This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.
Changelog for version 0.4
2010-08-19 Daniel Kollar* final version 0.4 2010-08-19 Frederik Beaujean * BCIntegrate: bugfix to FindModeMCMC, simply crashed due to unhandled exception before * Minor polishing 2010-08-19 Daniel Kollar * updated CREDITS file 2010-08-19 Daniel Kollar * small update in the release notes * examples/advanced/roointerface: - bugfixes, updates and cleanup (obo Stefan Schmitz) - added a paragraph about BATCalculator to README (obo Stefan Schmitz) - further updates and cleanup * updated examples/README * 0.4 release candidate 1 (.rc1) 2010-08-18 Frederik Beaujean * examples/advanced/polynomialfit: - bugfix: fix both uncertainties - now p-values are reasonable * releasenotes: - comments about p-values 2010-08-18 Daniel Kollar * don't include configured Makefiles in examples into the distribution 2010-08-18 Daniel Kollar * examples/advanced/roointerface: - Makefile now setup in the configuration - small bugfix in the runRooInterface.cxx * updated comments in Makefiles of all examples 2010-08-17 Daniel Kollar * another small update to releasenotes.txt 2010-08-17 Daniel Kollar * updated releasenotes.txt 2010-08-17 Daniel Kollar * fixed .rootmap file for BATCalculator * small adjustment in the BATCalculator example * increased version to 0.4.pre11 2010-08-17 Daniel Kollar * updated INSTALL file * updated installation instructions in the introduction to BAT * increased version to 0.4.pre10 2010-08-11 Frederik Beaujean * BCHistogramFitter: fixed bug in DrawFit(). Now doesn't crash if fit has not been performed yet. * readme.devel: warning about trouble with reinstalling BAT * BCH1D: drawing of legend improved for several plots on one page 2010-08-11 Frederik Beaujean * BCHistogramFitter: fixed bug in fast p-value calculation which gave non-sense p-values * todo, plans: more work for me in the future * introduction: minor update 2010-08-05 Kevin Kroeninger * added todo/plans.txt which contains short to long term plans and ideas 2010-08-05 Kevin Kroeninger * introduction: added sentence on how to get random number generator from BCEngineMCMC. 2010-08-05 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC and BCIntegrate: - removed fMCMCRandom3. Now we have one TRandom3 object which is defined in BCEngineMCMC and can be obtained from there. 2010-08-03 Kevin Kroeninger * all .h and .cxx files: updated Copyright information (2008-2010) 2010-08-03 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: changed a parameter in Cauchy example * PerfTestSuite: delete memory at deletion of objects 2010-08-02 Kevin Kroeninger * Modified existing examples and added a "-" before the include link.d * Updated todo list 2010-08-02 Daniel Kollar * further updates in the todo list 2010-08-02 Daniel Kollar * BCEngineMCMC: - added interface to current chain index - minor code cleanup * incremented library version for * reset library version for * updated todo list * increased version to 0.4.pre9 2010-08-02 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: bug fix, log probability was not written to the tree. 2010-08-02 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated todo list 2010-07-31 Daniel Kollar * introduction.tex: - updated the names of the branches in MCMC trees 2010-07-31 Daniel Kollar * BCModelOutput: - moved initialization of SA tree to BCIntegrate * BCIntegrate: - removed all GetP2...() methods which are not needed anymore * BCEngineMCMC: - removed the leading "f" from names of all branches - renamed Probability to LogProbability 2010-07-29 Daniel Kollar * BCModelOutput: - moved initialization of MCMC trees to BCEngineMCMC - renamed fLogLokelihood to fProbability since that's what it is (well actually it's LogProbability so maybe we'll have to rename again :)) * BCEngineMCMC: - removed all MCMCGetP2...() methods which are not needed anymore * will do the same with SA tree * some code cleanup 2010-07-29 Daniel Kollar * rename examples/basic/RootOutput to rootOutput * setup Makefile of rootOutput example via configure 2010-07-27 Kevin Kroeninger * added autoconfig Makefile to expert example 2010-07-27 Kevin Kroeninger * doc/todo/todo.txt: updated todo list. 2010-07-27 Kevin Kroeninger * examples: added first expert example for changing the trial function. * doc/introduction: updated the introduction. 2010-07-27 Kevin Kroeninger * BCIntegrate: Set writing of prerun to ROOT file by default * BCEngineMCMC: Minor change in output criterion for TTree filling. * examples: added an example showing how to store the MCMC in a file * doc/introduction: updated introduction (added description of ROOT output) 2010-07-27 Kevin Kroeninger * doc/introduction: updated introduction. 2010-07-22 Kevin Kroeninger * models/BCTemplateFitter.cxx: fix bug in definition of ranges for ratios 2010-07-22 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: chose better ranges for some of the functions 2010-07-22 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: quick fix of the iteration counter 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: re-defined precision (match with BCEngineMCMC). 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * updated README in examples 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * templatefitter: updated hypothesis test example 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * templatefitter: updated 0nubb example 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * templatefitter: updated ensembletest macro in the Whel example * BCTemplateEnsembleTest : set the MCMC flag to false by default 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * examples: added more README files * templatefitter: modified Whel example 2010-07-21 Daniel Kollar * updated release notes 2010-07-21 Daniel Kollar * updates in the INSTALL file 2010-07-21 Daniel Kollar * BCEngineMCMC: - renamed kUltraHigh to kVeryHigh * updated release notes 2010-07-21 Daniel Kollar * updated tools/ * fixed libBATmodels.rootmap * BCIntegrate: added forgotten return statement in ResetResults() * increased version to 0.4.pre8 2010-07-21 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: fixed inconsistency of counters 2010-07-20 Kevin Kroeninger * Added comments to examples/basic/errorpropagation * Added comments to examples/basic/binomial * Added comments to examples/basic/efficiencyFitter 2010-07-20 Daniel Kollar * examples/advanced/polynomialfit: - Makefiles are set up during cBAT configuration and use BATINSTALLDIR - updated README files for the compilation instructions 2010-07-20 Daniel Kollar * examples/basic: - Makefiles are set up during cBAT configuration and use BATINSTALLDIR - updated README files for the compilation instructions 2010-07-20 Daniel Kollar * use BATINSTALLDIR in the Makefile created by * Makefile of examples/basic/binary now set up during configure and uses BATINSTALLDIR 2010-07-20 Daniel Kollar * configure: - print ROOT version number if insufficient - BCRooInterface needs ROOT 5.27.04 or later * BCRooInterface: - support for ModelConfig - improved constructor for BATCalculator and BCRooInterface - added example macro running BATCalculator - code formatting * BCEngineMCMC updated printouts * increased version to 0.4.pre7 2010-07-19 Kevin Kroeninger * Added comments to examples/basic/poisson and examples/basic/binomial 2010-07-19 Kevin Kroeninger * BCModel.cxx: reset results when adding a parameter. 2010-07-19 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated documentation of examples 2010-07-19 Kevin Kroeninger * Added methods to reset results. Done for BCEngineMCMC, BCIntegrate and BCModel. 2010-07-19 Kevin Kroeninger * Further reorganization of the examples. 2010-07-19 Daniel Kollar * reorganize the examples 2010-07-19 Kevin Kroeninger * Small fix in error propagation example. 2010-07-16 Kevin Kroeninger * Added a simple example for combining two quantities to the examples 2010-07-16 Kevin Kroeninger * Added a simple example for error propagation to the examples 2010-07-16 Kevin Kroeninger * Added a simple binomial example to the examples 2010-07-15 Kevin Kroeninger * BCModel.cxx: Added a function to re-set parameter ranges 2010-07-15 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: added "UltraHigh" precision pre-setting option. * Added a simple Poisson example to the examples 2010-07-15 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: fixed the summary of the number of iterations. 2010-07-14 Daniel Kollar * updates in BATCalculator (obo Stefan Schmitz) 2010-07-09 Daniel Kollar * added forgotten file to the distribution * increased version to 0.4.pre6 2010-07-09 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: added tests with varying parameters 2010-07-09 Daniel Kollar * increased version to 0.4.pre5 2010-07-09 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - abort marginalization, normalization and mode finding if no parameters are defined * small update in 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * updated - releasenotes.txt - CREDITS - INSTALL - README 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * added forgotten dist-hook for the new 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * - bugfixes in generated source code - now generated according to the BAT setup during ./configure * fixed linking with RooStats 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * added BATCalculator (obo Gregory Schott and Stefan Schmitz) * increased version to 0.4.pre4 2010-07-08 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC: - re-implemented warning if convergence was never checked. - add method to get the current iteration number * introduction: added comment on the method MCMCSetPrecision. * updated script. 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * BCEngineMCMC: - checking convergence npar*1000, was (npar+1)*1000 before 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * BCEngineMCMC: - added MCMCCurrentPointInterface() method which is called for each newly generated point after we know whether it is accepted or not 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * added automake macro HAS_ROOSTATS to check whether ROOT is compiled with RooFit/RooStats support * new version of BCRooInterface * removed BATCalculator stuff from models/ since it is not yet in the SVN 2010-07-08 Daniel Kollar * BCEngineMCMC: - change MCMCTrialFunctionSingle() to return double, i.e., the proposal point in a single dimension - putting back the original check on limit of updating the convergence and efficiencies 2010-07-05 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx : make use of MCMCTrialFunctionSingle in MCMCTrialFunction * Updated todo list * Removed doc/todo/todo_detail.txt * PerfTestSuite: Updated test suite and include auto-correlation. 2010-07-01 Daniel Kollar * updated release notes 2010-07-01 Frederik Beaujean * Updated introduction: prior definition and caching * PerfTestSuite: - Added mathematica notebook BATquantiles.nb which calculates distribution of mode and quantiles for 1D tests 2010-06-25 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated introduction: added BCSummaryTool and BCTemplateFitter * BCEngineMCMC: Added method to set precision 2010-06-24 Frederik Beaujean * BCH1D: improved legend drawing 2010-06-15 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated CombinationModel. * Updated PerfTestSuite. 2010-06-15 Daniel Kollar * version 0.4.pre3 2010-06-14 Frederik Beaujean * BCH1D: draw legend to explain mean, mode... symbols * todo: checked off legend * BCMath: extra safety check 2010-06-14 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated to-do list. * Bug fix in CombinationTool. 2010-06-10 Kevin Kroeninger * CombinationTool: added analysis of systematics separately 2010-06-08 Kevin Kroeninger * CombinationTool: minor fixes * PerfTestSuite: minor modification to uncertainties of quantiles and mode 2010-06-07 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: added uncertainty for mode and quantiles 2010-06-07 Frederik Beaujean * Update todo list 2010-06-03 Kevin Kroeninger * Update todo list. * PerfTestSuite: added Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to 1D distributions, * PerfTestSuite: added variance subtest to 1D distributions. * PerfTestSuite: added link to log file to html output 2010-06-03 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: further work 2010-06-02 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: further work 2010-06-01 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: add tests for 2-d histograms. 2010-05-31 Kevin Kroeninger * PerfTestSuite: minor modifications of html output 2010-05-27 Kevin Kroeninger * Added new version of test suite to benchmark. 2010-04-25 Frederik Beaujean * BCModel: - methods to set constant prior for individual and all parameters at once - warnings if no prior is set for a parameter - automatic caching of the value of the constant prior 2010-05-18 Daniel Kollar * examples/simplecompiled: - fixed likelihood calculation * examples/templatefitter: - renamed macros to '.C' - fixed includes - cleanup makefiles - print hint to run CreateHistograms.C if file with histograms not found * benchmarks/mcmc: - add 1D function '2 separated gaussians' - add 2D function '2 separated gaussians' 2010-05-25 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC: fill histograms not in loop for ordered parameters * benchmarks/mcmc: - fixed bug (repeated declaration of some variables) - added minus sign for for "include link.d" 2010-05-18 Kevin Kroeninger * Tested setting of single prior * BCSummaryTool.cxx: set labels of correlation plot to parameter number instead of name. * Updated to do list 2010-05-18 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - GetChi2Runs() returns empty vector * BCH1D: - fix bug in drawing lower limit - change allowed range from 68-100 to 0-100 2010-05-18 Kevin Kroeninger * work on combination tool * update todo-list * started updating introduction.tex and added Makefile 2010-05-17 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: included convergence of posterior again * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: bug fix on convergence check * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: renaming of methods and variables for statistics * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: removed burn-in * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: added 'cycle' and 'phase' to MCMC. This can be used to analyze the MCMC chain afterwards * Minor fixes 2010-05-10 Frederik Beaujean * BCMath, BCModel: - Updated inline documentation - methods to compute runs statistics * fixed typo 2010-05-07 Kevin Kroeninger * BCEngineMCMC.cxx: removed convergence criterion for log likelihood. this fixes two problems: flat functions and fixed parameters converge. * Updated todo list. 2010-05-06 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated todo list 2010-05-03 Frederik Beaujean * More points in release to do list 2010-04-30 Kevin Kroeninger * Work on CombinationTool. 2010-04-29 Kevin Kroeninger * Work on CombinationTool. 2010-04-27 Daniel Kollar * code formatting 2010-04-27 Kevin Kroeninger * Added directory doc/todo and file with todo list for rel. 0.4.0 * Minor modifications to CombinationModel. * Modified results output * Code clean-up. 2010-04-23 Kevin Kroeninger * Work on CombinationTool. * Update documentation of templatefitter examples. * Update of example on efficiencyfitter * Minor bug-fix in BCTemplateFitter and modification in corresponding example. 2010-04-22 Kevin Kroeninger * Removed names in the declaration of methods to suppress warnings when using compiled ROOT scripts. * BCModel: if no prior is defined by the user, a flat prior with proper normalization is used. * CombinationTool: further work on CombinationTool. 2010-04-20 Kevin Kroeninger * BCModel: Added priors for individual parameters * BCSummaryTool: Included vector.h (bug fix) * extras: added first draft of combination tool 2010-04-20 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - put back the removed body of GetBestFitParametersMarginalized() 2010-04-19 Daniel Kollar * renamed example05 to simplecompiled 2010-04-19 Daniel Kollar * BCModel: - errors on mode are negative if unavailable - errors on mode are not printed for SA and MCMC - fix return values for mode and its error in no mode finding was run * code formating * reorganized fast fitter examples * version 0.4.pre2 2010-04-16 Daniel Kollar * removed obsolete directories: extras/TemplateTool extras/StackTool development * moved todo_detailed.txt to doc * renamed examples/template to examples/templatefitter * updated examples/README * small updates in examples/templatefitter/README - will need more changes before the release 2010-04-15 Daniel Kollar * fixes to building with cuba support on MAC OS X 2010-04-14 Kevin Kroeninger * BCTemplateFitter: minor bug fixes. * Added examples for template fitting. 2010-04-13 Daniel Kollar * added BCTemplateFitter and BCTemplateEnsambleTest to models 2010-04-13 Daniel Kollar * renamed BCSPriorModel to BCSummaryPriorModel * added -lBATmodels to 2010-04-13 Kevin Kroeninger * TemplateTool: cleaned up some examples, TemplateModelManager is not needed anymore. 2010-04-11 Frederik Beaujean * BCHistogramFitter: - fixed numerical conversion compiler warning 2010-04-11 Kevin Kroeninger * Added TemplateTool to directory extras 2010-04-08 Daniel Kollar * large reorganization of the package * building second library - moved fast fitters here - moved BCRooInterface here * BCRooInterface now optionally built with BAT - added examples/roointerface * moved BinLikeTool and StackTool to new directory 'extras' * SummaryTool now moved to main BAT - 2 new classes BCSummaryTool and BCSPriorModel - fixed typos and memory leaks - cleanup * example03 now uses SummaryTool * increased version to 0.4.pre1 2010-03-23 Daniel Kollar * models/SummaryTool: - building ROOT CINT dictionary to allow using in root interactive session - fixed typos in legends in parameter summary plot - moved the axis tick labels to top for correlation plot to more resemble a matrix - fixed some style issues for plots * benchmarks/mcmc: - adjusted Cauchy test function to correct the performance test 2010-02-15 Kevin Kroeninger * SummaryTool: edited README file, some minor modifications 2010-02-12 Frederik Beaujean * BCMath: - included two methods needed for runs p value * benchmarks/pValue: - added a test suite, from the template for nBat, to to check the above methods 2010-02-12 Kevin Kroeninger * StackModel: minor modification to the Makefile * SummaryTool: clean-up to prepare for web-page 2010-02-11 Kevin Kroeninger * StackModel: added user-defined ranges for fractions. 2010-02-10 Frederik Beaujean * BCModel: - bug fixes in Kolmogorov p value * BCMath: - bug fix in ECDF 2010-02-10 Kevin Kroeninger * Included output of fractions to ensemble test in StackModel. 2010-02-09 Daniel Kollar * BCDataPoint: - fix another warning printout - printout update 2010-02-09 Frederik Beaujean * BCDataSet: - included Get method to return the ith component of each datapoint * BCDataPoint: - small fix to warning output * BCHistogramFitter: - set the error to zero * BCModel: - new Kolmogorov p value * BCMath: - update comment 2010-02-05 Kevin Kroeninger * Updated documentation of StackModel. 2010-02-04 Frederik Beaujean * BCMath: - included function to create the ECDF from 1D data vector * BCHistogramFitter: - initialize data points with histogram lower edges 2010-02-04 Kevin Kroeninger * Cleaned up StackModel. * Added subdirectories to StackModel. * Added flag for unphysical parameter ranges to StackModel. * StackModel ready for release. 2010-02-03 Frederik Beaujean * BCGraphFitter::CDF: - fixed declaration * BCHistogramFitter: - added methods to compute histogram of expected counts from model - added Kolmogorov test 2010-02-02 Kevin Kroeninger * Added Gerda example to StackTool. 2010-02-01 Kevin Kroeninger * Small bug fix in SummaryTool. * Small bug fix in StackTool. * Added constrained sums to StackTool. 2010-01-30 Kevin Kroeninger * Added ensemble test tool to StackTool. 2010-01-29 Kevin Kroeninger * Added efficiencies for templates in StackTool. 2010-01-26 Kevin Kroeninger * Added prior for templates and an example to StackTool. 2010-01-25 Kevin Kroeninger * Minor fixes in BinLikeTool. * Minor fix in SummaryTool.