This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.
Results of performance testing for BAT version 0.9.4
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Test "1d_poisson_9"
Results | |
Status | good |
CPU time | 15.39 s |
Real time | 15.42 s |
Plots | 1d_poisson_9.pdf |
Log | 1d_poisson_9.log |
Settings | |
N chains | 10 |
N lag | 10 |
Convergence | true |
N iterations (pre-run) | 1000 |
N iterations (run) | 10000000 |
Subtest | Status | Target | Test | Uncertainty | Deviation [%] | Deviation [sigma] | Tol. (Good) | Tol. (Acceptable) | Tol. (Bad) |
correlation par 0 | off | 0 | 0.1233 | 0.01227 | - | -10.05 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 0.7 |
chi2 | good | 96 | 92.99 | 13.86 | -3.141 | 0.2176 | 41.57 | 69.28 | 96.99 |
KS | good | 1 | 0.7326 | 0.95 | -26.74 | 0.2815 | 0.95 | 0.99 | 0.9999 |
mean | good | 10 | 10 | 0.001007 | 0.01528 | -1.517 | 0.003022 | 0.005037 | 0.007051 |
mode | good | 9 | 9.15 | 0.1826 | 1.667 | -0.8216 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
variance | good | 9.997 | 10.2 | 1.614 | 2.01 | -0.1245 | 4.843 | 8.071 | 11.3 |
quantile10 | good | 6.217 | 6.219 | 0.1826 | 0.025 | -0.008514 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile20 | good | 7.287 | 7.289 | 0.1826 | 0.03176 | -0.01268 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile30 | good | 8.132 | 8.133 | 0.1826 | 0.008137 | -0.003625 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile40 | good | 8.904 | 8.906 | 0.1826 | 0.01622 | -0.00791 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile50 | good | 9.669 | 9.67 | 0.1826 | 0.006147 | -0.003255 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile60 | good | 10.48 | 10.48 | 0.1826 | 0.01999 | -0.01147 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile70 | good | 11.39 | 11.39 | 0.1826 | 0.02264 | -0.01412 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile80 | good | 12.52 | 12.52 | 0.1826 | 0.02975 | -0.0204 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
quantile90 | good | 14.21 | 14.21 | 0.1826 | 0.01227 | -0.009551 | 0.5477 | 0.9129 | 1.278 |
Subtest | Description |
correlation par 0 | Calculate the auto-correlation among the points. |
chi2 | Calculate χ2 and compare with prediction for dof=number of bins with an expectation >= 10. Tolerance good: |χ2-E[χ2]| < 3 · (2 dof)1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |χ2-E[χ2]| < 5 · (2 dof)1/2, Tolerance bad: |χ2-E[χ2]| < 7 · (2 dof)1/2. |
KS | Calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability based on the ROOT implemention. Tolerance good: KS prob > 0.05, Tolerance acceptable: KS prob > 0.01 Tolerance bad: KS prob > 0.0001. |
mean | Compare sample mean, <x>, with expectation value of function, E[x]. Tolerance good: |<x> -E[x]| < 3 · (V[x]/n)1/2,Tolerance acceptable: |<x> -E[x]| < 5 · (V[x]/n)1/2,Tolerance bad: |<x> -E[x]| < 7 · (V[x]/n)1/2. |
mode | Compare mode of distribution with mode of the analytic function. Tolerance good: |x*-mode| < 3 · V[mode]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |x*-mode| < 5 · V[mode]1/2 bin widths, Tolerance bad: |x*-mode| < 7 · V[mode]1/2. |
variance | Compare sample variance s2 of distribution with variance of function. Tolerance good: 3 · V[s2]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: 5 · V[s2]1/2, Tolerance bad: 7 · V[s2]1/2. |
quantile10 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile20 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile30 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile40 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile50 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile60 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile70 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile80 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |
quantile90 | Compare quantile of distribution from MCMC with the quantile of analytic function. Tolerance good: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<3·V[q]1/2, Tolerance acceptable: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<5·V[q]1/2, Tolerance bad: |q_{X}-E[q_{X}]|<7·V[q]1/2. |