This C++ version of BAT is still being maintained, but addition of new features is unlikely.
Check out our new incarnation,
BAT.jl, the Bayesian analysis toolkit in Julia.
In addition to Metropolis-Hastings sampling, BAT.jl supports
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) with automatic differentiation, automatic
prior-based parameter space transformations, and much more. See the
BAT.jl documentation.
Results of performance testing for BAT version 0.9
Test "1d_gaus_iter"
![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_0.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_1.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_2.png) |
Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. |
![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_3.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_4.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_5.png) |
Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. |
![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_6.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_7.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_8.png) |
Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. |
![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_9.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_10.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_11.png) |
Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. |
![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_12.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_13.png) | ![](./perfSuite/0.9/1d_gaus_iter_14.png) |
Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. | Subtest values as a function of the variation parameter. Red: target values, blue: test values and uncertainties. |