This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.
Our releases are hosted at our github page. This page is maintained to provide access to older files.Latest version:
Urgency: low
Release date: 19.01.2015
Source code:
(1.2 MB)
reference guide
Release notes
At github
Older versions: (bugfix)
0.9.4 (pre 1.0)
0.9.3 (pre 1.0)
0.9.2 (pre 1.0)
0.9.1 (pre 1.0)
0.9 (pre 1.0)
0.4.3 (dev)
0.4.2 (dev)
0.4.1 (dev)
0.4 (dev)
0.3.2 (dev)
0.3.1 (dev)
0.3 (dev)
0.2.1 (dev)
0.2 (dev)
0.1 (initial release)