This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.

Changelog for version 0.3.2

2010-01-21 Daniel Kollar 
	* fixed use of CXXFLAGS with ./configure
	* re-up final version 0.3.2

2010-01-20 Daniel Kollar 
	* final version 0.3.2

2010-01-19 Daniel Kollar 
	* version 0.3.2 release candidate 4 (.rc4)
	* updated CREDITS
	* added a line about MAC OS X to INSTALL
	* mentioned tutorials in examples/README

2010-01-19 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCHistogramFitter::CDF:
	  - random allocation for non-integer bin contents

2010-01-18 Daniel Kollar 
	* fixed debug compilation mode

2010-01-18 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCHistogramFitter::CDF:
	  - included warning for non-integer bin contents
	* BCModel::GetChi2Johnson
	  - fix bug for CDF=1 at the limit of probability

2010-01-18 Daniel Kollar 
	* version 0.3.2 release candidate 3 (.rc3)
	* fixed two more issues in the configuration/compilation
	* small updates to silence some compilers

2010-01-15 Frederik Beaujean 
	* introduction.tex:
	  - fixed numerous typos
	  - included information on the new p value methods

2010-01-15 Daniel Kollar 
	* version 0.3.2 release candidate 2 (.rc2)
	* updated releasenotes.txt
	* use rootcint defined by ROOT_PATH macro rather than what's in path

2010-01-14 Frederik Beaujean 
	* manual.tex:
	  - fixed numerous typos
	  - included information on the new p value methods
	  - changed version to 0.3
	  - simulated annealing mentioned but not explained
	  - MAC suppport mentioned
	* BCHistogramFitter::CalculatePValueLeastSquares
	  - bugfix in weights for zero count

2010-01-14 Daniel Kollar 
	* version 0.3.2 release candidate 1 (.rc1)
	* added configure option to enable compilation in debug mode
	* if compiled on Darwin (Mac OS X) create symbolic link
	  from .dylib to .so when running make install
	* update INSTALL, README and releasenotes.txt
	* changes due to CVS->SVN migration
	* copy models/README to models/README.full and remove
	  not-yet-released models from models/README for the release

2009-12-16 Daniel Kollar 
	* removed empty directories
	* BCModelOutput:
	  - don't call default constructor from another constructor,
	    create Init() method to do what is needed
	  - un-const fFileName
	  - protect write methods and give an error if file not opened
	* BCParameter:
	  - don't call defaoult constructor from another constructor

2009-12-15 Daniel Kollar 
	* src/
	  - all ROOT variables are determined by configure
	  - add CXXFLAGS to source compilation
	  - fix description for specification of ROOTSYS
	  - add more info on ./configure

2009-12-15 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCMath:
	  - removed exponential RN generator method
	* BCModel:
	  - fixed bug that causes seg fault
	* BCGraphFitter:
	  - added CDF method 

2009-12-09 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/BinStackTool: added path for printing histograms. 
	* models/BinStackTool: set ranges for summary plot properly.

2009-12-08 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/StackTool: Added difference plot to stack plot.

2009-12-02 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/SummaryTool: minor modifications to style. 
	* models/SummaryTool: added Latex table for parameter estimates. 

2009-12-02 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/SummaryTool: added plots which show the knowledge update from prior to posterior (in 2-D).
	* models/SummaryTool: added PriorModel class.
	* models/StackTool: added fraction plots, minor modifications.

2009-12-01 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/SummaryTool: added plots which show the knowledge update from prior to posterior (in 1-D).

2009-11-30 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCModel:
	  - changed prototype for CDF
	  - fixed bug about #quantiles in GetChi2Johnson	  
	* BCHistogramFitter::CDF:
	  - changed prototype 
	  - fixed bug with parameter setting in integral
	* readme.devel:
	  - removed CVS comments
	  - added compilation hint for older autoconfigure version
	  - added hint for debugging compilation of BAT

2009-11-26 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/SummaryTool: added more information on the summary plots.

2009-11-25 Kevin Kroeninger 
	* models/BinLikeTool: added tool for fitting a single function to a set of histograms. 
	* models/SummaryTool: added tool for printing summary information of a model. 

2009-11-20 Frederik Beaujean 
	* BCModel:
	  - added methods for goodness of fit test from Johnson(2004) paper based on chi2 statistic
	  - function prototype for the cumulative distribution function of a single observation
	* BCMath:
	  - helper method to sample N random numbers according to a chi2 distribution
	* BCHistogramFitter:
	  - added two methods to calculate the p value, one from a  chi2 and one from the likelihood
	    (cf. PDG ch.32)
	  - implemented Poisson CDF

2009-11-17 Frederik Beaujean 
	* StackTool:
	  - added that folder which missed the migration from CVS to SVN