This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely. Check out our new incarnation, BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia. In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the BAT.jl documentation.
Measuring a decay rate - tutorial for BAT
Physics motivation
When developing a new detector in particle or nuclear physics it is important to measure a detector's efficiency. In practice this is often accomplished in two steps. First the background of the environment is measured. Then a radiation source of known strength is placed near the detector. Finally the counts with and without source are compared to verify that the detector operates properly.
In the following we assume that two measurements have been made, both of duration T = 100s. N1 = 100 is the number of background only counts, and N2 = 110 is the number of counts including the source. N1 and N2 are supposed to arise from a Poisson process. The goal is to extract the background rate RB and the signal rate RS.
An expanded introduction including the necessary formulae for this tutorial is found /Introduction_Bologna.pdf">here.
This tutorial introduces the basics of BAT. It shows how to
- create a simple model
- compile and run the code
- extract best-fit parameters and associated uncertainties
- plot marginalized distributions and parameter correlations
We assume the reader has downloaded and installed BAT and is familiar with the C++ programming language. The detailed reference guide documenting BAT's internals provides further assistance.
The tutorial is split into four steps:
- Step 1 - Compiling your first BAT program
- Step 2 - Fitting the background-only model
- Step 3 - Including the signal contribution
- Step 4 - The next steps
Step 1 - Getting started
Make sure the installation of BAT was successful:
Navigate to the
subdirectory of your BAT installation, e.g.~/BAT-0.4.2/tools
and run the
to create a project namedCountingExp
. A subdirectory is created. -
Have a look at the generated C++ classes and compile
the code using
A sample shell session:
The folder CountingExp
should contain the following files
Usually BAT produces a Makefile that is custom fit to your system and the compilation should work out of the box, without any errors. Please note that in case of non-standard BAT installation on your system you might have to modify your Makefile. There are some comments inside the Makefile for help. In addition, make sure your environment is set up as explained in the installation instructions for your release.
Step 2 - Fitting the background-only model
The first model we test considers only background.
- Create a data point, add it to a data set and register the data set with the model
- Define the parameter RB and add it to the model
Define the log likelihood for the Poisson process with parameter RB.
The natural logarithm of the factorial is provided by
BCMath::LogFact(int n)
. One can also use the approximation provided byBCMath::ApproxLogFact(int n)
which is much faster for large numbers. - Use a flat prior for RB
- Start to sample from the posterior using the Markov chain
- Find the mode of the posterior
- Save the results of the fit in text form and create a plot of the (marginal) posterior distribution
To execute your code, type:
$> ./runCountingExp
In file runCountingExp.cxx
#include <BAT/BCLog.h> #include <BAT/BCAux.h>#include <BAT/BCDataSet.h> #include <BAT/BCDataPoint.h>#include "CountingExp.h" int main() { // set nice style for drawing than the ROOT default BCAux::SetStyle(); // open log file // BCLog::OpenLog("log.txt"); BCLog::SetLogLevel(BCLog::detail); // create new CountingExp object CountingExp * m = new CountingExp();//create background measurement data point (T,R_B)=(100, 100) BCDataPoint * backgroundMeasurement = new BCDataPoint(2); backgroundMeasurement->SetValue(0, 100); backgroundMeasurement->SetValue(1, 100); // add the single single measurement to the data set BCDataSet * dataSet = new BCDataSet(); dataSet->AddDataPoint(backgroundMeasurement); // register the data set with the model m->SetDataSet(dataSet);BCLog::OutSummary("Test model created"); // perform your analysis here // run MCMC and marginalize posterior wrt. all parameters // and all combinations of two parameters m->MarginalizeAll(); // if MCMC was run before (MarginalizeAll()) it is // possible to use the mode found by MCMC as // starting point of Minuit minimization m->FindMode(m->GetBestFitParameters()); // draw all marginalized distributions into a PostScript file m->PrintAllMarginalized(""); // print results of the analysis into a text file m->PrintResults("CountingExp_results.txt"); // close log file BCLog::CloseLog(); delete backgroundMeasurement; delete dataSet; delete m; BCLog::OutSummary("Test program ran successfully"); BCLog::OutSummary("Exiting"); return 0; }
In file CountingExp.cxx
#include <BAT/BCMath.h> //... void CountingExp::DefineParameters() { // Allowed range for R_B is [0, 5] AddParameter("R_B", 0.0, 5.0); } double CountingExp::LogLikelihood(std::vector <double> parameters) { // This methods returns the logarithm of the conditional probability // p(data|parameters). This is where you have to define your model. double logprob = 0.; // get background measurement double T = GetDataPoint(0)->GetValue(0); double N1 = GetDataPoint(0)->GetValue(1); // extract value of background rate double R_B =; // calculate expected counts given background rate double n_B = R_B * T; // update likelihood logprob += -n_B + N1 * log(n_B) - BCMath::LogFact(N1); return logprob; } double CountingExp::LogAPrioriProbability(std::vector<double> parameters) { // This method returns the logarithm of the prior probability for the // parameters p(parameters). double logprob = 0.; // For flat prior it's very easy. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNParameters(); i++) logprob -= log(GetParameter(i)->GetRangeWidth()); return logprob; }
Hint: the best estimate for RB should be around 1.0 . The posterior is not normalized in this example to save computing time, the value of mode, mean... of RB are unaffected by the normalization.
| /step2.tgz">Source code | /step2/CountingExp_results.txt">Results | /step2/">Plots |
Step 3 - Include the second measurement
Now analyze what can be learned from the second measurement with the source about signal and background rate.
- Add a second data point, N2, to the data set
- Include the second parameter RS with flat prior in the model
- Update the likelihood to incorporate N2 and RS
- Plot the marginal distributions and compare the values of mean, median and mode for the individual parameters. What is the correlation between RB and RS?
- Extract the 95% limit on RS and save the plot.
In file runCountingExp.cxx
#include <TCanvas.h>#include <BAT/BCH1D.h>#include "CountingExp.h" int main() { // ... // create background + signal data point (T,N_2)=(100, 110) BCDataPoint * bsMeasurement = new BCDataPoint(2); bsMeasurement->SetValue(0, 100); bsMeasurement->SetValue(1, 110); // add the single measurement to the data set BCDataSet * dataSet = new BCDataSet(); dataSet->AddDataPoint(backgroundMeasurement); dataSet->AddDataPoint(bsMeasurement); // ... // draw all marginalized distributions into a PostScript file m->PrintAllMarginalized(""); TCanvas * mycanvas = new TCanvas("mycanvas"); m->GetMarginalized("R_S")->Draw(0, -95); mycanvas->Print("Limit.eps"); delete mycanvas; //.. delete backgroundMeasurement; delete bsMeasurement; delete dataSet; delete m; }
In file CountingExp.cxx
void CountingExp::DefineParameters() { // allowed ranges [0, 5] for R_B and R_S AddParameter("R_B", 0.0, 5.0); // index 0 AddParameter("R_S", 0, 5.0); // index 1 } double CountingExp::LogLikelihood(std::vector<double> parameters) { // This methods returns the logarithm of the conditional probability // p(data|parameters). This is where you have to define your model. double logprob = 0.; // get background measurement double T1 = GetDataPoint(0)->GetValue(0); double N1 = GetDataPoint(0)->GetValue(1); // get background + signal measurement double T2 = GetDataPoint(1)->GetValue(0); double N2 = GetDataPoint(1)->GetValue(1); // extract value of background rate double R_B =; // extract value of background + signal rate double R_S =; // calculate expected counts given background rate double n_B = R_B * T1; // calculate expected counts for second measurement double n = (R_B + R_S) * T2; // update likelihood for both measurements logprob += -n_B + N1 * log(n_B) - BCMath::LogFact(N1); logprob += -n + N2 * log(n) - BCMath::LogFact(N2); return logprob; }
The global mode should be around RB = 1, RS = 0.1. Make sure the variance of the posterior of RB is smaller than in step 2. The additional measurement has constrained the value of RB to a smaller region.
| /step3.tgz">Source code | /step3/CountingExp_results.txt">Results | /step3/">Plots |
Step 4 - Further steps
The basic steps should be clear by now. We want to learn about more detailed features of BAT.
A frequent task is to create plots. But what how to customize the plots? BAT resorts
to the plotting engine provided by ROOT. As a simple
example we create a plot that combines the posterior distributions P(RB|N1)
and P(RB|N1,N2) from step 2 and 3.
Another issue is speed:
during the Markov chain sampling, the BCModel methods LogLikelihood
and LogAPrioriProbability
called in each iteration. Accordingly, even a small speedup in these methods may lead to a huge speedup
of the overall execution time.
- Redo step 2 and 3. Save P(RB|N1) and P(RB|N1,N2) as a ROOT TH1D histogram. Limit RB to the range [0,2] and use more bins (500 instead of the default 100) to store the marginalized distribution.
- Normalize and plot the two histograms.
- Measure the time it takes to run the program.
- Modify
to do nothing else than returning zero. This amounts to setting the prior to 1. Compare execution time. -
Multiplying the likelihood by a constant just affects the normalization, but not
the values of mode, mean...
Thus remove all terms that are added to
and which are independent of RB, RS. You should observe that running the program takes only about a quarter of the time compared to 3. - Redo step 2, but now use the Reference prior (=Jeffrey's prior here) for RB which reads P(RB)∝1/√RB. Does the posterior P(RB|N1) change significantly?
A typical shell session might give:
$#step 3. $ time ./runCountingExp real 0m15.042s user 0m14.865s sys 0m0.068s $#step 4. $ time ./runCountingExp real 0m14.263s user 0m14.213s sys 0m0.048s $#step 5. $ time ./runCountingExp real 0m2.458s user 0m2.388s sys 0m0.052s
In file CountingExp.cxx
void CountingExp::DefineParameters() { // allowed ranges [0, 2] for R_B and R_S AddParameter("R_B", 0., 2); AddParameter("R_S", 0., 2); } double CountingExp::LogLikelihood(std::vector<double> parameters) { // This methods returns the logarithm of the conditional probability // p(data|parameters). This is where you have to define your model. double logprob = 0.; // get background measurement double T1 = GetDataPoint(0)->GetValue(0); double N1 = GetDataPoint(0)->GetValue(1); // get background + signal measurement double T2=0; double N2=0; if (GetNDataPoints() > 1) { T2 = GetDataPoint(1)->GetValue(0); N2 = GetDataPoint(1)->GetValue(1); } // extract value of background rate double R_B =; // extract value of background + signal rate double R_S =; // calculate expected counts given background rate double n_B = R_B * T1; // calculate expected counts for second measurement double n=0; if (GetNDataPoints() > 1) n = (R_B + R_S) * T2; // update likelihood for both measurements // additive constants irrelevant for finding the mode, etc. // but may slow down evaluation // slow // logprob += -n_B + N1 * log(n_B) - BCMath::LogFact(N1); // if (GetNDataPoints() > 1) // logprob += -n + N2 * log(n) - BCMath::LogFact(N2); // fast logprob += -n_B + N1 * log(n_B); if (GetNDataPoints() > 1) logprob += -n + N2 * log(n); return logprob; } double CountingExp::LogAPrioriProbability(std::vector<double> parameters) { // This method returns the logarithm of the prior probability for the // parameters p(parameters). // Constant prior is a constant prior. The actual value only required // for normalization, but not for mode finding. // slow // double logprob = 0.; // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNParameters(); i++) // logprob -= log(GetParameter(i)->GetRangeWidth()); // return logprob; // fast return 0.; }
In file runCountingExp.cxx
#include <TCanvas.h> #include <TH1D.h> #include <TLegend.h> #include "CountingExp.h" int main() { //... // add the single measurement to the data set BCDataSet * dataSet = new BCDataSet(); dataSet->AddDataPoint(backgroundMeasurement); // dataSet->AddDataPoint(bsMeasurement); // register the data set with the model m->SetDataSet(dataSet); BCLog::OutSummary("Test model created"); // perform your analysis here m->SetNbins("R_B", 500); m->SetNbins("R_S", 500); // run MCMC and marginalize posterior wrt. all parameters // and all combinations of two parameters m->MarginalizeAll(); // if MCMC was run before (MarginalizeAll()) it is // possible to use the mode found by MCMC as // starting point of Minuit minimization m->FindMode(m->GetBestFitParameters()); // get marginal distribution P(R_B | N1 ) TH1D * marginalHist1 = m->GetMarginalized("R_B")->GetHistogram(); // create a copy of the histogram marginalHist1 = (TH1D*) marginalHist1->Clone("mHist1"); // now fit again with N1 and N2 dataSet->AddDataPoint(bsMeasurement); m->MarginalizeAll(); m->FindMode(m->GetBestFitParameters()); // get marginal distribution P(R_B|{N1,N2}) TH1D * marginalHist2 = m->GetMarginalized("R_B")->GetHistogram(); // create a canvas to hold the comparison plot TCanvas * mycanvas = new TCanvas("mycanvas"); // draw second histogram in red marginalHist2->SetLineColor(2); // superimpose both distributions, normalize for easier comparison marginalHist2->DrawNormalized(); marginalHist1->DrawNormalized("SAME"); // add a legend to the plot TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.85, 0.85); legend->AddEntry(marginalHist1, "N1", "l"); legend->AddEntry(marginalHist2, "N1 and N2", "l"); legend->Draw(); // save a copy of the plot mycanvas->Print("R_B_update.eps"); // print results of the analysis into a text file m->PrintResults("CountingExp_results.txt"); // close log file BCLog::CloseLog(); // clean up the heap delete backgroundMeasurement; delete bsMeasurement; delete dataSet; delete m; delete mycanvas; delete marginalHist1; delete legend; BCLog::OutSummary("Test program ran successfully"); BCLog::OutSummary("Exiting"); return 0; }
Frederik Beaujean Last modified: Tue Feb 22 12:19:12 CET 2011