This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.
Our releases are hosted at our github page. This page is maintained to provide access to older files.
Urgency: high
Release date: 7.4.2009
Source code:
(525 kB)
reference guide
| installation instructions
| changelog
This version includes mostly bugfixes and small updates which improve stability. We strongly recommend updating to this version.
- added explicit calculation of Bayes K-factors
- added simplified output methods to BCLog
- added interface model for RooFit workspace
- minor code updates and cleanup
- updated installation instructions
- major updates in the introducion to BAT
- fixed reading data from textfile which caused that in case there was a newline
character at the end of file, the last datapoint was included twice - fixed bug in MCMC which caused incorrect sampling near boundary of the parameter
space in case the bulk of the distribution was too close to the boundary - fixed crash in example05 caused by late initialization of BCModelOutput
- fixed user setup of starting positions of MCMC
For detailed list of changes see the ChangeLog.
Older versions: (bugfix)
0.9.4 (pre 1.0)
0.9.3 (pre 1.0)
0.9.2 (pre 1.0)
0.9.1 (pre 1.0)
0.9 (pre 1.0)
0.4.3 (dev)
0.4.2 (dev)
0.4.1 (dev)
0.4 (dev)
0.3.2 (dev)
0.3.1 (dev)
0.3 (dev)
0.2.1 (dev)
0.2 (dev)
0.1 (initial release)