BCH2D Member List

This is the complete list of members for BCH2D, including all inherited members.
Draw(int options=0, bool drawmode=true)BCH2D
fHistogramBCH2D [private]
fIntegratedHistogramBCH2D [private]
fModeBCH2D [private]
fModeFlagBCH2D [private]
GetBandGraph(double level1, double level2)BCH2D
GetBandGraph(TH2D *h, double level1, double level2)BCH2D
GetBandGraphs(TH2D *h, int &n)BCH2D
GetHistogram()BCH2D [inline]
GetLevel(double p)BCH2D
GetLevelBoundary(double level)BCH2D
GetLevelBoundary(TH2D *h, double level)BCH2D
GetLowestBandGraph(TH2D *h, std::vector< int > nint)BCH2D
GetLowestBandGraph(TH2D *h)BCH2D
GetMode(double &mode)BCH2D
GetNIntervalsY(TH2D *h, int &nfoundmax)BCH2D
Print(const char *filename, int options=0, int ww=0, int wh=0)BCH2D
SetGlobalMode(double mode[2])BCH2D [inline]
SetHistogram(TH2D *hist)BCH2D [inline]

Generated on Tue Oct 6 09:48:21 2009 for Bayesian Analysis Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.1