----------------------------------------------------- Summary ----------------------------------------------------- Model summary ============= Model: BCEfficiencyFitter with f1 Number of parameters: 4 List of Parameters and ranges: (0) Parameter "p0": (0, 100) (1) Parameter "p1": (0, 100) (2) Parameter "p2": (0, 1) (3) Parameter "p3": (0, 1) Results of the optimization =========================== Optimization algorithm used: Minuit List of parameters and global mode: (0) Parameter "p0": 38.6667 +- 1.33935 (1) Parameter "p1": 19.1806 +- 2.80687 (2) Parameter "p2": 0.0147851 +- 0.032319 (3) Parameter "p3": 0.919655 +- 0.0290688 Results of the model test ========================= p-value at global mode: 0 Results of the marginalization ============================== List of parameters and properties of the marginalized distributions: (0) Parameter "p0": Mean +- sqrt(V): 38.95 +- 1.244 Median +- central 68% interval: 38.95 + 1.311 - 1.325 (Marginalized) mode: 38.5 5% quantile: 36.81 10% quantile: 37.25 16% quantile: 37.62 84% quantile: 40.33 90% quantile: 40.66 95% quantile: 41 Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes: (37, 41) (local mode at 38.5 with rel. height 1; rel. area 0.741) (1) Parameter "p1": Mean +- sqrt(V): 18.47 +- 2.188 Median +- central 68% interval: 18.43 + 2.28 - 2.208 (Marginalized) mode: 18.5 5% quantile: 14.9 10% quantile: 15.59 16% quantile: 16.22 84% quantile: 20.8 90% quantile: 21.39 95% quantile: 22.17 Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes: (16, 22) (local mode at 18.5 with rel. height 1; rel. area 0.7396) (2) Parameter "p2": Mean +- sqrt(V): 0.03192 +- 0.02168 Median +- central 68% interval: 0.02885 + 0.02546 - 0.01929 (Marginalized) mode: 0.015 5% quantile: 0.002988 10% quantile: 0.005975 16% quantile: 0.00956 84% quantile: 0.05547 90% quantile: 0.06211 95% quantile: 0.07321 Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes: (0, 0.06) (local mode at 0.015 with rel. height 1; rel. area 0.8028) (3) Parameter "p3": Mean +- sqrt(V): 0.9125 +- 0.02824 Median +- central 68% interval: 0.9141 + 0.02688 - 0.03049 (Marginalized) mode: 0.915 5% quantile: 0.8617 10% quantile: 0.874 16% quantile: 0.8837 84% quantile: 0.9422 90% quantile: 0.948 95% quantile: 0.9565 Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes: (0.89, 0.96) (local mode at 0.915 with rel. height 1; rel. area 0.7076) Status of the MCMC ================== Convergence reached: yes Number of iterations until convergence: 16000 Number of chains: 5 Number of iterations per chain: 10000 Average efficiencies: (0) Parameter "p0": 23.75% (1) Parameter "p1": 21.74% (2) Parameter "p2": 20.32% (3) Parameter "p3": 25.81% ----------------------------------------------------- Notation: Mean : mean value of the marg. pdf Median : maximum of the marg. pdf Marg. mode : most probable value of the marg. pdf V : Variance of the marg. pdf Quantiles : most commonly used quantiles -----------------------------------------------------