----------------------------------------------------- Summary ----------------------------------------------------- Model summary ============= Model: model Number of parameters: 2 List of Parameters and ranges: (0) Parameter "sig0": (0, 50) (1) Parameter "sig1": (0, 20) Results of the optimization =========================== Optimization algorithm used: Metropolis MCMC List of parameters and global mode: (0) Parameter "sig0": 33.1749 (1) Parameter "sig1": 2.42239 Results of the marginalization ============================== List of parameters and properties of the marginalized distributions: (0) Parameter "sig0": Mean +- sqrt(V): 32.92 +- 1.475 Median +- central 68% interval: 32.92 + 1.482 - 1.48 (Marginalized) mode: 32.75 5% quantile: 30.47 10% quantile: 31.03 16% quantile: 31.44 84% quantile: 34.46 90% quantile: 34.83 95% quantile: 35.36 Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes: (31.5, 35) (local mode at 32.75 with rel. height 1; rel. area 0.6891) (1) Parameter "sig1": Mean +- sqrt(V): 3.524 +- 2.271 Median +- central 68% interval: 3.233 + 2.623 - 2.077 (Marginalized) mode: 2.5 5% quantile: 0.4045 10% quantile: 0.7533 16% quantile: 1.156 84% quantile: 5.971 90% quantile: 6.659 95% quantile: 7.672 Smallest interval(s) containing 68% and local modes: (0.2, 5) (local mode at 2.5 with rel. height 1; rel. area 0.703) Status of the MCMC ================== Convergence reached: yes Number of iterations until convergence: 4000 Number of chains: 5 Number of iterations per chain: 100000 Average efficiencies: (0) Parameter "sig0": 20.43% (1) Parameter "sig1": 18.96% ----------------------------------------------------- Notation: Mean : mean value of the marg. pdf Median : maximum of the marg. pdf Marg. mode : most probable value of the marg. pdf V : Variance of the marg. pdf Quantiles : most commonly used quantiles -----------------------------------------------------