This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.

Installation instructions for BAT 0.9.2

You can find here a short description of what to do to be able to compile and use BAT on your computer.


BAT has been developed on Linux machines running different distributions and different versions of the kernel and gcc. As far as we know there is nothing distribution dependent inside of BAT. However, we have not systematically checked for compatibility and portability. The only statement we can say is that if you don't have a too old or too specific installation of Linux you should be able to compile and use BAT without problems.

The installation and functionality of BAT has also been tested on MAC OS X.

Windows is not supported for the moment.



ROOT is an object oriented data analysis framework. You can obtain it from To compile and run BAT you will need a ROOT version 5.22 or later. Please, check your linux distribution for the availability of precompiled packages on your system. Mostly used distributions nowdays have the ROOT packages available.

Note: To be able to use the interface to RooFit/RooStats the ROOT version 5.27/04 or later is necessary and ROOT has to be compiled with MathMore enabled.

Recommended software


CUBA is a library containing general purpose multidimensional integration algorithms. It can be obtained from BAT will compile and run with Cuba version 2.0 or later. Cuba is not necessary to run BAT, however, its use is recommended as it provides integration routines tuned for performance, which are very usefull for integration in problems with large number of dimensions.

Installation Procedure

BAT uses autoconf/automake system for building and installation.

Unpack the tarball containing the BAT source usually named like   BAT-x.x.tar.gz (here x.x is the version number) using command

        tar -xzf BAT-x.x.tar.gz

A directory called   BAT-x.x will be created containing the source code. Enter the directory and run the configuration using commands

        cd BAT-x.x

This will check your system for all components needed to compile BAT and set up the paths for installation. You can add option --prefix=/path/to/install/bat to ./configure to specify the the prefix to the BAT installation path. The BAT library files will be installed to $prefix/lib and the include files to $prefix/include. Default installation prefix is /usr/local.

The configure script checks for ROOT availability in the system and fails if ROOT is not installed or not in the path. You can specify the ROOTSYS directory using --with-rootsys=/path/to/rootsys.

You can compile BAT with the RooFit/RooStats support using --with-roostats. The configure script will check whether the version of ROOT is sufficient and whether the ROOT was compiled with RooFit/RooStats support.

You can compile BAT with Cuba support using option --with-cuba. The configure will then search for libcuba.a and cuba.h in the system. They either have to be available in the standard system path or you can specify the location using --with-cuba-include-dir=/path/to/cuba/header and --with-cuba-lib-dir=/path/to/cuba/lib.

You can list all available options using

        ./configure --help

After successful configuration run

        make install

to compile and install BAT.

Note that depending on the setting of installation prefix you might need root priviledges to be able to install BAT and run sudo make install instead of a plain make install. On some systems, it is also necessary to run sudo ldconfig once in order to be able to usee the BAT libraries installed in system directories. If you are installing BAT e.g. in your $HOMEDIR, you need to add the path to the library and to the include files to the search path in your system. Depending on your shell you can do that via commands

        export BATINSTALLDIR=/bat/install/prefix
        export CPATH=$CPATH:$BATINSTALLDIR/include


        setenv BATINSTALLDIR    /bat/install/prefix
        setenv CPATH            $CPATH:$BATINSTALLDIR/include

for bash and csh compatible shells, respectively. On Mac OS X you might also need to setup DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

An option for use in compiled programs would also be to add -I/bat/install/include/path to CFLAGS and -L/bat/install/lib/path to LDFLAGS in your Makefile. However, the interactive ROOT macros will not work if,,, libBAT.rootmap, libBATmodels.rootmap and libBATmtf.rootmap are not in the system library search path.