This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.

Changelog for version 0.4.3

2011-06-21 Daniel Kollar 
	* final version 0.4.3

2011-06-21 Daniel Kollar 
	* another small update in

2011-06-21 Frederik Beaujean 
	* update todo.txt

2011-06-20 Daniel Kollar 
	* small update in

2011-06-20 Daniel Kollar 
	* updated copyright notice

2011-06-18 Daniel Kollar 
	  - update and cleanup
	  - fix printouts
	  - with single argument only create the model files

2011-06-16 Daniel Kollar 
	* fixing some examples
	* cleanup all includes
	* raise version 0.4.3.rc4

2011-06-15 Daniel Kollar 
	* more tiny updates
	* require Root to be compiled MathMore support for RooInterface, it is
	  on by default anyway
	* updated installation instructions
	* raised BAT version to 0.4.3.rc3

2011-06-13 Daniel Kollar 
	* tiny updates

2011-06-08 Daniel Kollar 
	* print BAT version info to screen upon loading of library
	* update release notes

2011-06-07 Daniel Kollar 
	* updated release notes
	* raised versions of libraries
	* raised BAT version to 0.4.3.rc2

2011-06-06 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BC[EngineMCMC|Integrate|Model].h:
	  - remove trailing semicola
	  - format inline methods uniformly
	* BC[EngineMCMC|].cxx:
	  - code clean up
	* BCIntegrate.cxx:
	  - fix bug in DumpOptimizationMethod
	* BCModel.cxx:
	  - clean up
	  - store the mode found during marginalization properly
	  - bugfix: PrintAllMarginalized works without MINUIT called before

2011-06-06 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCIntegrate.cxx: fixed dumping of optimization method
	* BCModel.cxx: changed order in PrintSummary()
	* Updated todo list

2011-05-29 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCEngineMCMC.cxx/.h: added copy constructor
	* BCIntegrate.cxx/.h: added copy constructor
	* BCModel.cxx/.h: added copy constructor
	* BCDataSet.cxx/.h: added copy constructor
	* BCDataPoint.cxx/.h: added copy constructor
	* BCParameter.cxx/.h: added copy constructor

2011-05-29 Daniel Kollar 
	* examples and
	  - added -lMathMore to all makefiles to fix compiling/linking
	    of projects if BAT was compiled with RooStats - this is
	    needed for Root 5.28

2011-05-29 Daniel Kollar 
	* examples and
	  - added CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS setting specified at ./configure
	    (if any) to all makefiles -> this fixes linking problems
	    for 32 bits on 64 bit architectures

2011-05-28 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BC*.h: turn all method comments into doxygen format

2011-05-27 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCModel.cxx/.h: added delta-function prior.
	* BCEngineMCMC.cxx/.h: allow user to skip pre-run using a flag. Prerun will now automatically be done.
	* doc/todo/todo.txt: updated todo list
	* BCEngineMCMC.cxx/.h: added warning statement when prerun is not run.

2011-05-26 Daniel Kollar 
	* raise version to 0.4.3.rc1

2011-05-26 Daniel Kollar 
	* started preparation of new release
	* RooInterface && BATCalculator: obo Stefan Schmitz
	  - added possibility of constructing a RooStats Markov chain
	    object while running BAT (activated by a switch in the constructor)
	  - added functionality to retrieve RooStats MarkovChain and MCMCInterval
	    objects from BATCalculator (as a byproduct this allows to construct
	    also 2D intervals using BATCalculator. If demand for this
	    functionality rises I will also add a way to get the 2D interval
	    in a more direct way from BAT itself.)
	  - added function allowing to fix the left side tail fraction
	    of the 1D interval
	  - renamed a few functions to improve the consistency with other
	    RooStats classes
	  - removed a problem with the "shortest" 1D interval if central
	    interval had not been called before
	  - fixed function for the adjustment of the bin numbers for variables

2011-05-19 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* doc/todo/todo.txt: updated todo list.

2011-05-18 Frederik Beaujean 
	* doc/introduction: more references in section on GoF

2011-05-17 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* doc/todo.txt: updated todo list

2011-05-13 Frederik Beaujean 
	* doc/todo.txt: updated todo list

2011-05-13 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* extras/CombinationTool/CombinationModel.cxx: fix bug in calculation of correlation coefficient.

2011-05-09 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* doc/todo.txt: updated todo list

2011-05-05 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* extras/CombinationTool: fixed definition of uncertainties

2011-05-02 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* doc/todo.txt: updated todo list
	* doc/plans.txt: updated plans

2011-03-31 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCEngineMCMC.cxx: set number of chains to 2 for quick setting.

2011-03-21 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCHistogramFitter.h: draw no errorbars on histograms by default

2011-02-28 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* modified script to allow the creation of
	models without user-defined models.

2011-02-20 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCSummaryTool.cxx: re-draw axes

2011-02-20 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCSummaryTool.cxx: plotting and printing improvements.

2011-02-20 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCSummaryTool.cxx: moved legend to the right in knowledge plots

2011-02-18 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCTemplateFitter.cxx: bug fixed (efficiencies were cut off)

2011-01-07 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCHistogramFitter: introduced interface allowing the user to
	  use the data sets from the fast MC to calculate the distribution
	  of an arbitrary statistic

2011-01-05 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCEngineMCMC: fix compiler warning
	* introduction: added info on MCMC settings
	* CreateProject: default to eps for single page plots

2010-11-29 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCEngineMCMC:
	  - included strict R value definition. By default,
	    the old, relaxed definition is used.
	* plans.txt: some ideas for nBAT
	* introduction: note on R definition and link to source paper

2010-11-26 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* BCTemplateEnsembleTest.cxx: fixed compiler warning.

2010-11-26 Daniel Kollar 
	* BCModel:
	  - update to avoid log(int) ambiguity on some systems

2010-11-26 Daniel Kollar 
	* removed previous changes to asymmErrorsFitterExample.cxx which
	  were not intentional

2010-11-26 Daniel Kollar 
	* updated for the changed name of

2010-11-22 Daniel Kollar 
	* fixed some compiler warnings