This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.
Changelog for version 0.2.1
2009-04-07 Daniel Kollar* final version 0.2.1 release * updated INSTALL file 2009-04-07 Daniel Kollar * models/BCRooInterface: - updates 2009-04-06 Daniel Kollar * added models directory * BCRooInterface: - added to the distribution - updated README and releasenotes.txt 2009-04-06 Daniel Kollar * - added to the distribution 2009-04-06 Daniel Kollar * - added to the distribution * BCEngineMCMC: - added MCMCSetNIterationsPreRunMin() - minor code cleanup * - minor update and bugfix * release_notes.txt: - updates 2009-04-06 Kevin Kroeninger * doc/introduction.tex: - Minor update of the short introduction to BAT 2009-04-05 Kevin Kroeninger * doc/introduction.tex: - Major update of the short introduction to BAT 2009-04-03 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngingeMCMC: - Bug fix in MCMCInitialize() related to MCMCSetInitialPosition(). 2009-04-02 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngingeMCMC: - Re-wrote MCMCSetInitialPositions(...) method(s). 2009-04-01 Daniel Kollar - release version to 0.2.1 - updated library version - updated release notes 2009-03-31 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - added methods to set and retrieve the whole parameter set 2009-03-30 Daniel Kollar * BCModelOutput: - added default argument value for WriteMarkovChain() 2009-03-26 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngingeMCMC: - fixed bug regarding sampling at the boundaries. If a point falls outside the allowed range it is now counted as a "not accepted". 2009-03-06 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - changed all BCLog::Out() calls to their respective short versions - added SetNbins() with parameter name as argument - in GetMarginalized() now works also for reverted order of parameters * BCModelManager: - update to work with new BCModel::SetNbins() correctly 2009-03-06 Daniel Kollar * - updates and fixes - added comments 2009-03-06 Daniel Kollar * INSTALL: - fixed a typo - fixed a name of enviromental variable for include search path - improved description for installing with/without root privileges 2009-03-03 Daniel Kollar * BCModelManager: - added BayesFactor() - PrintModelComparisonSummary() now also prints out the Bayes factors for all combinations of models assigned to BCModelManager 2009-03-03 Daniel Kollar * BCLog: - added several simplified Out() methods so that no input of loglevel info is necessary 2009-02-27 Daniel Kollar * BCGraphFitter: - It is now allowed to fit if number of data points is less than 3. The warning is issued if number of parameters is lower than number of data points. 2009-02-25 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - FindMode() now can take a starting point as an argument which is used for Minuit * CreateProject: - adjusted to use the new BCModel::FindMode() 2009-02-25 Daniel Kollar * BCH2D: - added constructor with TH2D* argument - added methods GetLevelBoundary() and GetBandGraph() to allow calculation of errorbands * BCDataSet: - removed some commented out stuff 2009-02-03 Kevin Kroeninger * added script tool/ This script creates a new directory and header and source files for a blank model. 2009-02-03 Daniel Kollar * BCDataSet: - fixed bug reading data from text file which caused that the last point was read in twice if there was newline at the end of the last line of input - changed example03 and example05 to reflect the fix 2009-02-03 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - removed method DefineParameters() since it's not needed - cleanup in HessianMatrixElement() - changed LogAPrioriProbability() to return 0. by default since it's log (means nothing anyway) * BCH1D: - GetSmallestInterval() now returns the content of the interval found * example05: - fixed crash 2009-01-28 Kevin Kroeninger * added installation procedure description to chapter 2 of the manual. 2009-01-28 Kevin Kroeninger * updated chapter 3 of the manual to match the current code. Wording is OK, is there information missing?