();
00298    fIteration     = fModel -> MCMCGetP2NIterations();
00299    fLogLikelihood = fModel -> MCMCGetP2LogProbx();
00300    fNParameters   = fModel -> MCMCGetNParameters();
00302    for (int i = 0; i < fModel -> MCMCGetNChains(); ++i)
00303    {
00304       fMarkovChainTrees[i] -> Branch("fIteration",      &(*fIteration)[i],   "iteration/I");
00305       fMarkovChainTrees[i] -> Branch("fNParameters",    &fNParameters,       "parameters/I");
00306       fMarkovChainTrees[i] -> Branch("fLogLikelihood",  &(*fLogLikelihood)[i], "log (likelihood)/D");
00307    }
00309    // loop over all parameters
00310    for (int i = 0; i < fModel -> MCMCGetNChains(); ++i)
00311       for (int j = 0; j <  fModel -> MCMCGetNParameters(); ++j)
00312       {
00313          fMarkovChainTrees[i] -> Branch(TString::Format("fParameter%i", j),
00314                &(*fParameters)[i * fModel -> MCMCGetNParameters() + j],
00315                TString::Format("parameter %i/D", j));
00316       }
00318    fModel -> MCMCSetMarkovChainTrees(fMarkovChainTrees);
00319 }

void BCModelOutput::InitializeSATree (  )  [private]

Initialize SA TTree.

Definition at line 322 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00323 {
00324    fTreeSA = new TTree("SATree", "SATree"); 
00326    // connect pointer to parameter vectors
00327    fSAIteration     = fModel -> GetSAP2NIterations(); 
00328    fSATemperature   = fModel -> GetSAP2Temperature(); 
00329    fSALogProb       = fModel -> GetSAP2LogProb(); 
00330    fSAParameters    = fModel -> GetSAP2x(); 
00331    fSANParameters   = fModel -> GetNParameters(); 
00333    fTreeSA -> Branch("Iteration",    fSAIteration,   "iteration/I");
00334    fTreeSA -> Branch("NParameters", &fSANParameters, "parameters/I");
00335    fTreeSA -> Branch("Temperature",  fSATemperature, "temperature/D"); 
00336    fTreeSA -> Branch("LogProb",      fSALogProb,     "log probability/D"); 
00337    for (int j = 0; j <  fModel -> MCMCGetNParameters(); ++j)
00338       fTreeSA -> Branch(TString::Format("Parameter%i", j),
00339                                  &(*fSAParameters)[j], 
00340                                  TString::Format("parameter %i/D", j)); 
00342    fModel -> SetSATree(fTreeSA);
00343 }

BCModelOutput & BCModelOutput::operator= ( const BCModelOutput modeloutput  ) 

The defaut assignment operator

Definition at line 68 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00069 {
00070    if (this != &modeloutput)
00071       modeloutput.Copy(* this);
00073    return * this;
00074 }

void BCModelOutput::SetFile ( const char *  filename  ) 

Sets the output filename.

filename The filename

Definition at line 87 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00088 {
00089    // delete the old file
00090    if (fOutputFile)
00091    {
00092       fOutputFile -> Close();
00093       delete fOutputFile;
00094    }
00096    // remember current directory
00097    TDirectory * dir = gDirectory;
00099    // create a new file
00100    fFileName=filename;
00101    fOutputFile = new TFile(fFileName, "RECREATE");
00103    // initialize trees
00104    InitializeAnalysisTree();
00105    InitializeMarkovChainTrees();
00106    InitializeSATree(); 
00108    // change back to the old directory
00109    gDirectory = dir;
00110 }

void BCModelOutput::SetModel ( BCModel model  ) 

Assign a BCModel to this output class.

model A pointer to the BCModel

Definition at line 78 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00079 { 
00080    fModel =  model; 
00081    fModel -> MCMCInitialize();
00082    fModel -> SAInitialize(); 
00083 }

void BCModelOutput::Write ( TObject *  o  ) 

Writes any object derived from TObject to TFile.

Definition at line 216 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00217 {
00218    // remember current directory
00219    TDirectory * dir = gDirectory;
00221    // change to file
00222    fOutputFile -> cd();
00224    o -> Write();
00226    // return to old directory
00227    gDirectory = dir;
00228 }

void BCModelOutput::WriteErrorBand (  ) 

Writes the error band histogram into the TFile.

Definition at line 183 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00184 {
00185    // remember current directory
00186    TDirectory * dir = gDirectory;
00188    // change to file
00189    fOutputFile -> cd();
00191    TH2D * h0 = fModel -> GetErrorBandXY();
00192    if (h0)
00193    {
00194       TH2D * h1 = (TH2D*)h0 -> Clone("errorbandxy");
00195       h1 -> Write();
00197       double levels[] = { .68, .90, .95 };
00198       int nlevels = sizeof(levels)/sizeof(double);
00199       for (int i=0;i<nlevels;i++)
00200       {
00201          TH2D * htmp = fModel -> GetErrorBandXY_yellow(levels[i]);
00202          htmp -> SetName(TString::Format("%s_sub_%f.2",h1->GetName(),levels[i]));
00203          htmp -> Write();
00204          delete htmp;
00205       }
00207       delete h1;
00208    }
00210    // return to old directory
00211    gDirectory = dir;
00212 }

void BCModelOutput::WriteMarginalizedDistributions (  ) 

Writes the marginalized histograms to the TFile.

Definition at line 159 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00160 {
00161    // remember current directory
00162    TDirectory * dir = gDirectory;
00164    // change to file
00165    fOutputFile -> cd();
00167    int nparameters = fModel -> GetNParameters();
00168    for (int i = 0; i < nparameters; ++i)
00169       fModel -> GetMarginalized(fModel -> GetParameter(i)) -> GetHistogram() -> Write();
00171    if (nparameters > 1)
00172       for (int i = 0; i < nparameters - 1; ++i)
00173          for (int j = i + 1; j < nparameters; ++j)
00174             fModel -> GetMarginalized(fModel -> GetParameter(i),
00175                   fModel -> GetParameter(j)) -> GetHistogram() -> Write();
00177    // return to old directory
00178    gDirectory = dir;
00179 }

void BCModelOutput::WriteMarkovChain ( bool  flag = true  ) 

Flag for writing Markov chain to file

flag Writes (true) or does not write (false) the Markov chain

Definition at line 114 of file BCModelOutput.cxx.

00115 {
00116    if (fModel)
00117       fModel -> WriteMarkovChain(flag);
00118 }

Member Data Documentation

TTree* BCModelOutput::fAnalysisTree [private]

Pointer to the TTree containing the summary output information.

Definition at line 158 of file BCModelOutput.h.

const char* BCModelOutput::fFileName [private]

The output filename

Definition at line 171 of file BCModelOutput.h.

int BCModelOutput::fIndex [private]

The analysis tree variables

Definition at line 183 of file BCModelOutput.h.

std::vector<int>* BCModelOutput::fIteration [private]

Definition at line 202 of file BCModelOutput.h.

std::vector<double>* BCModelOutput::fLogLikelihood [private]

Definition at line 201 of file BCModelOutput.h.

std::vector<TTree *> BCModelOutput::fMarkovChainTrees [private]

Definition at line 163 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 189 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 190 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 187 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 188 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Pointer to the model this output class is assigned to

Definition at line 179 of file BCModelOutput.h.

unsigned int BCModelOutput::fNParameters [private]

Definition at line 184 of file BCModelOutput.h.

TFile* BCModelOutput::fOutputFile [private]

Pointer to the output TFile.

Definition at line 175 of file BCModelOutput.h.

std::vector<double>* BCModelOutput::fParameters [private]

The markov chain tree variables

Definition at line 200 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 186 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 185 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 191 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 192 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 193 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 194 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 195 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 196 of file BCModelOutput.h.

The simulated annealing tree variables

Definition at line 206 of file BCModelOutput.h.

double* BCModelOutput::fSALogProb [private]

Definition at line 209 of file BCModelOutput.h.

Definition at line 207 of file BCModelOutput.h.

std::vector<double>* BCModelOutput::fSAParameters [private]

Definition at line 210 of file BCModelOutput.h.

double* BCModelOutput::fSATemperature [private]

Definition at line 208 of file BCModelOutput.h.

TTree* BCModelOutput::fTreeSA [private]

Definition at line 167 of file BCModelOutput.h.

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Generated on Tue Oct 6 09:48:22 2009 for Bayesian Analysis Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.1